
Analysis of production and its content

The most important stage of any economic activity is considered production of products. Consequently, a competent and objective analysis of the production of products is an absolutely necessary tool for accompanying the production process, on which its effectiveness largely depends. For each direction and branch are characterized by its own characteristics both the process of production itself and its research. Thus, the analysis of the production of crop production is intended to reflect the adequacy of management decisions made by the management and the management of the enterprise. The most revealing in this analysis are the parameters of the volume of production of commodity output, the volume of its sales in the whole for the enterprise and the assortment list, its quality and rhythm of output.

In agriculture, the analysis of production reflects and evaluates its parameters in natural values, in some cases - in conditionally-natural ones. At the same time, such indicators as the volume of gross and net
Commodity output, and when assessing the implementation, the indicators of the shipped and sold commodity products are estimated.

Gross output is the value of the total value of the total goods produced by the enterprise. In this indicator, incomplete production is included. All indicators are reflected in comparable prices.

The cost of products produced by a company or an enterprise without taking into account the cost of work in progress forms a commodity product, which is reflected in the wholesale prices in the reports.

As a rule, the analysis of the production of products is determined by the following tasks facing the enterprise:

- assessment of the level of implementation of planned and forecast indicators;

- study of production dynamics;

- study of factors of production and the degree of their impact on production indicators;

- Identification of reserves to increase labor productivity in the enterprise and study the dynamics of sales of commodity products;

- planning of additional measures for the development of modern technologies for the organization of production and enterprise management.

In the context of solving the latter problem, it should be noted that an important place here belongs to the improvement of the organizational and technological level of the activities of all structural divisions of the company or enterprise. To have a full understanding of this indicator, an analysis of the technical and organizational level of production is applied, which provides the answer by evaluating the three components of the production process: the nature, means and objects of labor. In the framework of this analysis, through the system of indicators, the quality of resource use is primarily assessed. Indicators are the values of labor productivity, turnover of circulating assets, the amount of material consumption and the return on assets, and others. These parameters simultaneously act as the main ones in the assessment of the technical and organizational level.

Methodologically, it is necessary to distinguish between the indicators used in the general analysis of production and the analysis of the actual technical and organizational level. This analysis involves, first of all, an assessment of the state of technology, the effectiveness of its use in the production process, the level of technology used at the enterprise, the state of production management and the degree to which it conforms to advanced strategies.

In the concept of the technical and organizational state of the enterprise, the technical parameters and production factors of managerial and organizational nature are organically and inextricably combined. A modern approach to the organization of such an analysis involves the rejection of the use of certain selective, albeit significant, indicators in the assessment. The method that takes into account generalizing indicators that characterizes not only all types and types of production resources but also their interaction becomes increasingly used.

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