Beauty, Skin care
Best anti-cellulite body massager: overview, types and applications
Modern research has proved that the so-called orange peel on the hips is not a disease, but a perfectly normal skin structure. But, despite this, women continue to actively fight for the ideal body, using a variety of methods. But creams are not able to penetrate deep layers of the skin, they act only on the surface and help very few people. And diets are not effective at all - many fragile girls from nature also face the problem of cellulite. Therefore, it becomes clear that the best means of struggle is a special massage.
Not everyone has the financial opportunity to turn to a true professional who is able to literally sculpt an ideal body in just a few sessions. And to carry out manual massage independently under the power of the few. The task can be facilitated by an anti-cellulite massager for the body. The main thing is not to get lost in their huge variety.
Manual mechanical massagers
Such massagers can be found in any pharmacy. They are usually made of plastic or wood. There are a variety of forms: drops, antennae, balls. Here you can include massagers in the form of rollers and tapes, which you can quickly walk through a large area of the skin, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the procedure.
The main advantage of such devices is their low price and ubiquitous availability. They allow you to strongly affect the skin, glide well, and many of them can be used without special oil. But the massager for the body anti-cellulite (hand) is not without flaws: in order to work out problem zones well, you need to spend a lot of physical effort. No effect can be out of the question, if you drive them on the skin without pressure. But with the proper efforts, the hand massager will not only be a reliable assistant in the fight against cellulite, but also a wand-rod with pain in the back, legs and other parts of the body.
Massage wooden brushes
Wooden brushes are designed for use in the bathroom or sauna. They can be either combined or separate. In the first case, on one side will be a stiff natural bristle, and on the other hand - wooden fingers, fixed on a rubber cushion. For greater efficiency, they can be used in a complex, but individually they have quite a strong effect.
The bristly part perfectly exfoliates and warms the surface of the skin, improves blood circulation. It allows you to gently handle sensitive areas: the inner thighs, the lower abdomen. Force is not allowed on these zones, but it is necessary to pay attention to them. And the bristles are good at this task.
Wooden fingers act as a very effective anti-cellulite body massager. The reviews of many women confirm the fact that you can get rid of the orange peel using only this tool. However, it also requires the application of physical strength to achieve maximum effect.
Silicone Banks
Probably the best anti-cellulite body massager in terms of price / ease of use is silicone jars. They are sold in all pharmacies and are really inexpensive, and the effectiveness of vacuum massage has long been confirmed by practical results.
Banks of silicone replaced glass, which is inconvenient to use because of the need to heat the air inside the vessel. Now can massage can do any person, without any special skills. The vacuum effect helps to improve the lymph flow and easily breaks the fatty lumps.
When using silicone cans you need to be very careful, as it is easy to overdo with pressure - then the skin will get too tight and a bruise will form. This can not be allowed.
Apparatus for vacuum massage
These devices are the next step after the silicone cans. They act on the same principle and are often used in beauty salons. Of course, models for home and professional use are very different both in terms of their capabilities and in price. But even an inexpensive model is easier and more pleasant to use than banks.
Vacuum anti-cellulite body massager is convenient to apply for the treatment of large areas of the skin, since it almost does not require the application of physical strength. In addition, you can adjust the suction power, which will protect the skin from bruising.
Electrical appliances with interchangeable attachments
Such devices are intended for comprehensive control of cellulite. The kit, as a rule, includes several very different attachments: with rollers, fingers, waves, abrasive coating. Many anti-cellulite body massagers (electric) are equipped with infrared lamps and vibration, which in combination with mechanical action provides maximum efficiency.
In addition to fighting cellulite, they also have other actions. Vibration accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, improves skin condition, relaxes muscles, and, consequently, relieves fatigue. The infrared ray enhances blood circulation and stimulates the outflow of lymph, promoting fat burning.
But here there are pitfalls. Many devices do not have sufficient power, and have only a superficial effect. But there are models, such as a massager for the body anti-cellulite Gezatone "Sculptor body", which have long been on the market and have proven themselves.
Belt Vibrating Massagers
Models of anti-cellulite massagers with straps are not as popular as other types of devices. Despite the fact that vibration and variously shaped nozzles are good at combating hummocky skin, it is impossible to thoroughly work out all necessary parts of the body with such a device. Therefore, its effectiveness is low. And the price, on the contrary, can be compared with the cost of professional vacuum appliances.
But such an anti-cellulite massager for the body surely like the lazy - do absolutely nothing. Just turn on and wait for the program to end.
General rules of anti-cellulite massage
In general, it is not so important how to choose an anti-cellulite body massager. The best device will be inefficient if you do not follow the basic principles of the procedure:
- Before starting, heat the surface to be treated.
- Massage should be done in the direction of the lymph current.
- After completion, soothe the skin: moisturize or make a mask.
To warm up, do not use a bath in hot water. The best option - warming anti-cellulite cream or light massage with your hands: stroking, rubbing, tingling.
To quickly achieve the desired results and avoid undesirable consequences, all actions are performed in the direction of the lymph flow. From the navel massage movements are directed downwards, and along the thighs - upwards, to the groin area. Hands work from the tips of your fingers to your shoulders. Back - in the same direction.
After the massage of all problem areas is completed, it is best to fix the result by making a special wrap. It will moisturize and nourish the skin, help the early healing of small lesions.
Procedural recommendations
The effect of massage is regulated in such a way as to avoid the formation of bruises or bruising. On the skin, there should be no traces, other than temporary redness. Otherwise, the massage will not bring benefit, but only harm.
Using any anti-cellulite massager for the body, one or two procedures to achieve a visible effect is indispensable. As a rule, the first results appear 4-5 times already. But at least 10 procedures must be done. Depending on the strength of the impact, they can be repeated every day or every other day.
At all pluses of an anti-cellulite massage in no event it is impossible to forget about contraindications. Among them:
- Diseases of the skin.
- Inflammatory and purulent processes.
- Neoplasms of various genesis.
- Vascular network or varicose veins.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
- Tuberculosis.
In the presence of any of these conditions from the conduct of the massage must be abandoned. Smooth skin of the abdomen and buttocks is not worth the damage from possible side effects.
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