
Cat-tilde: pattern, materials, sewing

Toys-tilde are very popular for several years now. In this style people, angels and even animals are made. Today, we suggest that you learn how to make a cat-tilde, a pattern is needed for this or not, as well as how to diversify the toy.

Features of cats-tildes

A soft toy cat-tilde differs in its nice appearance. To create such crafts use, as a rule, bright and natural fabrics. As a result, the toy is not only beautiful, but still soft and pleasant to the touch.

There are cats-tildes from a small number of details. Quite often the trunk, paws, tail and head are represented by one whole. Sometimes some parts can be sewn separately (for example, tail).

Selection of material and tools

As mentioned above, for these cute toys choose natural fabrics. Most often, cotton or linen is used. Sometimes tiger cats are made of sackcloth. But, as a rule, only a body is sewn from this material, which is then decorated with colored clothes. You can also choose a soft flannel.

As a filler, choose holofayber or sintepon. Its number depends on the size of the toy. You do not need to fill it up too tightly, but so that it retains volume.

Additional materials that can be useful for creating a cat-tilde:

  • Toys and small figures of wood or plastic;
  • Figured and conventional buttons;
  • Lace ribbons;
  • satin ribbons;
  • Beads, rhinestones, sequins;
  • Other fittings.

From the tools you need only scissors and a needle with a thread. To attach some decor, sometimes does not put a glue gun. You will also need a stick of sushi or a pencil. With the help of such a tool it is convenient to distribute the sintepon on the toy.

Cat-tilde: Pattern

Without a template it will be very difficult to make a beautiful toy. Moreover, once you make the workpiece on a cardboard or from an oilcloth, it can be used for subsequent crafts.

The design of the cat-tilde from the fabric with their own hands is quite simple. As mentioned above, the toy consists of a minimum of parts, so the template is a small number of parts.

First, decide how your tilde will look. She will stand on two or four paws, she will look like a little man or not and so on. You can even draw a sketch. Then try to understand how many details will be sewn. That is, whether the head, body, tail and paws will be one whole or not. When the idea became clear, it must be translated into paper. Draw the outline of the cat you want.

Select a different color for the parts that will be attached separately. Now divide the pattern into parts. In the example in the picture above, you see that the cat-tilde consists of the following parts: trunk, head, foot-foot, paw-handle, tail, ear. Each detail must be cut in the number of two pieces, but the ears and paws need four.

The simplest toy

If you are not yet strong at drawing patterns and sewing, then we suggest you make such a simple toy. Such a cat-tilde consists of only the following elements:

  • The back of the trunk with the head;
  • Two parts of the paws;
  • Two parts of the tail;
  • Torso;
  • Two parts of the head.

Further our master class will show how to sew a tilde:

  1. Translate the pattern on the fabric. Remember that to create a toy made of cloth you need to cut one back part (trunk and head), two halves of the front part of the head and tail, and four parts of the legs.
  2. Sew the paws, tail and halves of the head in pairs, leaving small holes so that the parts can be turned.
  3. Sew the front of the head to the body.
  4. Turn out the sewn parts and fill them with filler, gently distributing it in parts.
  5. Attach the paws to the back of the toy with pins. Top the front part and sew them together, not forgetting to leave a small hole.
  6. Turn out the toy and push inside the filler.
  7. Sew a tail.
  8. Connect the legs using a decorative object (for example, a pillow or a bouquet).
  9. Make a muzzle. To do this, use threads (embroider eyes, nose and mouth smooth) or small beads.

The handicraft is ready! Similarly, you can make a cat-angel. Only need to sew yet behind the wings, and in front - the heart.

Sleepy cat

Similarly, like the cat-tilde from the master class above, a sleepy cat is made. To create it, you need to make the fabric such details: the back of the body with the head, the front of the trunk, the two halves of the head, the two halves of the tail, the four parts of the legs.

Cut out all the "parts" and sew together the details of the tail, muzzle and tail. Then sew the "face" to the body. Connect the front and back of the body, leaving the hole.

Remove all parts and fill them with filler. Now patch holes. Sew a tail and legs to the body. Embroider the muzzle: closed eyes, mouth and nose. From a piece of another cloth, make a small pillow and sew it to the paws of the toy.

Winter seals

A very cute soft cat-tilde toy will turn out in the New Year style.

To do this, cut two identical parts, which consist of the torso, head and tail of the seal. Sew them together and pour inside the filler. The muzzle such seals can be made with a needle or thread, beads or a marker and blush. With a felt-tip pen, draw the eyes and antennae, select the cheeks with rouge or shadows, and glue the nose with a piece of tissue.

Take an old sock and gently cut the elastic. Fix it on the neck of the cat using a decorative button. Puziko can be decorated with appliqué of hearts. To do this, cut out several shapes. Each subsequent false is slightly less than the previous one. Glue with a glue gun or sew the hearts in descending order against each other.

Handicraft will not only be able to decorate the room, but also used as a New Year's toy, if you add a ribbon on top.

Kitty on the door knob

Decorate the door handle with such a nice craft.

Instructions tell you how to sew a tilde:

  1. From the pattern, make two fabric details of the face and body.
  2. Sew a part of the body and head together, leaving a small hole.
  3. Turn inside out the details and fill them with filler. The toy should be resilient, but keep a flat look.
  4. Sew your head on the body. For convenience, you can use an adhesive gun.
  5. Make a face: eyes, nose, mouth and antennae.
  6. Decorate the toy with a bow.

This article is not only original, but also useful. It will protect the walls from damage in a place where the door handle touches the coating (for example, wallpaper).

Cats in love

Tilda-toys can serve not only as a decoration, but also as a symbol of love. Example - these cats are inseparable.

In fact, there are a lot of ideas for creating such handicrafts, but their main feature is that they consist of two toys that are connected.

It is not difficult to make them. Just need to choose a pattern of a lone cat with a minimum of details and draw exactly the same second, but slightly reduced. Usually cats are inseparable as a hugging couple, so it's appropriate to have a pattern with the body at a slope.

First you need to sew one cat, and then exactly the same second. Usually choose two different shades (for example, gray and pink) to visually distinguish a boy and a girl. Also it is necessary to make two different muzzles - to the toy-girl to add cilia.

The decoration of seals should be slightly different, but be executed in one style. For example, a cat has a pink clip, and a boy has a pink tie.

Different options for decoration and execution

As stated at the very beginning, you can make one pattern and at the same time sew different toys. Very often it turns out to create a whole family of cats-tildes, using only fabric of different colors.

Different toys will help to differentiate toys. Various examples of toy-cats:

  • To create cats-girls, use lace, bows, sequins and rhinestones.
  • When creating cats-boys, use the figured buttons, butterfly and tie applications .
  • Use additional elements. For example, one and the same toy can hold in the legs various objects: a bouquet of flowers, a decorative watering can, a pillow, a typewriter and so on. Thus it will be possible to create different cats.
  • Make your crafts clothes: shorts, skirts or dresses and so on.

Do not be afraid to experiment and combine different objects and materials. Perhaps, this is how you will get a unique toy-tilde.

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