HealthWomen Health

Celery during pregnancy: benefit or harm?

What makes a woman happy? Among many factors that can bring joy to the life of the beautiful half of humanity, motherhood occupies a special and perhaps the most important place. To hold a tiny creature in his arms, feel his breath, the beating of his heart, the warmth of a tiny calf, and thank God for this miracle - this is the woman's dream. It is in motherhood that the secret of female charm, charm and power lies.

Any mom wants to give her baby all the best. It's no secret that the child's health largely depends on the course of pregnancy, the state of the future mother and the conditions of her life. If the environmental conditions are not subject to our influence, and to correct them is quite problematic, then it is quite possible to affect the physical condition of the pregnant woman. Walking in the fresh air, a maximum of positive emotions and, of course, a healthy diet favorably affect the general condition of the pregnant woman.

Healthy eating is one of the most important topics discussed by future mothers. I must say that a significant part of pregnant women very often seeks help from natural products. So, in the zone of their attention often there are medicinal herbs. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, rather the opposite. However, as you know, a small amount of tar is in each barrel of honey.

The center of attention of a pregnant woman is often celery - a unique plant with many advantages. Known and highly valued on all continents, celery is incredibly popular due to the huge amount of vitamins and mineral components. It can be used as a raw material for tinctures, ointments, but the special popularity of celery has been acquired in the world of cooking. Celery gives the dishes a piquant taste, making it an invariable component of various salads and marinades.

The advantages of celery include a beneficial effect on the work of the intestine, low calorie, its ability to slow the aging of cells, resist colds, various stresses, eliminate toxins, prevent heart disease. And these are just some of the virtues of celery. Impressive, is not it? Not surprisingly, many pregnant women turn to a unique plant, wondering whether it is worth including in their diet of celery during pregnancy.

The question is logical enough, because good work of the intestines is a pledge of health, the withdrawal of toxins from the body will benefit both the mother and her baby, fighting any manifestation of the cold, cooling properties of celery in the heat, like many other properties, according to the logic of things Only to improve the state of health of the future mother. In other words, there is no doubt about the logical nature of the assumption that celery for pregnant women is a blessing.

However, doctors, answering the question, whether pregnant celery, categorically reject, it would seem, a logical assumption about the benefits of this plant. They insist that celery during pregnancy is not at all useful.

It turns out that pregnant women should bypass the celery side. A woman whose pregnancy period exceeds six months, in no case should not eat celery. Celery during pregnancy can cause increased gas formation, which is not the best way affects the baby. Essential oils in celery can harm a child. Breastfeeding women should also refuse to eat celery, so as not to cause undesirable consequences.

Based on all of the above, you can come to the logical conclusion: celery during pregnancy is not only not useful, but also harmful.

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