Education, History
Biography of Sawa Mamontov and information about his family
Savva Mamontov is a well-known Russian entrepreneur and patron of the 19th century. Biography Sawa Mamontov is very interesting and rich. Contemporaries knew him as a fine singer, a talented sculptor and artist. It was his estate that at one time became the center of artistic life.
Short biography of Savva Mamontov
Savva Ivanovich Mamontov was born in a merchant's family on October 15, 1841. His father was engaged in railway construction. The family lived richly, and receptions and balls were often arranged in their house. After completing his studies at the Faculty of Law, the son continued his father's work and made a fortune on it. The name of Savva Mamontov is associated with the construction of the largest railroads. However, the wide fame and memory of the descendants (the biography of Savva Mamontov is known to more than one generation), he acquired through his unselfish service to art. "Moscow Medici", "Savva the Magnificent" - that's how grateful contemporaries spoke of him, it was under such nicknames that he entered the history of Russian culture.
The Mammoth family had four sons. Their education was handled by a specially tutor. He taught the children European manners and foreign languages. The biography of Sawa Mamontov might have been quite different, but everything changed after the death of his mother in 1852. The father and the children had to move to a more modest estate than they had previously occupied. The father of the family was hard at the death of his wife. It was at this time that he decided to abandon the home education and send the children to the Moscow gymnasium, and two years later he transferred them to Petersburg and identified the Institute of Civil Engineers. However, Savva could not study here and returned to Moscow, to his native grammar school. One of the reasons for the return was scarlet fever, which he fell ill with. Learning was not easy for him. In the educational institutions of that time there were strict rules: pupils lagging behind in academic subjects had to sit at the last desks. But Savva Mamontov, a biography whose personal life has been discussed for more than a century, was already a favorite of those around him, and at the request of his classmates he was always put on the first desk. This unique ability to unite people around him, he carried through all his life. However, the recognition of classmates could not affect the performance of Sawa, and after the failure of the final exams, he was forced to leave the gymnasium.
Adaptation to art
My father arranged for his son to go to St. Petersburg University. During the entrance exams Savva Mamontov had to go on deception - for the exam in Latin instead of him went another young man. Savva was enrolled in the University of Petersburg, and soon transferred to the Faculty of Law in Moscow. However, even at the University Savva Ivanovich Mamontov, whose biography paints us a highly educated person, was not too interested in studying and spent all his free time studying in a drama circle, led by the famous playwright Alexander Ostrovsky. In 1862, he played the role of Kudryash in the play "Storm". It was his debut, by the way, quite successful.
Mamontov is an entrepreneur
During these years, Ivan Fedorovich Mamontov just founded and began to develop a new trading partnership, which specialized in the sale of silk. His father decided to involve his younger son Savva in the family business and sent him to study business in the branch office of his firm in Baku. Starting to work as a simple employee, Savva Mamontov proved to be an excellent businessman. After a trip to Persia, he returned an experienced businessman. Biography Mamontov Savva Ivanovich says that his life from this moment is abruptly changing. From the junket and laziness, he turns into an excellent entrepreneur.
The family of Savva Ivanovich Mamontov
Biography Savva Mamontov, his family are interested in many people of this generation. In 1864, the youngest son went to Italy to heal and study the situation in local markets. Here he meets his future wife - Elizaveta Grigorievna Sapozhnikova. The 17-year-old girl was not very special. But Savva Mamontova attracted in it is not this. She was fond of art, she sang beautifully, read a lot and played music. A year later a lavish wedding was held, after which the young people settled in Moscow. It was at this time that the Mamontovs withdrew from the trade business and engaged in railroad construction. Working in the family business, Savva Mamontov, whose brief biography is set forth in the article, never ceased to serve art and invested in him enormous resources.
After the death of his father in 1869, the management of the family business was completely transferred to the younger son. A young family decides to buy their own house. The Abramtsevo estate, which the Mamontov family has been the owner since 1870, consistently gathered eminent Russian artists, writers and musicians. Thanks to the assistance of Sawa Ivanovich, the opera began to develop at that time. Such names as Chaliapin, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov began to sound and became famous. The patron paid much attention to the decorations, which the famous artists wrote. Sam Mamontov Savva Ivanovich, whose brief biography, of course, can not disclose all of his talents, along with historians and art historians painstakingly chose all the scenery, stage details and costumes.
All his life Savva Ivanovich dedicated to the support of a wide variety of creative activities. He organized evenings, exhibitions, made new acquaintances, encouraged and promoted talented people. To this his "hobby" Mamontov spent huge sums, despite the displeasure of some members of his family. He had a special gift to see and recognize in a man a talent for this or that kind of art. In the house of the Mammoths, young artists constantly lived and worked, and the owners tried to create the most favorable conditions for their creativity. The estate Abramtsevo, where the Mamontovs lived, was constantly rebuilt and repaired in order to accommodate as many people as possible. After another visit to Italy, Savva Ivanovich, along with his wife, invited to his estate young artists, graduates of the Petersburg Academy of Arts, who finished their studies abroad. Thanks to Savva Mamontov, the world became known to such names as VD Polenov, EI Repin, VM Vasnetsov and others.
In early 1885, Savva Ivanovich opened the Moscow Private Opera, which marked the beginning of a great transformation of the scene. It was here that the talent of FI Shalyapin, now famous throughout the world, was revealed. It was here that famous composers and major artists performed.
Support for Elizaveta Grigoryevna's wife
The wife of Savva Ivanovich supported her husband in everything. It was she who opened the school for the children of the peasants, and a little later the carpentry workshop. Graduates of this workshop received as a reward a set of tools that allowed them to continue to engage in work.
In the house of Mamontovs there was a beautiful library. Elizaveta Grigoryevna always assisted in the selection of the necessary historical information and documents, if one of the artists undertook to write a canvas on the historical theme. Often during the work of artists, she read to them classical literature, developing a sense of beauty in young talents.
Unfortunately, not always in the fate of Sawa Mamontov everything was smooth and serene. In the beginning of 1900 there was a large trial connected with illegal waste of money. The entrepreneur comes up with the idea of uniting large industrial and transport enterprises. The implementation of this grand design required a large amount of money. Savva Ivanovich sells shares of the Northern road belonging to him. At the same time, he gets a loan, pledging bills and bills that belonged to his family. Having put all his fortune on the map, the entrepreneur expected to multiply it, but everything went wrong. Savva Ivanovich Mamontov was arrested. He had to spend several months in the prison cell. Fortunately, the case ended in an acquittal. During the court hearings, many witnesses spoke. None of them said a single bad word to the defendant. After the court read out the verdict, the whole audience applauded. Despite the favorable outcome of the case, the debts had to be returned. All family status was launched at the auction.
Life after trial
Since the end of the long trial and the pronouncement of the verdict, the life of Sawa Mamontov has changed dramatically. He began to lead a closed life and rarely appeared in society. However, loyal and faithful friends did not forget their patron. Such famous people as VA Serov, VM Vasnetsov, VI Surikov, FI Shalyapin often visited him.
Savva Mamontov: biography, children
Savva Ivanovich very successfully combined service to culture and art with entrepreneurial activity. Both took a lot of energy, but for him it was the business of all life. As the entrepreneur himself admitted, he would never give up art or business. In his entrepreneurial activities, by the way, he saw not only money profit, but also service to people, service for the benefit of people.
Biography Sawa Mamontov would be incomplete, if you do not mention the children, heirs of the great patron and industrialist. The family had five children. It is noteworthy that Savva called all his offspring so that his first name formed from the first letters of their names. Sergei, Andrei, Vsevolod, Vera, Alexandra - SAVVA. One of the sons, Sergei, to some extent continued his father's business. His name did not become as famous, but he was both a playwright and a poet, quite famous in his circles.
Life after death
The years of the revolution were difficult for all of Russia at that time. Steep changes in the country found Savva Mamontov seriously ill. In early March 1918, he caught pneumonia. March 24, the great businessman and patron did not become. Subsequent decades after his death, power in the country belonged to the Bolsheviks, and the name of Savva Mamontov was spit and forgotten. But such people do not leave without a trace. And now, almost a hundred years after his death, we remember the immeasurable contribution of Savva Ivanovich Mamontov to the development of Russian culture. To date, in honor of the famous patron and patron of art monuments in Sergiev Posad and Yaroslavl. Not far from Moscow, on the Yaroslavl direction, his name is called the platform.
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