
The drug "Anti-Front": instructions for use, indications, composition, testimonials. Meteosensitive people

The human body constantly interacts with the environment. When changing weather factors, many people experience a number of certain symptoms. This phenomenon is called meteorological dependence. To prevent and treat meteozavisimosti should take the drug "Antifront". Instructions for use indicate that this herbal medicine, which can significantly reduce the body's response to weather changes.

Description of the preparation

Most of the population suffers from such a disease as meteorological dependence. Some people begin to feel drowsy, others - a headache. If these symptoms are repeated regularly, you should definitely contact a specialist who will prescribe adequate therapy after determining the causes that led to this condition. To treat meteosensitivity can be with the help of preparations on a plant basis.

The Hungarian pharmaceutical company Beresh Pharma produces the Antifront remedy. Instructions for use refer to it as a group of drugs that affect the nervous system. The drug has a complex effect and has practically no side effects due to the presence in the composition of exclusively plant components. Despite the natural origin, only after the appointment of a doctor should proceed to receive the drug "Antifront". The price of the drug in pharmacies is 580-630 rubles.


Specialists of the pharmaceutical company especially carefully selected the components for the creation of a medicine that allows to eliminate the symptoms of meteosensitivity and at the same time not to have a negative effect on the body.

"Antifront" contains the following substances:

  • Extract of tea leaves Mate (Paraguayan);
  • Extract of rhizome of ginger;
  • Extract of licorice root;
  • Leaf extract of melissa;
  • Extract of rhizome of turmeric.

Microcrystalline cellulose, calcium hydrogenphosphate, colloidal hydrophilic silica, iron oxide, gelatin and magnesium stearate are used as auxiliary components.

Mechanism of action

The medicine "Antifront" has a comprehensive impact on the human body. Vegetative components of the drug have long been used to eliminate poor health. So, tea Mate quickly copes with fatigue due to the maintenance of almost all the necessary substances in the composition to maintain and restore vitality. The component regulates the production of adrenaline, relieves nervous tension.

Ginger improves the blood supply to the brain, has an antiemetic effect. Favorable influence on cardiac activity and sedative effect is possessed by foliage leaves. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties have a licorice root. The component positively affects the immune system, improves metabolic processes in the body.

It blocks a migraine attack, eliminates pain in the joints and improves the concentration of attention the active ingredient contained in turmeric - the curcumin alkaloid.

Form of issue

Producer offers to purchase a product in the form of oral drops and capsules. In liquid form, the drug is an alcoholic infusion of plant components, which has a specific flavor. The color of the solution is yellow-brown (slightly cloudy). The volume of the bottle with liquid contents is 30 ml.

Capsules have an olive green color and are filled with a powdery substance of a yellowish brown color with dark impregnations. Packaged capsules in small plastic jars of 30 pieces each.

Indication for appointment

To accept the "Anti-Front" application instruction recommends both for treatment and prevention of symptoms of hypersensitivity to changes in weather conditions. Similar signs can appear at any age. The drug will help cope with a headache, located in the occipital, temporal or frontal part. This is one of the most common symptoms of meteorology.

In addition, "Anti-Front" (drops and tablets) should be used for drowsiness, increased fatigue, irritability, weakness, reduced concentration of attention. Phytopreparation is excellent for kinetosis - motion sickness. Characteristic for this condition are signs of nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, arising when traveling in any form of transport.

Causes of the appearance of meteosensitivity

Somatic pathologies are manifested mainly in people after 50 years. However, meteorology is increasingly found among young people. Internal factors contributing to the development of the disease include the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic pathology of the respiratory system, bad habits.

Magnetic storms, strong wind, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation are external factors causing various symptoms of meteorological dependence. Depending on the severity of the picture of the pathological condition and the patient's age, an appropriate method of treatment is selected. Accurate weather forecast and timely medication will help prevent a number of unpleasant symptoms.

How to take the "Anti-Front"?

Instructions for use advise you to drink 1 capsule. Twice a day and drink them with plenty of water. The drug in a liquid form take 10-15 drops, previously diluting them in half a glass of water. The manufacturer also allows you to take drops with a piece of sugar. The maximum daily dose of the drug in the solution is 60-95 drops.

"Antifront" should be taken until the symptoms disappear. The drug can be administered to children over 12 years of age with kinetosis.

Contraindications, side effects

The drug has a minimum of contraindications to use. According to the annotation, "Anti-Front" is not assigned with individual hypersensitivity to plant components in the composition. Do not take the drug in cases where the patient is treated for alcohol dependence.

Meteosensitive people suffering from pathologies of the central nervous system and epilepsy can not undergo therapy with this medication. Contraindications also include the period of pregnancy and lactation, age up to 12 years.

Adverse events in the form of urticaria, redness of the skin and itching appear with increased sensitivity to the components. The drug should not be taken at the same time as other medicines, which contain a licorice root. Otherwise, it can lead to the development of hypertension, hypokalemia, heart rhythm disturbance.


According to the patients' feedback, "Anti-Front" effectively copes with the problem of meteosensitivity. The duration of treatment should be at least 4 weeks. If during this time there is no improvement in the condition, you should contact a specialist again.

In addition to drug therapy, with meteorological dependence, it is necessary to abandon bad habits and tackle the underlying diseases that caused the pathological phenomenon. A huge benefit will bring regular walks, morning exercises, the use of freshly squeezed juices. Knowing the exact weather forecast in advance, you can certainly avoid the symptoms of meteorological dependence by taking the necessary medicine.

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