Education, Colleges and Universities
Competence approach in education
Such a concept, as a competence approach in education, appeared at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The reason for this was the emergence of a large number of discussions on the subject of problems and ways of modernizing education in Russia.
Competent approach in vocational education assumes the mastery of students knowledge and skills in one common complex, and not separately, as was previously accepted. Because of this, the system of methods for teaching was completely different. The basis for their selection and creation is a structure that includes competences in education and their functioning. It happens that educational institutions can not correctly form the bar of students' competence, which is required for effective search for solutions to problems in all areas of activity and in certain situations, in the current conditions of rapid change in the society in which new areas for activity are constantly formed, as well as new ones Of the situation. The purpose of education is to form the core competencies.
Competent approach in education in the modern world is very popular in secondary education systems, and at the completion of higher education, and with the passage of an increase in the qualification level.
The attractiveness of this approach to learning lies in the fact that it has a great practical and philosophical orientation. With its use, the ultimate goal of learning is that a person is able to learn the forms of correct behavior, in addition, he received a set of knowledge, skills and characteristics of his personality that would help him in future to successfully implement the planned activities.
In other words, students must have at the time of the graduation from the institute an array of knowledge and skills, as well as skills in the specialty studied.
It turns out that competences are not ordinary knowledge and skills, but mastering of such forms of behavior and personal characteristics that are required for conducting a successful activity. Much attention is paid to personal traits, beliefs, emotions, self-esteem, and the ability to establish contacts with surrounding people.
Thus, the competence approach in education and training is considered complex. Students are taught only the knowledge that they need to develop the required competencies. Psychological training is also conducted with the formation of the necessary facilities, indispensable qualities for personal growth develop, skills and clear algorithms for future successful work are developed.
By its nature, the competence approach in education is very purposeful. There is a training of a person who can perfectly perform certain activities, and not become an ordinary general worker. Corporate training most often uses this approach, since none of the employers will not want to hire an employee who knows many different theories, but who does not know how to translate it into reality. And if you take into account the fact that raising the level of skills and training of personnel in organizations is carried out with clearly identified goals of further business development, then education should become structured. For this reason, a large number of companies believe that competency models are the cornerstone of personnel management and staff training.
A competent approach can help to significantly improve the functioning of secondary vocational education systems. Young professionals who study in it, feel more confident in the job market, it is easier for them to adapt to new jobs.
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