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Civil society: concept, signs, structure. Functions of civil society

Civil society, the concept, the features, the structure of which will be described in detail in the article, is considered the main support of any real democracy. It acts as a pledge of its strengthening and preservation, contributing to its formation. The main opponent of development in the state of totalitarianism is precisely civil society. What are the main features of this formation? How is its activity manifested? About this further.

General information

Civil society is called upon to protect the society from various abuses of power. It helps to limit corruption, hinders the violation of human rights. In Russia, the structure and functions of civil society are just beginning to form. This is manifested primarily by the proclamation of the freedoms and rights of the individual as the supreme value of the society, which determines the content and meaning of the activities of the authorities. Among the prerequisites, due to which the structure of civil society began to form, briefly it is possible to name the following:

  • The emergence of multi-party system.
  • Development of market relations.
  • Realization of the principle of power sharing.

The bureaucratic system hinders the broader influence of civil society on state activity.


Civil society - the concept, signs, structure of this form of organization of people - was a fairly long period of formation in the course of historical development. As a result, it has become a powerful social education. Civil society began to function not only as an exclusively state, but also a social structure. In the transition to market relations, there is a significant property stratification of education. This period is characterized by an increase in social, interethnic, including conflicts. All these factors have a negative impact on the process of formation and development of civil society. Today, the issues of ensuring the social security of people, the implementation of the principles of justice in public administration, come to the fore.

The concept and essence of civil society

Today, the definition has significantly enriched content and is considered very multi-valued. In a general sense, it provides for the highest form of organization of people. The structure of civil society includes individuals, institutions and groups. All of them are not directly dependent on the political state. Also, the structure of civil society can be briefly considered as an association in which developed cultural, legal, political, economic relations exist between the individuals forming it. These relations are not mediated by the state.


The concept and essence of civil society can be considered from two points of view. In accordance with the first, this form of organization is a complex of interpersonal relationships, as well as social institutions. In this case, the structure of civil society includes economics, culture, education, family, religion and so on. In the development of these relationships, the state does not provide for participation. Due to this complex of interactions, social groups and individuals are satisfied with their own interests and needs. The concept of civil society in philosophy presupposes an ideal model of formation formation. In accordance with this view, social education consists of sovereign free personalities. At the same time, they should have the broadest socioeconomic, political, cultural and other rights, actively participate in public administration and unhindered to satisfy a wide variety of individual needs.


They ensure the life of civil society. The basic principles include:

  • Equality of freedoms and rights of all people.
  • Economic independence of individuals.
  • Guaranteed legal protection of freedoms and human rights.
  • Freedom of the population in the formation of movements and parties.
  • Legally guaranteed ability of people to form independent associations on professional grounds and interests.
  • Provision of necessary conditions, including material ones, for the development of culture, education of the population, science, education and other things.
  • The existence of a stabilizing mechanism ensuring the preservation of relations between society and the state, as well as the security of the former.
  • Freedom of education and media activities.

What features does civil society have? What are the main features of this form of organization

An essential feature of this complex is the ability to control and resist the state. In history, there are many periods in which civil society overcame power. The essence and structure of formation can be in a different state. For example, in the East this complex is generally considered "amorphous", but the state has unlimited possibilities and power, penetrating into all spheres of life. As for Russia, here, as a rule, the state won and subordinated civil society. The essence and structure of the complex is constantly under pressure from the authorities. A striking example is the 70-year period of totalitarianism in the country. As a result of it, historical development has almost reached a dead end. In modern Russia, civil society began to be viewed from a different angle. Interest appeared to him as a political ideal. A sign of civil society is the desire to ensure freedom and rights of the individual, to resist authoritarian manifestations of power. This form of organization, among other things, can assume part of the state tasks that the latter can not fulfill. Nevertheless, there is a certain dependence of civil society on power. Its degree depends on the ability of unifying people to satisfy their needs independently, without seeking help from the state.

Other features

Among other signs of civil society, it should be noted:

  • Developed legal, cultural, political, economic relations between individuals.
  • Ability to control the state.
  • Presence of mechanisms of self-regulation and self-control.
  • Pluralistic character. It manifests itself in a multitude of parties, forms of property, and so on.
  • Absence of human enslavement. In society, interacting people are considered to be its foundation.
  • The development and diversity of the structure, which reflects the diverse interests of strata and groups, the ramification of democracy.
  • A high degree of psychological, intellectual development of people, the ability to independent activity when attracting to one or another institution of the complex.
  • Legislation.

Within the framework of civil society, the freedoms and rights of its members are most fully ensured. In the complex there is also a competition between the groups. In a healthy society, its members freely form their own opinion, developed awareness, the right to information is really realized. The life of the complex is based on the coordination principle. This society is different from the state apparatus. In it, interactions occur on the principle of subordination, strict subordination.

Elements of the complex

Civil society has a special structure. Its components - institutions and formations - provide the conditions for satisfying the needs and realizing the interests of collectives and individuals. They are able to exert the necessary pressure on the government, forcing it to serve the public. The structure - the internal arrangement - reflects the interaction and variety of components. It ensures dynamism and integrity of development. As a system-forming principle, generating strong-willed and intellectual energy in a complex, it is, in fact, a person with characteristic natural interests and needs. Their external expression is contained in the duties and rights enshrined in law. Elements of the structure are considered diverse associations and communities of people, as well as a stable relationship between them. Vertical and horizontal connections take place in the complex. The foundation of the latter are different interactions that appear in the process of ensuring public life. To them, first of all, is economic relations. They are based on the guarantee and variety of forms of ownership. This is considered a fundamental condition for personal freedom in both civil and other society. Also within the system are developed and socio-cultural relations. These include ethnic, family-related, religious and other stable links.

Social contours

The foundation of civil society can only be a diverse, ramified social structure. It reflects the diversity and richness of interests of members of groups and representatives of strata. A significant role in the formation of social contours belongs to cultural pluralism. It includes all the components of spiritual life, ensures equality with the participation of all individuals in creative activity. In the upper layer of society there are relationships that are associated with personal choices, political and cultural differences between interest groups.


The life of the complex is impossible without the presence of its members of special qualities and culture. Only then can a person be called a citizen when he has a worldview based on the unification of a sense of independence and dignity, individuality and respect for the freedoms and rights of other people with strict observance of laws. An inseparable feature is also the presence of high moral ideals.

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