
Chamomile for hair.

Whatever thick and strong hair nature has given you, they still need care and regular care. After all, beautiful and shiny curls - one of the criteria of female beauty and attractiveness. Means for hair care, which today offer us cosmetic companies, almost do not contain natural ingredients, and include in their composition a variety of flavors and fragrances. But healthy hair is possible only with the use of environmentally friendly plants and healthy products.

Well-known medicinal plant, chamomile has a lot of useful components, which have a beneficial effect on the face and hair. Chamomile for hair is an indispensable tool in the struggle for healthy, strong, shiny and strong hair. Cosmetic products from this plant can be prepared at home.

Most often, chamomile for hair is used as a decoction. This tool, as they say, is checked by time. Thanks to the essential oils contained in the decoction, resins, carotenoids and dyes, it allows solving several questions. Inflorescences of chamomile possess humidifying, bleaching, disinfecting and stimulating blood circulation action. Among the variety of species of this plant, the most healing are the Roman, odorous and pharmacy chamomile.

A little about useful properties.

  • Chamomile for hair has a bactericidal, soothing and healing effect. It will soothe the scalp after waving or dyeing.
  • This plant is used to restore dry and thinned hair, as well as to treat seborrhea and dandruff.
  • A broth of chamomile for hair will help to restore the split ends, will give shine to the dimmed hair and activates their growth.
  • This medicinal plant is widely used as a natural hair dye. Thanks to chamomile, blond hair grows a few tones lighter, and blond curls get shine and a golden hue.

In order to achieve the effect of staining, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice and 1-2 spoons of olive oil to the broth of chamomile. After that, the chilled and strained product must be applied to the hair (along the entire length) and dried in a natural way (without the use of a hairdryer and towel). The best way for these purposes is sun rays, which, interacting with lemon juice, will create the desired effect. In this case, you can not comb wet hair, so as not to damage their structure. This product allows you to lighten the hair for 2-3 tones.

Chamomile for hair can be used and as a preventive tool, it will not only improve the condition of the hair, fill them with vitality, but also make it smoother, shiny and obedient. To do this, after each head wash, rinse them with a decoction of chamomile.

Here are a few recipes, how to make a decoction of chamomile inflorescences.

  • We fall asleep in a container with a lid a spoon of dried chamomile, there we pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. After this, filter the broth through a fine sieve and use it for the intended purpose.
  • Two spoons of chamomile is placed in a saucepan and poured into 400 ml. Boiling water. Cook the broth on low heat for five minutes, then insist it under the lid and filter through a sieve. The infusion of chamomile for the hair is ready.
  • The next preparation is prepared in a water bath. We put in the pan 4 spoons of chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water and cook for no more than 20 minutes. After that, we cool the broth, then filter it and dilute it with warm boiled water (it should be 200ml.). This recipe is used mainly for medicinal purposes, it involves applying the product on the scalp for a minimum of half an hour.

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