
When the bone is wide. Hypersthenic addition

Vital observations of each of us with full confidence confirm the fact that people completely differently get fat. One is enough to eat a little sweet, and the weight will start to increase. Others do not lose the grace of their figure even after dense dinners. Why is this happening? In most cases, it depends on the physique of a person. And it, as everyone knows, is given to everyone by nature.

Classify three types of physique: asthenic, normostenic, and also hypersthenic. To determine whether a person belongs to any of these categories is quite simple. To do this, measure the circumference of the wrist, which is the working arm. In the case when this indicator is in the range from sixteen to eighteen and a half centimeters, one can speak of a normosthenic physique. The figure of a person with such parameters basically has the right proportions and proportionality of its main parts.

If the circumference of the wrist is less than sixteen centimeters, then the asthenic (thin-boned) addition is classified. In such people, the longitudinal dimensions of the body over the transverse are predominant. They tend to have a light weight, a long and beautiful neck, a little long legs and arms, and the muscles are poorly developed.

The wide bone (the photo you see below) indicates that it belongs to the hypersthenic fold.

People of this type have transverse body dimensions much larger than those of asthenics and normostenics. The circumference of a man's wrist, whose bone is wide, exceeds eighteen and a half centimeters. This type of physique is characterized by wide hips, shoulders and chest. While the bone is wide, it is also somewhat heavy. Hypersthenics more than others have a tendency to fullness.

There is also an indicator of the ratio of the growth of a person to the length of his legs. There are also certain proportions. In the case when the length of the legs of a person is less than half his height, they are considered to be short. Women should not be upset at the same time. Everything can be fixed with high heels. Those who have a wide bone, and feet two or four centimeters more than half the height, can consider their figure beautiful. For normostenics, this indicator is within four to six, and for asthenics - six to nine centimeters.

The right proportions of the body for those with a broad bone are within the following limits:

- The circumference of the chest is eight to ten centimeters more than half the height;
- The waist circumference is within seventy-seventy-six centimeters (the growth is 166-168 cm);
- The circumference of the hips with the same growth - ninety-five - one hundred and four centimeters.

For asthenic and normostenic body type, these indicators are somewhat lower.

Girls with a wide bone can have a beautiful and attractive figure. Their difference from representatives of other types of physique lies only in the width of the wrist, hips and shoulders. In this case, all women should remember that out of the crowd any of them is distinguished by a graceful gait, planted exactly head, proud posture, and also the ability to freely own one's body, and not the ideality figures of the figure.

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