
Anchor plates - application, types, advantages

Heat and comfort in the house provides not only the interior, but also the windows. On how much they will be qualitatively established, the duration of their operational period depends. At present, various fastening elements are used for the installation of window units. Their choice is most affected by the material and construction of the walls. This can be metal and plastic spacer dowels, building screws and other products. Today we will talk about such fasteners as anchor plates.

What is an anchor plate?

The plates are used for reliable fastening of both plastic windows and modern wooden double-glazed windows to the apertures and walls made of bricks, reinforced concrete, gas-silicate and foam concrete blocks. They are metal bars, having one oblong and several round holes and guiding notches. Anchor plates are produced by the method of cold stamping of thin-sheet galvanized steel, the thickness of which is 2 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.2 mm. By its design, the plates can differ, as well as have a different arrangement of holes and incisions. Their manufacturability contributes to resistance to loads in the perpendicular plane of the window.

Types of plates

Anchor plates are of such types:

  • Rotary;
  • Irrevocable.

The swivel plate is installed in the event that it is impossible to fasten the window for some reason. Then during installation, it is rotated to a place in the wall where the connection will be more reliable. Correctly adjusted turning element with outwardly bent teeth ensures strong fixation of the anchor plate. The profile is not deformed. Due to the rotary crab and the possibility of bending, it is possible to install it at different angles.

There are also non-negotiable bars with a hook. The existing crab on the product contributes to a reliable fixed fastener. Anchor plates designed for wood are also produced.

Advantages of the plate

The most important advantage of anchor plates is a high level of manufacturability and reliability. Due to its construction, this fastening element provides a strong fixation to the wall and allows the choice of the attachment point. It makes the connection elastic, and also allows to withstand both wind and operational loads. This product is easy to attach to the window frame, it simplifies the leveling of the window by the plumb and level, facilitates the rapid assembly of the structure.

Anchor plate for windows is universal and is used when working with bricks, concrete and wood. It is very easy to hide using various decorative elements (trim, window sills, slopes). Another important advantage of the plate is that during installation there is no need to drill through the frame. This preserves the integrity of the window profile contour. Use anchor plates for plastic windows can also be in high humidity.

Mounting of the anchor plate

Mounting of the anchor plate to the window structures is carried out prior to their installation in the openings and fastened with screws, the size of 5x40 mm. One of its feet is inserted at the right angle into the tide at the end of the frame and presses firmly against it until the second foot is firmly fixed.

Since the plates are produced in different parameters, they should be selected strictly according to the size of the profile of the windows. Whether the fastener is selected correctly will be noticeable during installation. If the plate is chosen perfectly, it will firmly connect to the structure, and the window will close tightly. Acquire this accessory follows the same manufacturer's company as the window units.

So, anchor plates are an indispensable fastening element, which is often used for fixing wooden and plastic double-glazed windows. They are reliable and durable. The main thing is to choose the right type of plate and install it qualitatively.

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