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Aram Ilyich Khachaturyan: biography of the composer, features of creativity and interesting facts
We know this person as one of the most talented composers whose works are the musical classics of the twentieth century. His name is known to almost everyone, not even coming into contact with music, and his masterpieces are performed in concert halls. Although almost 40 years have passed since his death, his music still sounds in movies, on television and in radio programs. So, the hero of this publication is Aram Khachaturian, whose biography is a vivid example of how an ordinary boy from the suburb of Tiflis could become such a famous person.
Childhood years of the great composer
June 6, 1903 in a large Armenian family was born the fourth son, who was called Aram. This happened in the village of Kojori, now Gardabani district, the suburb of Tbilisi (Tbilisi) in Georgia. His parents were Kumash Sarkisovna (mother) and Ilya (Yeghia) Khachaturian (dad), working as a bookbinder.
From the first years of his life he praised the music of a small Aram Khachaturyan, whose biography is studied with interest by people, with awe trembling every note from his scores. In the school chapel, he played with great pleasure on the tuba, bugle and piano. Often the boy received praise. Later he recalled that having been born in the suburb of old Tiflis - a musical, amazingly sounding city - it was simply impossible not to let the magic of music enter.
But the parents believed that their children should be engaged in a serious business, so his passion was not taken seriously. To be engaged in music in that scale in which he represented itself, it was possible only in 19 years.
Impressions of a young Khachaturian
For the future composer, it was very important to find an Italian opera choir, a music school and the Russian Musical Society in Tbilisi. In this city came Sergei Rachmaninoff and Fedor Shalyapin. Very talented musicians lived here, who at one time managed to make a huge contribution to the development of the compositional schools of Georgia and Armenia.
All this enriched the early musical impressions of the young man.
Khachaturian, whose biography enjoys well-deserved attention, absorbed this multinational intonational "bouquet", which very quickly became very firmly entrenched in his auditory experience. It was this "bouquet" that allowed and, after many decades, was never confined to nationality. Music always sounded for a huge audience. Aram Khachaturian himself never showed national limitations. Biography, leading the way from a small village, now began to shine with new and new colors. The future great composer was interested in music of different nations, treating her with great respect. It was internationalism that was the main distinguishing feature in Aram Khachaturian's world outlook and creativity.
Native walls of "Gnesinka"
Now it is difficult to believe that the genius composer, who created so many rhapsodies, concerts, symphonies and other works, learned the musical notation only in 19 years. At this time of his life he and several of his countrymen came to Moscow and entered the Gnesin Musical College for a cello class. At the same time, he received the education of a biologist (at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty) at Moscow University.
In record time Aram Ilyich Khachaturyan, biography Which began to replenish with new facts, was able to catch up with everything he had missed in his musical development. He not only began his studies, but also became one of the best students. In addition, he was awarded the right to speak at some student concerts in the Great and Small Halls of the Moscow Conservatory.
How to become a composer?
The fact that he will become a composer, Aram Khachaturyan, whose biography at that time resembled an unfinished story, understood back in 1925, when a class of composition appeared in his beloved school. It was there that he received the very first writing skills. Four years later, in 1929, he became a student of the Moscow State Conservatory, where under the strict guidance of Mykola Miaskovsky, his formation was exactly as a composer.
In 1933, Sergei Prokofiev visited the Myaskovsky class. From this meeting the young Khachaturian had unforgettable impressions. He was more and more conquered by the works of the most talented composer. But the reverse interest was also present: Prokofiev liked the writings of Aram so much that he took them with him to Paris. It was there, in this city, which millions of people so eager to see, they were executed.
The first "Dance" of Khachaturian
"Dance" for violin and piano - this was the first work of Aram Ilyich, which was published. It clearly reveals some of the features and characteristics of the talented composer's work: you can hear imitations of some timbre effects that have become widespread in the instrumental music of the East; In the work multiple methods of variation, improvisation; Rhythmic ostinato and "Khachaturian seconds" known to many people are heard. The composer said that his seconds came from the repeated listening in childhood of folk instruments - tambourine, kamancha and sazandar-tara.
So slowly, slowly, Khachaturian, whose biography - an example of how an intelligent and talented person created himself, stepped from the processing of folk songs to his development. There came in 1932, when the Suite appeared for the piano. It was her first part called "Tokatta" that became known to the whole world. Many pianists still introduce it into their repertoire. Until now, there is a force of influence on the public and a certain charm.
In 1933, they began performing the "Dance Suite" for a symphony orchestra. Thanks to this work, radiating the sincere joy of life, light and strength, the young Khachaturian was brought into the team of the best Soviet composers. Two years later the chords of the First Symphony were heard in the hall of the Moscow Conservatory, which was a thesis on the occasion of the graduation from the conservatory. This was the end of the previous and the beginning of the next stage in the life of the composer. Biography of Aram Khachaturian Is a kind of a history of music, because each of its scores is a separate period of time, which tells about the impressions, experiences and hopes of the author himself.
A huge part of Aram Ilyich's works is occupied by his compositions for dramatic performances. The most famous are the music for Lermontov's Masquerade and the Lopevedegian Valencian widow. Despite the fact that the compositions were intended for performances, they received an absolutely independent life.
Khachaturian, whose brief biography can only very sketchily describe the life of a talented composer, showed a great interest in filmmaking. He showed how important music is in revealing the essence and intent of the director. And yet his genius was greatly recognized in symphonic works. Spectators cheered for his concerts for violin and orchestra and for piano and orchestra. The ideas that arose in the First Symphony and "Dance Suite" acquired a new life. In addition, Khachaturian had a concert, which later became a feature of his style. In 1942 he completed the score of the ballet "Gayane", where classical ballet and choreographic art were synthesized. Before the end of the war, the Second and Third Symphonies appeared. 9 years after the war, the composer wrote a heroic and tragic ballet "Spartacus."
What is it, Aram Khachaturian's biography? Briefly, you can imagine in three words: work, work and once again work. In the sixties from the pen of Khachaturian three concerts-rhapsodies came out, which in 1971 were awarded the State Prize.
A lot of strength was given to Khachaturian pedagogical work. For many years he was the head of the composer class at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the Gnesins Music Institute. The composer's creative activity lasted almost until his last day. His life ended in Moscow, May 1, 1978.
Funny events from the life of the composer
Biography of Aram Khachaturian Includes and various interesting facts. One of them is about his dog. The composer treated animals with special trepidation. Once in Germany, he was given a gift - a royal poodle. Aram Ilyich called him Lyado (according to the names of the two notes). He himself walked with him, fed him, played with him. Khachaturian became so attached to his pupil that he once dedicated a play to him entitled "Lyado was seriously ill."
Another fact of almost historical significance. In 1944 they announced a competition for the anthem of Armenia. Khachaturian, who came to Yerevan, had his own version of music. One evening, he sat down at the piano, surrounded by members of his family and touched the keys. It was a hot summer, the people's balconies were wide open. Under the windows of the great composer, people gathered who, inspired by the melody they heard, simultaneously sang Khachaturyan's hymn.
Family relationships
This is how Khachaturian was able to create. A brief biography of this talented contemporary composer shows that he, like no one else, understood not only music, but also its value to the public. His personal life was also not boring. In the first marriage daughter Nune was born, who became a pianist. A little later, after the dissolution of the first union, the composer married a second time. His chosen one was a student from the class of his head Myaskovsky - Nina Makarova. It was this woman who became a great love, companion and faithful companion of Khachaturian's life. Aram and Nina gave life to Karen's son (a well-known art critic).
So Aram Khachaturian lived his life, brief biography Which has long been supplemented by another important fact: the name of the great composer was called the Great Hall of the Conservatory and the string quartet, his name is also the annual contest, which presents composers and pianists.
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