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Cherry bones: harm and benefit to the body

The healing properties of cherries for man have long been known. But useful to his body are not only the fruits of the cherry tree. In folk medicine, leaflets, twigs, stems and bones are also widely used. It is the latter, with a negligent attitude, that can be dangerous to humans. How to use cherry bones, the harm and benefit of them for the body and other issues are discussed in detail in our article. Let us dwell in detail on each of them.

Cherry bones: harm to the body

Despite the benefits of cherries, it can cause irreparable harm to the body. And, first of all, this refers to the cherry bones. The danger they bring to man is related to the maintenance of amygdaline in them. It is this glycoside, which is present in the bones of many plants, that gives them a bitter taste. Under the influence of gastric juice, amigdalin decomposes into glucose and cyanide. The latter and causes the toxicity of the nucleoli of cherries.

In the bones of the cherry tree contains about 0.8% amygdalin. If you accidentally swallow a few nucleoli, this amount of substance can not harm the body. The danger for a person is the deliberate use of pits in a large volume. Especially it concerns children. Parents should be sure to ensure that they do not swallow the cherry pits.

Harm and use of nucleoli for the body can be balanced, given the fact that, in addition to prussic acid, they contain valuable substances and medicinal oil. What are their benefits for a person, consider below.

Signs of poisoning with hydrocyanic acid

Swallowing the bones of a cherry can lead to severe poisoning of an adult. A lethal dose is the use of 50 nucleoli. For a child, a dangerous dosage will be even lower.

What are the signs of poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, arising from the swallowing of the bones of the cherry, the harm to the organism of which is already known? They are as follows:

  1. The skin and mucous membranes of the human body are colored in a bright pink color, and the smell of almond bitterness is felt from the mouth.
  2. There is bitterness in the mouth with a taste of metal.
  3. Dry mouth is felt, accompanied by abundant saliva.
  4. Nausea and the urge to vomit.
  5. The pulse and breathing become more frequent.
  6. The pupils dilate, the speech becomes incoherent.

At the appearance of the first signs of poisoning (before the arrival of the doctor) you need to take a horizontal position so that the poison does not spread throughout the body, cause vomiting and rinse the stomach with plenty of water.

Cherry bones in compote and tincture

Most people are of the opinion that cyanide acid, which is dangerous for the body, is kept in cherry bones constantly, regardless of whether the berry was fresh or cooked in jam or compote. Scientists have conducted research, as a result of which they proved otherwise.

The content of hydrocyanic acid was tested in compote and in tincture, prepared on the basis of fresh berries. In the first case, a dangerous substance was not found, since cooking compote requires boiling. In the tincture, however, prussic acid is contained in a significant amount, since the most favorable conditions are created for its production.

Thus, cherry bones, harm and benefit of which are proven by physicians, are safe for the organism if they are in jam or compote. This is explained by the fact that under the influence of high temperature (over 75 degrees) amygdalin is destroyed and prussic acid is not formed.

Than useful cherry stones

Not only harm, but also great benefits bring the cores of cherries to the body. What is it?

First, from cherry stones, a healing oil is prepared, which is widely used in cosmetology. With its regular application, the skin again becomes young, elastic and moisturized.

Secondly, on the basis of cherry nucleolus special pillows-warmers are sewn which are used at treatment of many diseases of children and adults (colds, osteochondrosis, arthritis).

Thirdly, crushed cherry kernels are used in the treatment of gout. In addition, the protection and strengthening of immunity is also provided by whole and dried cherry bones. The use of the nucleoli of this plant is widely used in folk medicine. Tincture based on them is used in the treatment of many chronic diseases.

Useful oil of cherry stones

From the cherry stones prepare a healing oil, which does not contain toxic substances. It contains many vitamins and minerals that positively influence the skin condition of a person. But this is not all the useful properties of the oil, for the production of which cherry stones were used.

Benefits for the body is as follows:

  • Return to the skin of youth;
  • Protection of the skin from sunlight (prevents the absorption of ultraviolet radiation);
  • Softening, moisturizing, nourishing the skin cells ;
  • Skin color becomes lighter;
  • Protects the surface of the lips from drying out;
  • Increases the elasticity of the skin;
  • Contains natural antioxidants that resist the formation of cancer cells.

The oil of cherry stones is unique among other species, containing absolutely all the vitamins necessary for proper metabolism in the body. It can be used in its pure form or as part of other cosmetics for face and body care.

Pillow of cherry pits: benefit and harm for adults and children

Cherry kernels can be used as a filler when sewing pillows and toys for children. The resulting products have healing properties for the body.

Cherry pits, the harm and benefit of which are proven by medicine, are widely used in the manufacture of special warming pads for adults and children. To exclude possible rotting inside the bones, promoting the formation of prussic acid, the nucleoli before cooking the pillow are boiled in boiling water with the addition of vinegar and dried in the oven.

Pillow with bones can be used as a cold or warm compress. It removes heat, pain and cramps or warms the pleasant warmth. It is absolutely hypoallergenic and safe, since the filler does not cause burns.

At children a pillow-heater is used:

  • To relieve pain in colic of newborns;
  • For the preparation of a warm compress for coughing;
  • As a cold compress relieves pain with swelling and abrasions;
  • To relieve muscle pain and spasms;
  • For fast falling asleep of the child (removes fatigue, calms);
  • For the development of fine motor skills.

Adults use a pillow:

  • For cold and warm compresses in cases where it is necessary to relieve pain and spasm;
  • To stabilize the cervical and lumbar spine in a sitting position;
  • As an orthopedic pillow for sleeping.

How to use a pillow warmer

Pillow-warmer for a warm compress is prepared in the following ways:

  • A bag of kernels is heated in the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • Can be heated in a microwave - 3 minutes at a power of 600 W;
  • Put on battery for 40 minutes.

A warm pillow should be applied to the place where you want to relieve pain or spasm.

To prepare a cold compress, a pillow with bones should be placed in the freezer. In winter, a bag of cherry kernels can be carried to the balcony.

Cherry bones: use and harm in the treatment of arthritis

As you can see, this is a universal tool. In the treatment of arthritis, the pain in the knee joints will also help the bones of cherries. The use of a pillow with a natural fill is as follows: a pouch with pits should be placed for 30 minutes - 1 hour in the freezer, then attach it to a sore spot.

Cold is an excellent treatment for inflammation and swelling of the joints. It speeds up blood circulation and has a good analgesic effect. The time of cold exposure to the joint should not exceed 10 minutes.

Cherry bones in the treatment of gout

Gout is a joint disease caused by the deposition of salts. Suffer from her absolutely all joints: from fingers of fingers to toes. Cyanic acid, which can be dangerous in large doses, with gout helps relieve pain in the joints. How to achieve this?

To treat gout, bones of cherries must be grinded first, then grind well, wrap in gauze and attach to a sore spot. After several procedures, the pain will disappear.

Folk recipes with cherry pits

In inflammatory processes that arise as a result of exacerbation of chronic diseases, a decoction of pits and pulp of cherry is used. After a regular intake of this remedy, painful symptoms will disappear, and the body's condition will improve. Cherry bones, the benefit and harm of which depend on the correct temperature treatment, can not be dangerous in the composition of such a decoction. You can store it in the refrigerator, but not more than 1 month after cooking.

To strengthen immunity, it is sufficient to do a daily foot massage with the help of cherry stones. To do this, they need to be scattered on a towel, previously spread out on the floor, and walk on them for 10 minutes. This "path of health" will be useful for adults and children, who often suffer from cold diseases.

Do not be alarmed if a child or an adult swallowed a few cherries. For amygdalin to become hydrocyanic acid, some time has to pass. Usually it is enough that the bone itself left the body without having a harmful effect on it. Cyanic acid begins to stand out after 4-5 hours after ingestion of the cherry nucleus.

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