Self improvement, Psychology
Asthenic is a type of character or physique
The greatest minds of psychology have long been proven that there is a relationship between physique and the character of a person. In this article, the asthenic is basically considered (this is the type of character) and the corresponding physique.
The term asthenic is derived from Latin Asthenia - weakness. Still such people name defensive (from lat. Defenso - to protect, or in our case, to be defensive). A person whose character refers to this type will not go over to an offensive in a difficult situation, preferring to take a defensive position. He will never enter into an open confrontation, trying to avoid conflict. Often such people underestimate themselves and are afraid to actively participate in any enterprise. Well, what can I say? Asthenic! This is caused by the fear that others will not be delighted with the result of his activities or, worse, ridicule his shortcomings and worthlessness. At this stage, a conflict arises between self-esteem and a sense of inferiority, a fear of being misunderstood and a desire to show oneself, one's capabilities.
Most often the asthenic character, which manifests itself in periods of fatigue or failure in a hysterical form, quickly "deflates", repents and begs for forgiveness. Especially often this manner of behavior is manifested in the family circle. Loud and stormy splashes of emotion are not related to the desire to express their position or "stand in a pose." They are associated with the inability to experience the shock and hardship on their own. Asthenic unbearably restrain discomfort and negative emotions, especially long ago accumulated.
So, the asthenic is a person who is more characterized by quiet irritability, unduly understated self-esteem and unwillingness to restrain discomfort and negative emotions inside himself.
Each type of figure has its inherent differences. Asthenic is a person with a special body constitution. As a rule, leanness physique adjoins high growth and angular forms. About these people say: not in the horse food. Happy people! They can eat anything and do not get fat. The metabolism of such people is fast enough, which helps them not to recover and not to limit themselves completely to food. But to build muscle mass is not easy. For this, asthenics will have to load itself with power sports.
Asthenic is not the only type of figure. There are also normostenics and hypersthenics. The first seem more dense, but not at the expense of fatty deposits, but muscle mass. In order to maintain a normal figure, such people have to restrict themselves somewhat in eating, not exhausting, however, with strict diets, but still paying much attention to nutrition. Hypersthenics, as a rule, have a "broad bone" and rounded forms. They quickly gain weight, despite the measured diet and exercise.
Asthenic, normostenic, hypersthenic! How do you determine which type a person belongs to? The most common method is to reach the wrist. In women: up to 15 cm - astenik, 15-18 cm - normostenic, more than 18 cm - hypersthenic. In men, the boundaries of the gaps are 17 and 20 cm.
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