
Causes of pressure spikes or how to prevent the possibility of a stroke

People who constantly "jump" pressure, are more prone to such serious consequences for the body as a stroke than those who have a stably elevated blood pressure. At a young age, the male population of the planet is more likely to be at such a risk, but women should also not relax, as with age their chances of occurrence of jumps and the possibility of a stroke practically equalize. Especially close to a dangerous point, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are constantly exposed to stress, consume harmful food, alcohol and smoke. These factors most often cause sharp jumps in blood pressure.

Especially in the spring-autumn period, when a person is most sensitive to various kinds of diseases and the body is weakened, sudden changes in pressure are observed. It is now necessary to find out the causes of pressure spikes and try to eliminate them. Most people simply do not measure their pressure, believing that they are completely healthy, and thus give the disease complete freedom. But even those who sometimes feel unwell, do not treat him with due attention and take medication only "as necessary." Many elderly people with high or low blood pressure believe that this condition of the body corresponds to their respectable age and does not even try to fight it, feeling quite tolerable. And this is all - the first signs of impending stroke, and the body not without reason gives signals that its work is broken.

Sharp jumps of arterial pressure are the first herds of ischemic disease, heart attacks, strokes and development of cardiac and renal insufficiency. Blood becomes viscous, cerebral circulation, fat metabolism, vessels lose elasticity, the heart works with huge overloads. It is necessary to find out the reasons for pressure surges and do it yourself, but in a medical institution, having completed a full examination. It can be kidney and cardiovascular diseases, but in any case, a huge role is played by constant overeating, nicotine and alcohol. The best solution will be the right diet and a complete refusal to drink and smoke.

The malaise can also be expressed in a sharp decrease in pressure (hypotension), the causes of pressure spikes in this case are a violation of the digestive system, problems with the stomach and intestines. There may be severe weakness, dizziness and nausea. In principle, the phenomena of hypertension and hypotension are quite similar and pressure should always be measured to find out the exact cause of the ailment.

Sometimes sharp pressure jumps can be observed in quite healthy people. The reasons for the pressure surges in this case are general overwork, a visit to the gym and high loads, a long stay in a bath with a thermae, as well as taking certain medications. After a short rest, it usually comes back to normal.

Treatment of pressure spikes consists in strict control of their condition and constant monitoring with a tonometer. This procedure is recommended to all without exception. Stressful situations, heavy loads, weather changes and emotional outbursts require special attention to one's health. Do not forget that one of the main reasons for sudden surges is overweight. If you get rid of even a few kilograms, your high blood pressure will drop by several divisions, and the lowered will return to normal. It is strongly recommended to exclude from your diet harmful products, alcohol and alcohol. If you want, you can afford small pleasures, but only in moderation. I want coffee - no more than one cup a day. If this wine - one glass of dry good wine a week will even be useful.

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