Education, Secondary education and schools
"How the cow sold the man": description and analysis of the fairy tale
Many of us remember the funny children's cartoon "How the cow sold the man". This cheerful and instructive story was written by S. Mikhalkov. Little is known that the cartoon was created by his poem.
No one takes
Cartoon "As a man sold a cow" looked in childhood, probably everyone. The story of the sale of an unhappy, lean little creature causes a double feeling. On the one hand, we understand that the cow no longer brings the owner any income, so he decides to get rid of it. On the other hand, we feel sorry for the poor animal, which for many years became a native.
The old man can not sell his cow. No one offers a good price for it. Many are interested in the reason for selling the animal. The owner honestly says that he is standing in the market in the morning, but no one wants to take it. The price he asks for a cow is very low, and scares off possible buyers. And all because she is old and constantly sick. When people are interested in milk, he says that he is very poor. Of course, such anti-advertising repels even the most unpretentious buyer.
The fairy tale "How the cow sold the man" shows how important a PR, speaking in modern language, is. After all, to sell even the most unnecessary thing will be helped by a good presentation of its merits. But an honest old man does not understand this at all, that's why it's been in the market since the morning.
Is it really so fruitless to end the story of how the man sold the cow? Of course no. At the most unexpected moment, a young guy approaches the old man and is wondering why he has not sold his goods for the whole day. Learning the truth, he pities the careless seller and wishes to help him. He promises that he will soon find a buyer for him.
Seeing a rich man, a guy proposes to buy a cow. When asked how much the animal costs, he says that only a very well-off person can afford such a treasure . It surprises our rich man. The cow does not look like a profitable purchase at all! But the young man is not lost here either. He explains the thinness of the cow by the fact that it is not fat, but very "milky". When the merchant asked about the amount of milk, the guy says that he is so big, even his hands will tire of milking her.
It seemed that the rich man had already fallen for the bait of a resourceful seller and was about to agree to buy such a quality product. But the plot turns differently.
It is necessary most!
The story of how the cow sold the man is unfolding in a different way. The old man, listening to the guy's words about his animal, believed him! Now he does not want to get rid of such goods. After all, it turned out that such a beast would be useful to everyone! Now he refuses to sell his beloved Burenka.
Why did this happen? After all, the owner has stood all day in the market to get rid of unnecessary cattle. The fact is that the guy opened the old man's eyes to his cow. Knowing that she is sick and almost does not bring milk, the owner believes the words of the unfamiliar guy. Using simple methods of successful marketing, a cunning in two accounts finds a buyer for an unnecessary product.
The poem "As a man sold a cow" ends with an exclamation proposal, a replica of his grandfather about the fact that such a beast will be fit for him on the farm.
It is not known whether he will regret his act. But now he knows what to do if he wants to sell it again.
The result
Let the advertising of cattle was not entirely fair, but it could lead to the desired result. The owner of the negligent cow himself could believe in its ideality.
The buyer also turned out to be stupid. After all, he saw that the boy's words did not correspond to reality, but nevertheless fell for his bait.
This tale teaches us not to trust the seller, and very carefully check the goods themselves. After all, everyone in the market is looking for their own benefits. The seller tries to advertise the thing in all possible ways. And the buyer hopes to get something qualitative and inexpensive.
Now we know how a cow sold a cow. He did it honestly, without any advertising. But it turned out that people are completely uninteresting, they want to hear that they are taking a worthy thing. Not always a person sees how honest with him.
Without a resourceful guy, the old man, probably, could not understand this truth.
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