HealthHealthy Eating

Banana Diet - its duration and effectiveness

Before the banana diet should be well prepared for it. Preliminary, at least one day before the diet, you can not eat fried, salty and fatty foods, it is advisable not to use smoking and sweets. In order for your diet to give good results, you need to carefully choose bananas. In no case can not eat ripe bananas, because the substances contained in them are very poorly absorbed by the body during the diet. In extreme cases, put green bananas for a while in a dark place, wrapping them with food paper. You can not eat dried bananas: their caloric content is 5-6 times higher.

Banana diet has two varieties, which differ in their duration and effectiveness. With a three-day diet for one day you can eat only three bananas and at the same time drink low-fat milk no more than three glasses. This can be done during the day, divided into several receptions. If you can not drink milk, you can replace it with kefir fat content of 1%. Razomite banana to the state of gruel and mix it with kefir. This will be enough for a one-time meal. Another option is a banana diet for 7 days. This is a less productive way, but more simple. In a day you can eat 1.5 kilograms of peeled bananas. Drink while you can green tea or warm boiled water in unlimited quantities. Such a diet will help you lose about one kilogram per day in weight. If it is difficult to restrain yourself, it is allowed to eat a thin piece of boiled meat, one spoonful of low-fat cereal and drink two or three drinks of coffee. However, this is allowed only in the most extreme case. It is better, if the feeling of hunger is very acute, to eat more bananas.

Advantages of a banana diet.

The vitamins that form part of the bananas form a whole balanced complex. Banana milk diet provides the body with a large number of useful vitamins C and E, as well as a quarter of the daily norm of vitamin B6. Bananas are useful, as the main source of iron, phosphorus and calcium, which helps the good work of the heart and other important organs. Therefore, the intake of bananas is especially useful in heart diseases and arthritis. Banana diet helps to cleanse the body, first of all it helps to cleanse the intestines, so there are no problems with the stool. This all contributes to a good normalization of metabolism in the body. And if you want to keep the weight gained by dieting, you should not use the first time heavy and hard to digest food. Also, the skin condition improves, if you have had problems with it, then they can be completely eliminated. The banana diet provides a very good ratio of the intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into the body. The intake of fat decreases 5 times lower than normal and the intake of carbohydrates increases in the same amount, which implies a significant reduction in fat stores.

Disadvantages of banana diet.

Such a diet can not be used for chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines. If you do not tolerate or love bananas very much, then after a diet you can not even think about them. In any case, a banana diet should be prescribed by a doctor or a dietician. If you know that you do not have diabetes, stomach ulcers, kidney disease, liver or biliary tract, then of course you can safely embark on such a diet. However, you should not miss the opportunity to undergo an additional examination and consult a professional.

At the end of the diet, do not start eating immediately, otherwise your efforts will be wasted. To the usual diet should move smoothly, somewhere within one week. To fix the positive result you achieved, the diet should be repeated after 50 days, but if it is more often, the result will only improve. Diet in the version of three days is better to repeat after 10 days, and with a diet option, seven days should be repeated after 14 days.

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