Arts & Entertainment, Literature
A tale is a work of folklore or fiction
In some works - folklore and art - the narrative is conducted on behalf of the narrator, who uses an individual speech in the presentation of events that differs from the usual speech of the author himself. Such creations of folklore or author's are usually called stories. And if we try to define a fairy tale, it is, first of all, the presence of oral speech in the context of describing events by a narrator different from the author's individuality. But in the beginning, probably, it is necessary to ask for help from explanatory dictionaries.
The meaning of the word skaz
How do the sources define this word? We read that a fairy tale is a work (both author's and folklore) or the very form of narration. On intonation it is specific. But one thing is important: this form produces an oral speech, different from the author's speech. And the narrator is the narrator who reproduces this speech. In this case, the position of the narrator does not coincide with the style of the writer's presentation. This creates a certain artistic expression, a kind of effect of presence and complicity. Tale is also a special method in a specific literary work, which forms the corresponding literary genre. In Russian literature, according to the researchers, Gogol was the founder of the literary story as a genre.
In literature
In fiction, the author's tale is one of the ways to achieve the originality of the exposition. Especially bright tales are manifested in the work of Leskov. His works, such as "The Tale of the Left-hander and the flea," and many others, tell of legends and heroes born by the Russian people themselves. The story is conducted by a subjective narrator (almost always - one of the participants or witnesses of events), separate from the author's personality. Sounds live folk speech, and the narrator in the tale is a representative of a different level, social stratum than the listener. This is a merchant, a monk, and a soldier. All of them have their own peculiar speech dynamics, which makes the narrative lively and individual.
In the science of folklore
In this science, the tale is a unified generalized name for various folklore non-fabulous genres. They include legends and legends, legends. Transmitted from mouth to mouth, the tale is the embodiment of the wisdom of the Russian people, its splendor of oral speech, presented in a concrete narrative about real events that occurred long ago. By the way, this story differs greatly from the fairy tale, where the events are mostly fictional and fantastic, and heroes and objects have magical properties.
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