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Diarrhea is an alarming symptom! Intestinal flu and its diagnosis

Rotavirus infection is more known to people as intestinal flu. Symptoms in children manifest as much as in adults. According to statistics, the child most often falls ill in the family, and adults become infected already in the process of leaving. How to recognize the disease?

What causes the symptoms of intestinal flu?

In adults, the source of the disease often becomes a sick person or a carrier of a virus, which has not yet showed signs of disease. The causative agent multiplies on the mucous membranes of the stomach and begins to separate within a couple of hours after infection. In addition, rotavirus can be distributed through food, hygiene items or clothing. As a result of infection, the digestive system ceases to function normally, the condition of patients worsens in a matter of hours. Do not self-medicate - after recognizing in yourself or a loved one the symptoms of rotavirus, you should seek treatment in Hospital.

How is the intestinal flu manifested?

The initial stage of the disease can be considered a normal indigestion. Rotavirus causes severe diarrhea, the feces have an unpleasant acidic odor and a yellowish tinge. Desires for defecation are very frequent and painful, sometimes they are combined with vomiting, which greatly exhausts the patient. Infection is not an ordinary poisoning at all, so do not take it lightly.

In children up to a year more susceptible to the disease the body, it manifests itself more strongly than in adults. Frequent frothy stools are accompanied by rumbling and uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen, multiple vomiting with mucus, even if there was no food, a fever, a painful dry cough, a runny nose and a flushed, irritated throat. The child can complain of chills, lack of appetite, drowsiness, headache, lethargy and weakness throughout the body, rotavirus resembles both intoxication and influenza. Sometimes even a doctor does not immediately correctly interpret the main symptom.

Intestinal flu in adults is also sometimes manifested by fever, pain with swallowing and stuffiness of the nose, general malaise, nausea and abdominal pain. Having noted such signs, immediately proceed to treatment. Diarrhea, together with a febrile condition, quickly dehydrates the body, so the disease can be quite dangerous, if you let it go. External signs of rotavirus are reddened eyes, inflammation in the throat and mucous membrane of the throat.

If you take action immediately, as soon as the first symptom was seen, the intestinal flu will pass for a couple of days, a maximum of a week. As a rule, relapse does not occur in such a disease. In adults with strong immunity, the infection passes asymptomatically or causes only mild indigestion, which does not require special treatment. Nevertheless, such a person spreads the infection, and others with a weaker body can become seriously ill.

How to cure rotavirus?

For each individual case, a separate approach is required. As a rule, first of all it is necessary to neutralize the most unpleasant symptom. Intestinal flu is associated with diarrhea, so drugs are prescribed to stop it, for example, Smecta or Nifuroxazide, and a diet is also applied. The diet should not include spicy, fried foods with a lax effect. Elevated temperature is the second serious symptom. Intestinal flu recedes after taking standard drugs, such as Paracetamol, Aspirin. If the case of severe and conventional drugs does not have the desired effect, intramuscular injections of analgin are required. Within a quarter of an hour after such treatment, the temperature is guaranteed to decrease.

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