
Complex sentences with different types of communication are examples. Russian language

In this article we will consider what are complex sentences with different types of connection, examples of which will be presented and analyzed. But to be clear, we'll start from afar.

What is called a complex sentence

In the syntax, a sentence is words that are united by a common meaning and are associated with the use of grammar laws, which have a common theme, the purpose of the utterance and intonation. With the help of suggestions, people communicate, share their thoughts, and present any material. Thought can be expressed briefly, but can be deployed. Accordingly, the proposals can be laconic or common.

In every sentence there is his "heart" - the grammatical basis, i.e. subject and predicate. This is the subject of speech and its main characteristic (what does it do, what is it, what is it?). If the grammatical basis in the sentence is one, this is a simple sentence, if there are two or more, then a complex one.

Complex sentences (SP) can include two parts, three, four and even more. Relations in meaning between them, as well as their means of communication with each other can be different. There are complex allied proposals and unionless. To learn about their diversity, we read the next section.

What are the JVs

We have already begun to talk about the fact that the joint venture can be allied or non-union. Everything is very simple. If parts of the joint venture are connected by an alliance (or a union word) and intonation, then the connection between them is called the union one, and if only by intonation, then, respectively, is an alliance.

In turn, allied proposals are divided into coherent and subordinate - depending on whether their parts are in an "equal" position or one depends on the other.

Spring will come soon . This is a simple sentence. When the spring comes, the world will again play with bright colors. This proposal is complicated, while its parts are connected intonationally and the " when" union. We can ask the question from the main predicative part to the subordinate (the world will play bright colors when ? - when the spring comes ), then this sentence is complex. Spring will soon come and nature will blossom . In this sentence, too, are two parts, but they are united by intonation and a creative union and . It is impossible to form a question between parts, but it is easy to divide this sentence into two simple ones. This sentence is compound. Soon spring will come, flowers will blossom, birds will fly, it will become warm. In the composition of this joint venture there are four simple parts, but all of them are united only by intonation, there are no unions on the borders of parts. Hence, this is an all- union complex proposal (BSP). In order to compose complex sentences with different types of communication, it would be necessary to combine both a union and an alliance link in one sentence.

How many simple sentences can be difficult?

For a sentence to be considered complex, at least two simple, two predicative parts must be included in it. Complex sentences with different types of communication (examples will be seen below) contain at least three parts, and sometimes there are about ten. But in this case, the proposal can be hard to perceive. Such proposals combine an alliance and an alliance, a coherent and subordinate connection in any combination.

He was surprised; Some strange feeling was full of head and chest; The water ran with frightening speed, rushing uncontrollably between the stones, and fell so violently from the height that it seemed that this mountain would not withstand this pressure, on the slopes of which the mountain flowers were dazzling ...

Here's a wonderful example. Here are parts of complex sentences with different types of communication. In this sentence there are 5 predicative parts, between which all possible types of communication are represented. What are their characteristics? Let's remember in more detail.

Union song communication

Complex allied sentences are compound (SSP) or compound (SPP).

The communication link (CC) connects "equitable" simple sentences. This means that one can not form a question from one predicative part of a complex sentence to another, there is no dependence between them. Parts of the BSC can easily be made independent proposals, and the meaning of the phrase from this will not be affected and will not change.

For communication of parts of such sentences, we use conjugate unions , and, but, or , etc. The sea was restless, and the waves crashed against the rocks with frenzied strength .

Allied subordination

With the subordinate connection (PS), as one can see from its title, one part of the sentence "subordinates" itself to another, bears the main meaning, is the main one, while the second (additive) only complements, specifies in something, it can be asked a question From the main part. For subordinate communication, such unions and allied words are used as what, who, when, which, because, if , etc.

But it's sad to think that our youth was given in vain, that they cheated on it all the time, that she deceived us ... (A. Pushkin). In this sentence, one main part and three subordinate clauses, dependent on it and responding to the same questions: " But it's sad to think (about what?) That it's useless ... "

If you try to separate the CSE into separate simple ones, in most cases it will be seen that the main part retains its meaning and can exist without subordinate clauses, while the subordinate clauses become incomplete in terms of semantic content and full-fledged proposals are not.

Union communication

Another type of joint venture is an alliance. A complex proposal with different types of communication most often combines a link without alliances with one of the allied types or with both species at once.

Parts of the BSP are connected only intonationally. But this type of joint venture is considered the most difficult in terms of punctuation. If there is only one comma in the union sentences between their parts, then in this case one must choose one of four punctuation marks: comma, semicolon, dash or colon. In this article we will not go into the details of this difficult rule, since our task today is complex sentences with different types of communication, exercises in their grammatically correct compilation and punctuation design.

The horses started off, the bell rang, the tent flew (AS Pushkin). In this sentence, three parts are connected by intonation and separated by commas.

So, we gave a short description of each of the possible types of communication between the parts of the joint venture, and now we return to the main topic of the article.

Algorithm for parsing JV with different types of connection

How correctly to arrange signs in the joint venture with a lot of parts and different types of communication? The most important thing is to determine how many parts there are in it and where exactly their boundaries are going. To do this, you need to find grammatical bases. How many of them are so many predicative parts. Next, we select all the secondary terms related to each of the bases, and so it becomes clear where one part ends and another begins. After that, you need to determine what types of communication between parts (look at the existence of unions or their absence, try to ask a question or try to make each of the parts a separate proposal).

And finally, it is only right to place punctuation marks, because without them on the letter it is very difficult to perceive complex sentences with different types of communication (the exercises of textbooks are precisely aimed at developing this skill).

How not to make a mistake in the choice of punctuation marks?

Punctuation of a complex sentence with different types of communication

After the predicative parts are highlighted and the types of communication are established, everything becomes very clear. Punctuation marks are arranged in accordance with the rule relating to the specific type of connection.

The writing (SS) and subordinate communication (PS) require a comma before the union. Other punctuation marks are very rare in this case (when composing a connection, a semicolon is possible, if one of the parts is complicated and contains commas inside, it is possible to set the dash if the parts are sharply contrasted or one of them contains an unexpected result).

With an associationless connection, as already mentioned above, one of the four punctuation marks can stand, depending on what kind of semantic relations between parts of the sentence.

Drawing up schemes of complex sentences with different types of communication

This step can be performed before the placement of punctuation marks, and can be done later to verify their correctness. Schemes are used in punctuation to graphically explain the choice of a punctuation mark.

The scheme helps to write complex sentences with different types of communication without punctuation errors. Examples of the arrangement of punctuation marks and the drawing up of a scheme will be given right now.

[The day was beautiful, sunny, wonderfully calm]; [A soft shadow appeared on the left], and [it became difficult to understand] (where it ends, a shadow) and (where emerald foliage of trees begins) .

In this sentence, between the first and the second part, an associationless relationship is easy to trace, between the second and the third - the writing, and the third part is the main one with respect to the next two subordinate parts and is connected with them by a subordinate link. The scheme of this joint venture is as follows: [__ =, =, =]; [= __], and [=], (where = __) and (where = __). Schemes of complex sentences with different types of communication can be horizontal and vertical. We gave an example of a horizontal scheme.

Let's sum up the results

So, we found out what complex sentences are with different types of communication (examples of them are very common in works of fiction and business communication). These are proposals containing more than two simple ones, and their parts are connected by different types of syntactic connection. JV with different types of communication can include SPP, BSC and BSP in various combinations. In order not to make mistakes in punctuation, one must indicate simple sentences within the complex and define the types of syntactic connection.

Be literate!

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