BusinessThe services

Cargo transportation in Russia

Cargo transportation in Russia is carried out mainly by 4 modes of transport :

- railway

- Automotive

- air transportation

- Pipeline

Railway transport has ceased to be a monopoly. The emergence of the First Freight Company and the Second Freight Company brought competition to the railway industry. These two companies own 400,000 wagons, approximately 40% of the market. The remaining large companies are mainly affiliated persons (logistic operators) of large producers (NLMK, Rosneft, Severstal and others). Railway transport remains at the leading position in the field of cargo transportation in Russia. When transporting more than 3,000 km is practically uncontested.

The market for road transport remains highly competitive. The state weakly regulates this direction, dealing mainly with infrastructure. Hundreds of billions of rubles are spent, but you can not feel the joy of driving on the highway not everywhere. The presence of tens of thousands of small players brings both benefits and hinders development.


- high competition is low rates

-the wide geography of trucking


- low level of marginal profit carries a low level of quality of services

-strong dependence on prices for diesel fuel

The air transportation market shows stable growth, integration with the world community dictates its rules and high speed of delivery justifies the same high price. Over the past year, more than 70 companies lost their licenses for domestic regional air transport, this market share is sometimes not for anyone to occupy. The threshold of entry into this business is very high, and the payback takes 10-15 years.

Cargo transportation is also growing by sea. New ports are being built, old ones are being modernized, and a developed logistics infrastructure is emerging. Basically, this happens in two directions: the export of minerals (processed products) and the growth of imports of products in containers. The transit potential of containers from China to Europe through Russia is very high, but in practice it does not develop. But the river transport is not deservedly forgotten and its development is not a priority for the state. And in vain! After all, this is the most economically justified variant of cargo delivery, and the most environmentally friendly. When transporting oversized cargo across the territory of the Russian Federation, there are often no alternatives to river transport.

In my opinion, the conclusion can be summed up: the growth and quality development of the freight transportation market is uneven, therefore, all market participants need to make maximum efforts to reduce this imbalance.

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