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An example of charity in Russian and foreign literature. Charity in works of literature

Stephen Zweig in one of his works singled out two kinds of compassion. One is faint-hearted and sentimental. Trying it, a person seeks to get rid of thoughts, cast by another's misfortune. A similar feeling the Austrian author called "the impatience of the heart." But there is another, true. It is nothing but charity. This feeling fills with determination and desire to act. Do everything in human power and above them. An example of charity in the literature of Russian and foreign authors, as well as its real and imaginary forms, is the theme of this article.

What is charity?

Charity is a Christian concept, by which is meant a caring and benevolent attitude towards another person. In the New Testament, it is a universal condition that every Christian must observe. Only love for one's neighbor is capable of bringing God closer to you. "First be reconciled to your brother," says the Bible.

Examples of charity in fiction are found in Russian art and works by foreign authors. Without them, perhaps, prose would lose its value. This literature is designed to convey the spiritual experience of mankind. It is impossible to do this without depicting the basic Christian virtue.

Dmitry Nekhlyudov

An example of charity in literature is the actions of Nekhlyudov after meeting with Katya Maslova in the courtroom and the realization that he became the culprit of her moral death. The plot lines in this novel are few. Tolstoy's work was criticized at different times in its own way. But the actions of the protagonist after his spiritual resurrection confirm that he was guided by true compassion for the heroine - a woman who did not immediately believe in his good intentions. The ability to do good, in spite of mistrust and ridicule, distinguishes true mercy from falsehood.

The theme of charity in Russian literature is widely disclosed. Examples are present in many novels and novels of Leo Tolstoy, and in the works of other Russian classics.

Sonya Marmeladova

The brightest example of charity in literature is the image of Sonya Marmeladova. Representing him, Dostoevsky created an antipode to the main character of the novel "Crime and Punishment". Considering these two characters, you can identify the main difference between them.

Marmeladova is capable of true compassion. She is sacrificed for her family. Then for Raskolnikov. Rodion Romanovich himself is able to sympathize. He helps the destitute, humiliated and offended. But he does it as if on the way to his goal, which he, however, will not reach, because he does not follow the important Christian laws in his actions. And this is the main idea of Dostoevsky's work.


Examples of charity in Russian literature are the heroes of the stories of Anton Chekhov. In the work of this writer there is an unlimited faith in man, in his ability to become better. The story "Student" makes a particularly strong impression. Meeting the protagonist of this work with two women saves him from loneliness and despair. The action takes place on a cold evening, on the eve of Easter. Thoughts of human defenselessness over the harsh omnipotent elements overwhelm the young man. But he meets ordinary women and, sitting next to them by the fire, acts as a narrator. He narrates about what happened nineteen centuries ago: the betrayal of Peter and how Jesus predicted the deed of his disciple. One of the women begins to cry.

Biblical history makes a strong impression on them. And there is no doubt in the soul of the student. Mental warmth melted them. Chekhov's story has a simple plot, but after reading it, the reader realizes how important it is to love and respect people, to forgive mistakes to each other.

Lydia Mikhailovna

An example of charity in literature is the relationship between the heroes of the story of Valentin Rasputin "Lessons of the French". In his works, this author touched on the eternal themes of good, duty and justice. The fate of an individual is the main thing in his work. We must not live by strict laws and clear rules, but based on understanding, love and compassion.

And it is this principle guided by Lydia Mikhailovna - a teacher from the story of Rasputin. In the hungry postwar period, she seeks to help her student, violating all pedagogical norms. She not only works on his pronunciation. The teacher conducts interesting interesting conversations with her student, plays with him in "chika" for money. She tries at least in a hidden form to support the boy financially.


The theme of charity in the literature is revealed in different ways at all stages of its development. But Russian classics about compassion said so heartfelt, as, perhaps, no one in world culture. Their works have become a model for authors around the world. Darkness and light everywhere and always complement each other. As the Bulgakov character said: "People love money, they are frivolous, but sometimes charity knocks in their hearts." In the literature of recent years, the topic of good and evil has not been raised so often. The author of the book "Black on White" did it anyway, like no one before.

The character of Ruben Gallego is himself. A paralyzed boy in a Soviet boarding school, who miraculously managed to survive and tell about what is happening there. "If you are an orphan and you have neither hands nor feet, you are doomed to be a hero. I'm a hero, "says Ruben. Where there are children who, like no one else, need compassion, there is no place for this feeling. Teachers lie, young trainees can not stand the "impatience of the heart". Only nannies are really honest. Not all, of course, but only real ones.

Gallego tries not to divide people into categories in his book, but he does not succeed. Caring and affectionate only believing nannies. There are not many of them, and the author of the story remembers their names to this day.


The stories are familiar touching examples of charity in the war. There are a lot of them in the literature too. But what to do when this feeling becomes irrelevant, and it is superseded by others - patriotism and hatred of the enemy? This is the story of Kondratiev's work "Sashka".

The Russian soldier is unable to carry out the commander's order and kill the German prisoner. Before him is the same person as he. Shoot him - save his own life, but do not act in accordance with conscience. The plot unfolds in such a way that Sashka does not have to commit a crime either against the Motherland or against his conscience. But the reader does not doubt for a minute how exactly the hero of Kondratyev's story would act if the Soviet officer did not change his decision.


Examples of the manifestation of charity in literature are indispensable for the development of the moral world of the child. The main heroine of the novel Zheleznyakov "Scarecrow" is an outcast among his peers. She suffered as a result of betrayal of his friend.

Despite this unseemly act and cruelty of their classmates, the girl's heart did not harden. She did not lose her composure and was above revenge and other low-lying human feelings.


Charity in Russian literature is often associated with the image of a small man. He is weak and defenseless. People do not like weakness and at the sight of it for some reason they become even more bitter. This topic was revealed in her novel by the American writer Harper Lee.

Mockingbird is an inoffensive bird. It only sings to people for joy. To kill her is a big sin. Mockingbird in the work of Harper Lee symbolizes a black young man who is innocently convicted of a serious crime. Adults do not notice that they are involved in lawlessness. As the protagonist of the novel says, the lawyer of the convict: "They will do so more than once, and only children will cry at the same time."

Impatience of the heart

Classical prose shapes and corrects a person's inner peace. An important factor in the development of morality is charity in works of literature. Examples that make up an insignificant part of the great heritage of Russian and foreign writers are presented in this article. Returning to the topic of "impatience of the heart", which the Austrian author called imaginary compassion, one should speak of his character, officer Anton Goffmiller.

He is kind and inclined to sympathy. He is touched by the destiny of the crippled girl. But his mercy is a combination of weakness, pity and sentimentality. Realizing that the girl is in love with him, Goffmiller betrays her and thereby kills. Indescribable guilt lies with him all his life and becomes decisive in his destiny. War for him is salvation from remorse. He becomes a hero and receives the Order of Maria Theresa. But only he alone knows the real price of his heroism.

With the help of images of the novel "Impatience of the heart", Zweig expressed his opinion about deceitful sensitivity and pity - feelings that have nothing to do with true charity.

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