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An approximate description of Ruslan from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" and other characters

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a famous Russian poet. His works were popular at all times. This work we devote to one of the best poems - "Ruslan and Lyudmila." For sure, everyone met this masterpiece of Russian classical literature. We offer you a description of Ruslan from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", Chernomor and other characters.


Of course, let's start with the main characters of the poem. What should I include in the description of Ruslan from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"? Firstly, when writing an essay of this kind, it is necessary to describe the character's appearance, then his role in the work, character, personality traits, attitude to the problem of the poem.

We give a brief example. Ruslan is a brave warrior with blond hair and the same soul. In the poem it is said that he wore lashes, which speaks of his valor and wealth.

Description of the character from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", in particular our hero, must be supplemented by rivals. His main enemies are Rogdai, Farlaf, Rhythm and Chernomor. The subject of their disputes is the beautiful and defenseless Lyudmila, the embodiment of beauty and grace. Each of the opponents wants to seize it.

Description Ruslana from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" does not end there, it is important to supplement your essay with the following information: our hero was strong in spirit and very patient, that's why he defeated his opponents. He was stable and even before the most difficult circumstances he did not stop, proudly and desperately struggled for his own happiness.


What is Ruslan's description of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" different from the characteristics of our main character? Mainly because it is weak and defenseless. Lyudmila is the very embodiment of femininity and beauty. She needed the help of our hero, which characterizes Ruslan as a courageous character.

Ludmila admires the author, her golden curls and thin camp. She is very strong and strong-willed girl. Some may think that it is cowardly if you disassemble the picture when she wanted to kill herself, but she could not. She was stopped not by fear of death, but by memories of those people whom she loves, who are dear to her.

The heroine was firm, she had a clean and unblemished heart. Despite all the troubles that happened to her, she remained true to her lover. A lot of difficulties fell on the fragile shoulders of our Lyudmila, but nothing broke.


If you become acquainted with the work of Alexander Sergeevich, we will see that he has two such characters: one leads the army of heroes (a positive hero), the second is a magician and a warlock, to all he is the murderer of his brothers. His vile deeds, such as in our work, characterize the character from the bad side.

The description of Chernomor from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" may look something like this: Ruslan's cunning and most dangerous opponent. It was with him in the work was the most brutal battle. He appears to the author as a small, old and evil wizard. His whole strength lies in his beard. His name can be divided into such parts: "black" and "marry." The first word is associated with evil, with fear. The second - with death.

Spirit of the Russian epic

Considering the description of the heroes of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila," it's hard not to notice that folklore motifs are clearly expressed. I want to say a few lines about this.

In the work meets a fairly famous Vladimir, who has long been a mythological hero. Its historical roots are practically erased, it's not quite the same prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko, who baptized Rus. No less popular mythological hero is the singer Bayan. Let us note that, as in many other epic works, in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" the desperate father promises to give his daughter to wife for her savior. If we remember a character like Ilya Muromets, then we can draw a parallel with our poem. Bogatyr chained Nightingale the robber to the stirrup, and Ruslan put the enemy in a knapsack behind the saddle. Like the same character, our hero fights with the troops of the enemies.

In all epics and legends there is an image of a wonderful helper, our poem is not an exception. The good wizards in the work "Ruslan and Lyudmila" are a gigantic head and Finn, who lived in a cave and was able to revive the main character with the help of living and dead water.

There are a lot of re-lists with myths and legends, it is only better to delve into the lines of the famous at all times the poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

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