Food and drinkRecipes

Balyk from asp - delicate delicacy

Zherekh is a freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae family, the habitat of which are large and medium freshwater rivers. From this fish prepare a variety of dishes, tk. It is tasty and cooked, and fried, and salted. However, the greatest popularity among gourmet-fishermen is enjoyed by balyk from asp. It is in the dried form of meat that the zarecha turns into a real delicacy. For a balyk, it is better to use large (not less than one kilogram) specimens caught in autumn, so that the finished product turns out to be fat and juicy.


Before making a balyk from asp, it is necessary to prepare the following ingredients: salt (necessarily neodized) of coarse grinding, vinegar, dill, garlic and a set of spices for fish. In addition, you will need a sharp knife, parchment paper and gauze.

Balyk from asp: recipe

First of all, the fish must be properly divided (spread out). With the help of a strong sharp knife, you need to make a neat cut along the back to the abdomen, moving along the ridge from the head to the bottom of the carcass. At the same time, one should try not to cut through the belly, so that fat does not flow out. Then, from one side, it is necessary to cut off the ribs from the vertebral bone and unfold the carcass into two halves. After this, carefully remove the insides, trying not to crush the gallbladder by chance. If you wish, the ridge can be removed completely. Then you need to remove the gills, rinse the carcass, blot it with a dry clean cloth or paper towel and carefully pour salt and seasonings. The future balyk from asp can be salted not only in dry salt, but also in brine (saline solution). In this case, the mixture of fish seasonings is added to the solution. To determine the optimal concentration of salt in the brine, it is necessary to lower the raw potato - if it does not sink, it means salt is just right. Prepared fish is removed to the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, after which it is washed from salt and soaked in cold water. The time of soaking will depend on the size of the carcass, for example, large specimens weighing about or more than three kilograms are kept in water for 1 hour, and smaller (1-1.5 kg) for a couple of hours. In the late autumn, when the heat is gone, the fish can be soaked longer, making it more salted, and in summer - on the contrary, the time in the water can even be shortened. Soaked asp is wrapped with gauze, well impregnated with vinegar, and suspended to drain water. The wind will help to speed up the drying process, but if you can not hang fish on the street, you can use a fan. After about a couple of hours, the carcass is removed and the dill and crushed garlic clove is inserted inside, which is an excellent preservative. Fish tightly wrapped in parchment paper and for a day cleaned in the refrigerator. At night, when the flies are absent, it is hung out to fresh air. To the aspirant vyalilsya in expanded form, we must put the spacers. In the morning, the fish are again wrapped in parchment and put into the refrigerator. This procedure is done within 2-3 days, after which the fish can be laid out in the afternoon for about an hour in the sun, so that it "lets" the fat. That's all, the tastiest balyk from asp is ready.

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