Health, Preparations
Cheap analog "Bifidumbacterin" for children
The wide spread of intestinal dysbiosis and their role as a triggering factor in many infectious and somatic diseases cause the increasingly frequent use and use of probiotic drugs.
Probiotics are pharmaceutical preparations, special products and biologically active additives containing living biomass of physiological microflora.
"Bifidumbacterin" is a complex probiotic agent containing the necessary amount of free-lyophilized live microorganisms, the purpose of which is to normalize the microflora of the affected intestine.
Composition "Bifidumbacterin"
- Bifidobacterium bifidum
- Lactose
Indications for use
1. Dysbacteriosis of the intestine:
- Drug etiology (after long-term use of drugs from the group of antibiotics, hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as drug chemotherapy);
- Accompanying diseases of internal organs: gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs and genitourinary system;
- At allergological nosologies (urticaria, diathesis and atopic dermatitis in children and adults).
2. Acute intestinal infections:
- Rotavirus;
- Staphylococcal enterocolitis;
- Infections caused by staphylococci;
- Shigellosis;
- Unidentified etiology.
3. Chronic constipation.
4. IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) with impaired absorption processes.
5. Vaginosis and colpitis bacterial origin.
6. Before the forthcoming surgical intervention on the digestive organs, to improve the intestinal biocenosis, as well as in gynecological practice before surgical interventions and at delivery in pregnant women with a high risk group.
Absolute contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. With caution and dynamic supervision should be prescribed to patients with lactase deficiency.
Forms of the preparation
"Bifidumbacterin", as well as its analogs, can be provided in various forms of release: in tablets, powders for the preparation of suspensions and solutions, as well as in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories.
Methods of application
"Bifidumbacterin," its analogs can be used orally, vaginally or rectally.
special instructions
- To dissolve "Bifidumbacterin" with its oral intake use warm boiled water. It will be enough to take 50 ml. Strictly forbidden to use hot liquids, because at a temperature above 40 ° C The medicinal properties of the drug are lost.
- Drink the medication immediately after mixing with water, without waiting for its complete dissolution. Keep "Bifidumbacterin", analogues including, in a diluted form is prohibited.
- It is preferable to take "Bifidumbacterin" while eating, but you can also take it at another convenient time.
- When treating newborns, "Bifidumbacterin" is given during feeding, while it is bred directly in a teaspoon of breast milk or a mixture for feeding.
Schemes of appointment
"Bifidumbacterin" may be prescribed with a curative or prophylactic purpose.
And what does the instruction about the treatment with the drug "Bifidumbacterin" instruction (analogues take on the same principle)? It is used, depending on the severity of the disease, the severity of the symptoms and the age of the patient, according to the following schemes:
- Newborns and infants up to six months are assigned one packet (equal to 5 doses) on the first day to three times a day at various receptions, with a subsequent increase in its multiplicity up to five times a day;
- From 6 months to 3 years - 1 packet inside 3 to 4 times a day;
- From 3 years to 7 years - 1 packet 3-5 times a day;
- Children older than 7 years and adults can take up to 10 doses in a single dose (2 sachets) up to four times within 24 hours.
Treatment on average lasts 25-30 days, with acute intestinal infections - about a week.
With the preventive purpose, the course of taking Bifidumbacterin lasts 2-3 weeks, and it is recommended to repeat it several times a year (every three months):
- Newborns - 1 packet (5 doses) per day;
- Children after six months - 1 packet up to twice a day;
- After 3 years of age, one or two bags up to three times a day.
Local application of the drug "Bifidumbacterin"
Analogues cheap are preferable for external use, in particular, in the complex treatment of mastitis, for breast treatment. To do this, the contents of one sachet are dissolved in 15 ml of warm boiled water (room temperature). Then make a tampon of sterile cotton wool and abundantly wet it in the resulting solution. It is necessary to treat the breasts before each feeding, for half an hour, leaving a tampon on the chest. The course of treatment - at least five days.
Possible use of "Bifidumbacterin" through microclysters (with prolonged bowel disease, accompanied by its dysbiosis). To do this, you need to dissolve the contents of two or three bags in boiled water, enough to take only 30 ml. Water should be comfortable (room) temperature. First, make a cleansing enema, and after half an hour after it, using a puff-syringe of a suitable volume, inject the solution into the rectum. The course of enemation on average lasts 7-10 days without interruptions.
Possible side effects
What does the instructions for use about the harmlessness of the probiotic "Bifidumbacterin" say about? Analogues and the drug itself in the described regimens and recommended doses do not have undesirable effects on the patient's body.
The use of bifidumbacterin and its analogues during pregnancy
It is allowed to use women during pregnancy and lactation in general therapeutic doses and schedules of administration.
Possible interactions with other drugs
There is an increase in the interaction with the joint appointment with vitamins, especially group B, but antibiotics, on the contrary, reduce the effect of bifidumbacterin and its analogues.
Bifidumbacterin for newborns
In the biocoenosis of the intestine of a newborn child, the main microorganisms are bifidobacteria, therefore for the treatment of bowel disorders in children, especially before the year, drugs containing these microorganisms are used. "Bifidumbacterin": analogues for newborns - "Bifikol", "Simbiter", "Biogaya", "Beefilong" and others. All of them contain bifidobacteria in their composition. This or that analogue of "Bifidumbacterin" for children differs by producing firms, additional ingredients of the composition and, as a result, price.
Bifidumbacterin is given to newborns not only with the appearance of general symptoms of intestinal digestion (colic, bloating, stool), but also for early treatment and prevention of possible dysbiosis, if there is a risk of colonization of the sterile intestine of the fetus by incorrect microorganisms. First of all - with cesarean section, pathological pregnancy, birth of a baby before the established term (prematurity).
Analogues of bifidumbacterin
In this table, the main analogues of Bifidumbacterin and their brief characteristics are presented.
"Apibakt" | "Apibakt" is an analogue of "Bifidumbacterin", used in pediatrics as a supplement to the basic diet (including dietary nutrition of the child), to maintain the full microflora of the baby's intestines (especially the colonization of the intestine with the necessary microflora after a course of antibacterial therapy), in Prevention of constipation |
"Acidolac" | Used to treat the intestines, with food allergies and to correct diarrhea after a course of antibiotic therapy. For different age groups there are appropriate dosage forms: for adults - "Acidolac", for children - "Acidolac junior", and for kids - "Acidolac baby" |
"Acipol" | It is prescribed for intestinal infections of various etiologies, accompanied by a symptom of diarrhea, with dysbacteriosis of the intestines of any other origin, enterocolitis, as well as in the complex treatment of dermatitis (in particular, atopic dermatitis in childhood) |
"Bactisubtil" | Probiotic used in the treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea in the complex therapy of enterocolitis, for the prevention or treatment of an already developed intestinal dysbiosis after antibiotic therapy, radiation or chemotherapy |
"Biogaya" | A drug intended to restore the intestinal biocenosis in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and with drug intestinal dysbiosis, in the complex therapy of diathesis and allergic dermatitis, "bear illness" (diarrhea in stressful conditions, or so-called adaptation diarrhea, especially in children during acclimatization or relocation to another Place of residence, when visiting children's institutions) |
"Bifiform" | Another analogue of bifidumbacterin used for changes in the intestinal microflora (for its treatment and prevention), as well as for the management and treatment of diarrhea |
"Vagilak" | It is widely used both in adult and adolescent gynecology. Replacing "Bifidumbacterin", candle analogs are effective for various diseases, one of the manifestations of which is the dysbiosis of the vagina |
"Latsium" | Recommended for antibiotic therapy, in adverse environmental conditions or diet disorders to restore the internal biotic background |
"Normolakt" | Analogue "Bifidumbacterin", used not only for intestinal dysbiosis, but due to the presence of additional components in its composition is also prescribed for chronic constipation for softening of feces, with forthcoming surgery, intoxications and other chronic gastrointestinal diseases |
"Symbiter" | Cheap analogue of "Linex", "Bifidumbacterin", is effective in the treatment of children of the very early age (even infants). Having in its composition not only bifidobacteria, but also a number of other necessary microorganisms for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, quickly and painlessly helps to eliminate the symptoms of dysbiotic disorders such as pain and bloating, normalizes the amount and nature of stool, increases appetite, promotes better weight gain, especially In children of younger age group and infants up to half a year |
"Lactovit forte" | Refers to the analogues of the drug "Bifidumbacterin forte." Analogues are also used to treat not only dysbiosis, but also other bowel diseases, with vaginosis, especially before the forthcoming birth, as well as for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, hives, eczema, diathesis |
"Ecofemin" | Thanks to two forms, Ecofim (capsules for oral administration and vaginal capsules) can be more effectively used in therapeutic practice and in the work of a gynecologist, depending on the desired effects. It is prescribed for toxic infections, poisonings, for the normalization of the microflora of the vagina, for prenatal preparation of genital ways. In the complex treatment of bowel disorders (flatulence, constipation, etc.), the drug is also effective |
"Lecran" | It is used in therapy schemes for patients with problems in the urinary system of infectious genesis, accompanied by manifestations of intestinal infestation with normal microflora |
"Lactomone" | The probiotic lactomone has proven itself in the intestinal dysbiosis in children during the newborn period, as well as those born before the established time, especially with a small body weight, and not in a natural way, but with the help of a caesarean section. Appointed from birth. It is possible to use not only for medical purposes, it also copes with the preventive task when it is prescribed for a baby to a pregnant woman, if in an anamnesis one of the parents has severe allergic diseases or their frequent complication |
"Probiz" | This drug with a pronounced probiotic effect, as evidenced by the very name of the drug. Indications for the appointment is directly dysbacteriosis of the intestine, changes in the diet and accompanying gastrointestinal disorders, bias in the diet, IBS, with long-term chronic diseases with a syndrome of exhaustion, in surgical practice, like preoperative preparation and immediately after the delivery of a woman |
"Naralak forte" | Another analogue of "Bifidumbacterin" prolonged action. The drug is prescribed for intestinal dysbiosis of any origin, with chronic diseases of the stomach, liver or gall bladder, parturient women (prevention of dysbiosis and normalization of the digestive tract) after delivery, pregnant women from a high risk group, and immediately after delivery with complications. In addition to gynecological practice, it is also used in dentistry for the treatment of stomatitis and gingivitis. It is prescribed to increase the body's resistance to colds, to children, who often and are long-term sick, especially in the autumn-winter period |
Timely and adequate correction of dysbiotic disorders ensures a reduction in the frequency of recurrence of diseases and their complications and contributes not only to faster recovery, but also to an improvement in the quality of life of patients.
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