
Life and exploits of Alexander Nevsky. 3 heroic deed of Alexander Nevsky

The Novgorod prince, the son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, defeated any enemy on the battlefield, but could, with special organizational and diplomatic abilities, yield to a more powerful enemy in order to save his people from vain victims.

There were moments in Russian history when there was not enough military power for dashing victories. And the wise rulers and commanders, feeling this, did not rush headlong at the enemy - they endured, saved the forces of the people to defeat the enemy for sure, while retaining most of their troops.

Life and exploits of Alexander Nevsky

The great Novgorod prince belongs to the number of people who not only influenced the destinies of our people and the Fatherland, but also largely changed them, and also predetermined the further course of history, for centuries ahead.

Prince Alexander was born in 1220 (some sources indicate 1221) in Pereyaslavl Zalessky. His father is the Prince of Pereyaslav Yaroslav. Mother - Theodosius, the youngest daughter of Prince Mstislav.

From a young age, Alexander was involved in political events, which at that time unfolded around the reign of Novgorod the Great. This city is associated most of the life of the great commander, thinker, philosopher.

The Novgorodian Reign

In early January 1231, Alexander became a formal Novgorod prince on a par with his brother. In fact, all power was in the hands of his father. In 1233 Brother Fyodor died. In 1236, Prince Yaroslav occupied the Kiev throne freed by then. Since that moment the 16-year-old Alexander has become a full-fledged ruler of Novgorod.

Often you can hear the question: "What heroic deeds did Alexander Nevsky?" Today we will tell you about this. But first I would like to note that the beginning of his reign in Novgorod was at a terrible time - the Tatar invasion.

Before Novgorod, hordes of Baty did not come, but at that time the largest Russian cities were destroyed, the most daring princes were killed.

In addition, a huge danger for Novgorod was represented by German knights, advancing from the west. And Alexander was troubled by Sweden, which at the beginning of the XIII century began to encroach on the territory of Russia.

Battle on the Neva

It is necessary to describe Alexander Nevsky's feats of arms precisely from this battle, because this was the first serious test for the young prince. I must say that he sustained it with honor, while showing the qualities of not only a brilliant military commander, but also a wise politician.

With a small squad, without waiting for help from his father and other princes, Alexander went on a campaign. Along the way, he united with the ladozhan and suddenly (on July 15) attacked the Swedish camp. As is known, the Russian army defeated the Swedes. With huge losses of the enemy Rusich lost 20 people. There is an opinion that the losses in Alexander's army are somewhat understated, but at the same time the significance of the battle on the Neva is obvious - despite the Mongol yoke, Russia was able to defend its borders.

An unqualified victory was very important for the twenty-year-old prince. She brought him great glory and honorable name - Nevsky.

After this event, Alexander quarreled with Novgorod and together with his family, mother and "his court" left the city. Probably, the cause of the conflict was his domineering (after the example of his father) reign. It also caused the resistance of the boyars. Alexander moved to Pereyaslavl, where he became a prince.

Without a strong ruler, Novgorod could not resist another enemy - the crusaders. Knights in alliance with the Estonians ("Chudyu") captured Izborsk, and later Pskov. A year later in their hands was the city of Tesov on the Luga River. The Novgorodians began to ask Yaroslav to send their son to the rescue. At first the Grand Duke sent a younger son, Andrei, to Novgorod, but after a repeated request the townspeople agreed to send Alexander. The exploits of Alexander Nevsky were at everyone's ears, so he had special hopes. And I must say that he fully justified them. In 1241 the Novgorodians greeted the young prince with glee.

The battle with the Germans

All the exploits of Alexander Nevsky are of great importance in the development of Russian statehood. The victory over the Germans is no exception.

Prince Alexander, arriving in Novgorod, began to act decisively. In the same year he captured the Fortress of Duster, which the Germans built. Part of the opponents he captivated, part of the released home, and traitors (the warriors and Estonians) hung.

A year later Alexander with the Novgorodians and his brother Andrew's squad moved to Pskov. The city was liberated from the invaders quite simply. Part of the German was killed, some were sent to Novgorod as a military booty.

Developing success, the Russian squads moved to Estonia, but in the first encounter, Alexander's advance detachment was defeated. Russian soldiers retreated.

April 5, 1242 there was a battle on Lake Peipsi, which in history was called the Battle of the Ice. The Estonians and the Germans, who were moving by the "pig" (wedge), broke through the advance detachment of the Russians, but were soon surrounded and destroyed.

The last feat of Alexander Nevsky

In 1245 the Lithuanian army led by Mindovg moved to Torzhok and Bezhetsk. When people who are interested in the life of the great commander ask: "What is Alexander Nevsky's last feat?", The researchers say that this is undoubtedly the defeat of the Lithuanians.

Having liberated Toropets, Prince Alexander killed ten Lithuanian princes. After that, he dismissed the Novgorodians at home and the forces of his team overtook and completely defeated the Lithuanian army at Lake Zhiztsa. Returning to Novgorod, the prince's squad defeated one more detachment of Lithuanians.

Alexander's comrade was a formidable force. Even the mention of her led the enemies into horror. The heroic deeds of Alexander Nevsky, which he accomplished with his valiant warriors, could not but reach Batu. After the defeat of the Lithuanians, Alexander "was summoned" to the Horde.

Relations with the Tatar-Mongols

In 1947 Andrei, and after his brother Alexander Nevsky, went to Batu, to the Horde. The brothers returned only in 1249. Andrew received from the Khan a shortcut to the throne in Vladimir, and Alexander - in Kiev. Formally, the status given to Alexander was higher. But ruined by the Tatars, Kiev practically lost its importance in the life of the state. Therefore, Alexander was not satisfied with this decision. Without calling to Kiev, he went to Novgorod.

The policy of Alexander Nevsky for many years determined the relationship between Rus and the Horde, the West and the East. Later, the Moscow princes, the great-grandsons and grandchildren of Alexander Nevsky, continued the policy of pacifying the Horde. It was they who finally managed to revive the might of Russia and, finally, to throw off the hateful yoke.

Diplomat Prince Alexander

Enumerating the exploits of Alexander Nevsky, one can not limit oneself to his military achievements. He was a successful diplomat, able to conclude very important for the state contracts. In 1251, he succeeded in signing an agreement between Norway and Novgorod to differentiate border disputes and tribute fees in a vast territory that was inhabited by the Saami and Karelians. In 1260, a trade agreement was concluded with Lubeck, Gotland and German cities. It proved to be very durable. Referred to him even in 1420.

The last days of Alexander

Returning in 1263 from his fourth trip to the Horde, Alexander fell ill. In Gorodets, which is located on the Volga, feeling that his days are numbered, the prince took monastic tonsure, and on November 14 he died.

We told you about the life of a great man whose contribution to the history of the Russian State can not be overestimated. The exploits of Alexander Nevsky, his life, victories on the battlefield and merits in the diplomatic field deserve admiration and respect.

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