
Rehabilitation after hip arthroplasty

If for several years the joint was affected by arthritis, then it was accompanied by soreness, which provoked lameness. To eliminate this condition, endoprosthetics are used, rehabilitation after which involves getting rid of the habit of limping. For this, doctors recommend to buy normal shoes and control their movements. Thus, patients return to the usual way of life.

The majority of patients after a surgical procedure who is undergoing surgery want to know how long rehabilitation will take after hip arthroplasty. The same issue is of interest to doctors who provide control over the patients' condition. It should be noted that many factors influence the duration of the period. However, as practice shows, on average, recovery after hip replacement is continued for one to six months.

After the surgical intervention, the patient almost completely gets rid of the pain.

In many cases, rehabilitation after endoprosthetics of the hip joint is accompanied by some "stiffness" and discomfort in the thigh. Such a condition will continue until the deep tissues are fully healed. In addition, occasionally there may be a sharp pain in the performance of the first movements after a long sitting. As a rule, the sensation passes after the first ten or twenty steps. Experts explain the appearance of this condition by stretching the soft tissues around the anterior surface of the new joint. In their opinion, this is not a serious problem and must completely pass.

Rehabilitation after hip arthroplasty should be under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, the patient is given certain recommendations, under which the duration of the period can be significantly reduced.

During the first fourteen days after surgery, the patient should not bend his leg more than a few degrees. In the horizontal position on the back, the lower limbs of the patient are recommended to be separated using a special pillow. If the patient lies on his side, they should be separated by folded blankets or simple platens.

Doctors recommend avoiding positions that can be dangerous to the joint. Always remember that you need to move slowly. This also applies to patients who have undergone knee arthroplasty. Rehabilitation under these conditions will be easier. Otherwise, complications are possible. As a rule, after a period of three months, a significant improvement in the condition is felt.

To prevent the development of any complications, rehabilitation after hip arthroplasty includes a set of exercises. At the same time, all movements must be done absolutely calmly, slowly, with little effort. Sharpness in the performance of exercises is not allowed.

After a morning awakening, it is very useful to stretch your feet. To do this, you can make rotational movements, pulling the toes down and up. This exercise improves blood circulation and prevents blockage of blood vessels.

In the supine or sitting position, with the legs extended forward, it is necessary to withdraw the diseased limb to the side as far as the possibility allows. Then it should be returned to its original position and completely relaxed. Then the exercise repeats itself.

In the standing position, leaning your hands on a high stable chair or table, you should raise the knee of the sick limb to the chin. In this case, bend the hip joint should not be more than 90 °. After the leg should be lowered and relaxed. Several times the exercise is repeated. Then the movement should be made with a healthy foot.

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