
Massage by banks against cellulite

Still some forty-fifty years ago, women did not know such a problem as cellulite. To be more precise, this phenomenon was not considered a cosmetic drawback, although it was undoubtedly present on the femurs and buttocks of the ladies. Today women struggle with skin irregularities and spend a lot of time and money. After all, cellulite - not always a companion of obesity, orange peel on the hips may appear and quite well-proportioned beauties.

At the moment, a huge number of procedures have been devised to help restore smoothness to the skin. One of the most effective is vacuum massage or massage by banks.

Probably, many have heard about this method of fighting for beautiful skin, but before applying this method in practice, it is necessary to understand that this method is not suitable for everyone.

First of all, it is necessary to make sure that in the body there are no tumors and tumors of both benign and malignant nature. In no case can massage be used by the bank in the presence of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other diseases associated with the circulatory system. It is strictly forbidden to vacuum massage during exacerbations of any diseases of the cardiovascular system, with a tendency to convulsive conditions, the presence of problems with the central nervous system, as well as for dermatological diseases and skin hypersensitivity. It is necessary to exclude massage procedures during pregnancy and during the acute period of any infectious diseases.

If you do not have any contraindications to the procedure, then massage by banks can be very effective. You can hold the sessions in the medical and cosmetic institutions, but with the acquisition of the necessary skills, vacuum massage can be successfully done at home. You can buy special silicone jars in pharmacies.

Before proceeding to the procedure, you should take a shower, since massage by banks is carried out only on clean skin. But a hot bath is not recommended, the body should not be steamed.

Then on a site of a skin it is necessary to put a cream or oil that jars better slid. To make the procedure more effective, it is worth using anti-cellulite preparations for these purposes, but in their absence, you can use ordinary vegetable oil.

Now you need to squeeze a little silicone jar to create a vacuum inside and put it on the skin. After you release the jar, it will be tightly attached to the skin due to the created vacuum. Now we begin to move the jar neatly along the problem areas, moving in a straight line, zigzagging or making circular motions. Time of the procedure - fifteen to twenty minutes, the massaged skin should warm up and blush.

Attention! Massage with vacuum cans is not done in the groin, in the popliteal cavity and along the inner surface of the thigh. When carrying out a massage in the abdominal area, you need to be very careful and move the jar only in a circular motion clockwise.

The action of vacuum massage is to improve the circulation of blood and lymph, oxygenation of tissues and destruction of the subcutaneous fat layer. To conduct sessions it is necessary in a day, the average number of procedures is 20. Then you should take a break for a month, then you can repeat the course.

But is this procedure really effective? It is worth listening to the opinion of women who performed massage with banks. Reviews about this procedure, I must say, are ambiguous. As an argument for vacuum massage is its effectiveness, accessibility, the ability to conduct procedures independently. But negative moments are also present. Among them, the pain of the procedure and the formation of unattractive bruises on massaged places. However, these unpleasant manifestations, as a rule, are present only at the initial stage, in the course of further procedures bruising, as a rule, do not form. As for the pain, they are certainly present, but the pain is not as strong as in other procedures, for example, honey anti-cellulite massage is much harder to take out than a vacuum massage .

And, of course, do not consider can massage, like any other procedure, a panacea. Effectively fight cellulite is possible only if you apply an integrated approach. That is, combine massage with diet, sports loads and use of cosmetics.

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