HealthDiseases and Conditions

Arthritis of the toe: causes, symptoms

Arthritis refers to a disease associated with direct inflammation of the joints. It can be caused by various bacteria and viruses, metabolic disorders, traumas, allergies, malfunction of the immune system, smoking and many other reasons. Arthritis can be rheumatic, infectious, gouty, rheumatoid.

Among people not only senior, but also middle age many by own experience know, that such an arthritis of a toe. There are monoarthritis - the lesion of a single joint, or polyarthritis - the defeat of several joints. Initially, the inflammatory process covers the synovial membrane of the joint, where there is a congestion of purulent, serous or putrefactive fluid. With the progression of the disease, inflammation spreads to the entire joint.

Most often diagnosed with gouty, rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis of the toe. Also common is a kind of osteoarthritis, accompanied by destruction of articular cartilage, severe pain, worse with walking, decreased mobility. After a strong or easy repeated mechanical damage, traumatic arthritis occurs. Infectious appearance of this disease is associated with the existing infection in the human body. Dystrophic arthritis can be caused by physical overstrain, lack of vitamins, hypothermia, violation of working conditions.

Gouty arthritis of the toe is manifested by unbearable pain, swelling, deformity of the joints. The skin at the site of inflammation blushes, there are growths and bony growths. The thumbs of the feet are more often affected, since during movement the greatest burden falls on them.

Rheumatoid arthritis of the toe is the most severe among the remaining species. It can occur at any age, and the reasons for this appearance of medicine are not known. Deformation of joints, fingers and completely stops occurs, as a result the person loses possibility independently to move and becomes the invalid.

The first symptoms of arthritis are pain (often nocturnal), swelling, hot skin around the affected joint, redness, mobility restriction and joint stiffness. In the laboratory blood test, signs of an inflammatory process will be revealed: leukocytosis, increased ESR, biochemical shifts. Changes in the joint itself will reveal an x-ray study.

All forms of the disease can have acute or chronic course. Acute arthritis appears sharply, necessarily accompanied by severe pain. Gradually forming disease sometimes makes itself felt by weak pains and more often flows into a chronic form. The person is not alarmed by these signs of arthritis, so calling a doctor, as a rule, is belated.

Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive, aimed at: eliminating the cause, alleviating pain, restoring the function of the joints. Therapy includes medication, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, spa treatment, non-traditional methods. Methods for eliminating the disease should be prescribed only by a doctor, having first ascertained the form and cause of arthritis.

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