BeautySkin care

Shugaring of the upper lip: reviews. Sugar paste. Shugaring of antennae

Beauty requires sacrifice, and most often these victims are invisible. For example, the hairline on a female body is considered an extremely undesirable phenomenon, and to get rid of it, it will take time and money. Today it can be done painlessly and quickly, and even choose the most appropriate method. Epilation of the extremities is performed more often, but sometimes the hairs are disturbed also on the face. In such cases, it is considered topical to ligate the upper lip. Feedback on the procedure as a whole is very positive. Is it worth it to try?

"Mustache" problem

Being a modern woman is the same work, and, round-the-clock and free. A beautiful sex must always be fully armed, impressive with beauty, well-groomed and sexy. Aerobatics, when all the invested efforts are not visible to others. Only here is the snag: in this case, women's beauty is perceived as a self-evident phenomenon. Men begin to feel that the ladies do not sweat, do not get tired and, of course, do not have hair in the wrong places. But this is not so.

In addition to the hair on the limbs and in the bikini zone, there are still problems with the antennae above the upper lip. For macho, such a trend will not become something supernatural, but a girl with a mustache does not appear in a decent society. The thing is that a hormonal failure can occur in the human body, as a result of which male hormones will prevail over the female hormones. The reason for this is pregnancy, taking certain medications or banal stress.

Sometimes the cosmetologist will find a way out of the situation, which will find the cause of the problem and prescribe the treatment. But in most cases you have to remove the mustache. Than to take advantage? With a razor? Too aggressive on the skin. It is recommended to try shugaring antennae.

What is shugaring?

When people are looking for ways to get rid of hair on the body, they are surprised by the variety of services offered in this area. In particular, what is shugaring antennae? The answer lies in the title. This is a sugar epilation, which allows you to overcome the vegetation on any part of the epidermis. Such a procedure was actively used even in the Ancient East, when women independently achieved smoothness of the skin by means of syrup from sugar paste.

The technique of performing the procedure is not so complicated, provided that you have sugar at home, a couple of hours of free time and a separate room. Shugaring over the upper lip is good because it passes gently and painlessly. Agree, this is important when it comes to the face. It is better to begin preparation for a day, preliminary having done a skin peeling. For a couple of weeks before the procedure will have to bite the teeth and give up hair removal, since the hair should grow no less than 2 mm in length. By the way, for wax epilating this indicator is not less than 5 mm.

Classic Edition

How to properly do shugaring over the upper lip? First, as in all cosmetic procedures, the skin is cleaned and degreased with a special lotion. Further, in order not to scratch the work area and ensure direct contact of the hairs with sugar, talc is applied to the epilated area.

Classical sugar shugaring is carried out by an elastic ball, which needs to be warmed up and distributed against the growth of hair. Next sugar paste should grab with the hair, for which it needs to be pressed lightly. Even the thinnest hair is grasped. Then you can roll the paste back into the ball, but with a "filling" in the form of removed hair. After the procedure, a cooling gel is applied to the skin.

How is sugar paste made?

What does this magic sugar ball consist of? First of all, from sugar! The standard dose will take about 10 spoonfuls of sugar, 4 tablespoons of water, lemon juice or half a teaspoon of citric acid. If you do shugaring the upper lip at home, then you can combine the ingredients immediately in a saucepan that is heated on low heat. It is necessary to stir the mixture constantly, so that the sugar does not caramelize and does not burn.

After boiling, you should wait for the moment when the mass will get an appetizing shade of caramel, and turn off the fire. Everything will take about 5 minutes. It is important not to digest the mixture, otherwise the paste will not work. Cool it to room temperature and check for suitability. To do this, tear off a piece and mash in your hands. The paste should resemble plasticine, which rolls into a ball and does not stick to your hands.

Remember that sugar paste should be applied against the growth of hair, and removed - in the course of growth. This method prevents the hair from breaking off when removed. So the skin is not injured, and therefore there will be no inflammation and irritation. New hairs begin to appear 3-4 weeks after the procedure.

Pros of the procedure

Why does the approval of customers, namely, the shugaring of the upper lip? Reviews agree that this is the most painless and simple way to remove excess hairs. In many ways, sugar epilation is similar to another method - waxing (otherwise, wax-based epilation). In comparison with this technique, the advantages and disadvantages of the slugging are visually manifested.

Firstly, the shugaring paste has a water base, which is more pleasant and softer for the skin. Secondly, in the sugar paste there are components that lighten the hairs. Thirdly, paste can, if desired, make homes from components that are always at hand.

Thus, it is possible to single out the simplicity and convenience of the procedure, the low cost and the possibility of using at home. By the results of the procedure, it can be noted that the possibility of ingrown hair is excluded .

Among the shortcomings

By the minuses, in the first place, one can classify the nuances of the conduct. So, each zone needs to be treated with a new slice of pasta. Here everything is logical, because the removed hairs remain in the paste and during processing the sugar ball turns into hairy. After the procedure for 12 hours you can not visit the solarium, swimming pool or gym. When bathing, you need to use a massage mitten to peel the skin.

The procedure has contraindications concerning people suffering from diabetes mellitus. In the risk zone, allergic people react to honey, citrus fruits and sugar. It is better not to perform shugaring for people with varicose veins, open wounds and fungal formations on treatment sites, as well as patients with epilepsy. The disadvantage is the temporary nature of the procedure. The hairs are growing again, and for girls with thin and sensitive skin this action becomes a real test.

Preparation for the procedure

So, what is the most interesting for potential clients of a cosmetologist, when on the agenda is the shugaring of the upper lip? Reviews, how much is enough and how to conduct a cheaper procedure?

Shugaring gives a temporary effect. After about three weeks, the hairs begin to grow again. True, they can become lighter due to the components in the paste. This is a bonus, as short blond hairs above the upper lip will be invisible. To carry out the procedure in a more economical way is possible at home. By the way, the result may well be worthy, if you prepare for the procedure and will not be "hacked" in the process of cooking the sugar paste. Feedback from experienced customers will help prepare the person for a shugaring.

So, the delicate skin of the face easily lends itself to unfavorable influences from the outside. But the face is constantly on the mind and the effects of depilation should ideally be avoided. How can you prepare for the slouching? Many people advise treating the face with a scrub every evening to remove the layers of dead cells and thereby open the pores leading to the hair. If you perform such cleansing for a week before the procedure, the sugar paste can penetrate to the very roots of the hair, and the skin will have a smaller part of the rods. This is an excellent prevention of ingrown hairs and irritations.

For a couple of days before the procedure, do a slight superficial peeling to clear the pores. One week before the "X-moment", stop plucking the hair from the upper lip. It will be difficult, if the hair grows quickly, and you constantly communicate with people, so the first time it is better to schedule the procedure for the holiday period.

Which pastes are better?

Those who first do shugaring upper lip, reviews of other girls will be a good help, because it is always more pleasant to learn from other people's mistakes. Based on various tips, you can determine the technology of the procedure, selected by the paste and the composition for the shugaring. These pastes differ in a number of parameters - density, viscosity and composition. The only thing that unites them is the sugar base. Obviously, the technique of removing the antennae can vary in detail.

At home, shugaring the upper lip, reviews of which are positive, do with dense mixtures. They are made from water and sugar, although you can also use the factory paste. Before applying, the paste must be kneaded in order to avoid a burn on the face. At the preparation stage, the skin should be moistened with cream and dried. You can walk on the area to be treated with an ice cube or apply a compress from a decoction of chamomile. Both methods facilitate the removal of hairs. Pasta should be slightly warmed, knead to the shape of a flat cake and cover a small area above the upper lip. Then the cake breaks sharply along the growth of the hairs.

For salon

If you go to the salon, the procedure will seem a little different, with a less dense consistency of the paste, which will be performed shugaring the upper lip. The consequences will be even "prettier" than using the procedure at home. According to the consistency, the paste resembles honey, is applied with a small spatula. The process can be painful, but the skin becomes silky, and the effect persists for a month or longer.

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