Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Diet pills "Reduxin". Feedback on the action

Weight loss is a process that is difficult for any person not only morally, but also physically. Rigid diets, hiking in gyms, jogging in the stadium - all this does not add optimism, especially when there are always temptations to eat something harmful. Many people do not stand up such stresses and break down. And some are looking for miracle cures that will not allow the body to feel hungry. Of them, diet pills "Reduxin". Reviews tell us about the effect of the drug on the body. What do people get as a result of their reception and what are the risks of such experiments on themselves?

Diet pills effective

"Reduxin" refers exactly to those tools that are really effective and give positive results. People lose a lot of kilograms due to the fact that the drug affects the central nervous system, and in particular - the center of saturation in the brain. The main active substance is sibutramine. It inhibits serotonin, which leads to a feeling of saturation. More precisely, a person gets much less pleasure from food.

In general, such drugs that contain sibutramine are considered quite dangerous primarily for mental health, since they can cause addiction. And so, exceptions are not the diet pills "Reduxin", the reviews about which are not so inspiring.

Side effects and the result of admission

Sibutramine refers to substances with an anorexigenic effect, due to which the feeling of saturation comes. Diet pills "Reduxin", reviews of which can be found literally everywhere, are prescribed for people who have an excess BMI (body mass index) - over 25, that is, when I-II fatigue obesity. You can buy the drug only if you have a prescription from the doctor, because there are too many side effects. When taking the doctor's instructions, people significantly skipped extra pounds, but even the most persistent and healthy patients felt negative effects on the body. The first, as evidenced by the reviews - dry mouth and eyes, as well as a feeling of heat. As a result, you have to drink more water, which can be reconciled. The heat is caused by the action of the drug, since sibutramine increases thermal production. Thus calories burned. These were harmless side effects.

Hazardous side effects

The vast majority of patients says that taking diet pills "Reduxin", the price of which is not so low, did not feel anything at the beginning of the course. But after four to six days, the number of hours of sleep decreased, after a while irritability appeared, any stimulus caused severe stress, depression or vice versa - hyperactivity. A little later, there are shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Prolonged and unregulated intake of the drug may lead to heart disease, up to myocardial infarction. Women felt the effect of the drug in the form of hormonal failure, which provoked delays in the menstrual cycle.

Diet pills "Reduxin": reviews and opinions of specialists from leading countries of the world

In order not to be unfounded when speaking about the danger of taking such a drug, it is worth mentioning that in most developed and developing countries of the world it is simply forbidden, like any other means containing sibutramine. His influence on physical and mental health is too great in comparison with the benefits. In Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, "Reduxin" can be purchased by prescription (usually appointed course for three months). It is prescribed not only to people suffering from obesity, but also to diabetics. But it's worth taking a careful look at the drug's instructions and applying it responsibly.

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