
Rolling of pipes: stages and technology

The formation of a tubular product suitable for building needs is not limited to the manufacture of a base profile base. To integrate the workpiece into a common network of a water supply or heating system, the initial calculation of the dimensions of a particular pipe is necessary. But even after the preparation of a suitable segment for its parameters, a rolling operation may be required. This procedure is necessary to give the product the desired bending. However, pipe rolling differs from conventional bending. So, if the tube is deformed by means of the usual physical force with the use of metalwork tools, then the output will be a narrowed section capable of disrupting the circulation of the serviced medium. This is the reason for the complexity of the rolling and the specificity of the tools for its implementation.

General information about the technology

This operation is one of the most common in the field of metalworking. It is distinguished by a special technological approach to the implementation of the deformation process. Also, unlike many operations that realize a change in the structure of a rigid material, rolling of pipes practically does not involve additional external influences. That is, the procedure is performed purely by mechanical action without thermal irradiation or pressure build-up. This makes it possible, during the rolling process, not to change the structural state of the metal and completely preserve its positive qualities. In addition, rolls are exposed not only to metal, but also plastic, and even rubber products. Another thing is that softer blanks can be deformed and with the help of other machining operations.

Tool for performing the operation

As already noted, this work can not be done with standard equipment. That is, in principle, the result is possible, but its quality will be extremely low. Therefore, masters use a special tool for rolling pipes, which provides an optimal folding line with the preservation of the whole basic structure of the material. There are two categories of such tools - manual models and machines. The first variant is characterized by a simple design and is designed for making folds of thin metal pipes.

The machine is more suitable for use in professional needs. With its help, a qualitatively deformed part is produced on the flow, suitable for use in various fields. In this case the machine for rolling pipes has several types. They differ mainly in the ability to work with a particular pipe diameter. However, there is also a classification according to the characteristics of materials suitable for rolling on specific equipment.

Stages of rolling

The procedure begins with cleaning the place of execution of the rolling. Metal in this area is carefully processed by light abrasives, and if necessary by chemical compositions. Next, the workpiece is integrated into the fixation point. At this stage, it is important to ensure quality fastening, which will allow to continue the workflow without serious blemishes. The place of fixation is usually a platform with holes of a size suitable for a certain format of workpieces. In the next stage, an active tool is connected to work in the form of a pneumatic or electric screwdriver. The task of this device is mechanical deformation. Thus, rolling of the profile pipe will be performed during the rotation of the nozzle inserted into the inner space of the product. It is very important to choose the right tooling, otherwise there is a risk of rupture of the pipe surface.

Features of copper tube rolling

Working with copper, on the one hand, has advantages, because the material is soft and malleable in machining, on the other - it is his plastic structure that imposes a high responsibility on the master. The fact is that the slightest deviation from the standard parameters of deformation can irrevocably ruin the workpiece. Therefore, rolling for copper pipes is a manual mechanical tool with a design that allows smoothly changing the shape of the product. As a rule, such devices have a screw-like handle, the control of which slowly changes the shape of the pipe. Again, high caution in such operations is due to the fact that copper pipes are often used in process equipment such as refrigerators, air conditioners and split systems.

Features of sheet metal rolling

Externally, the rolling operations of pipes and sheet metal are similar, but as a result, several other formats of blanks are obtained. In this case, the master is faced with the task of obtaining a cylindrical or semicircular piece of metal that will differ in uniformity, relative smoothness, taking into account radiality, as well as the absence of hills and dents. Such a result can be obtained with forging or bending machines. It should be understood that the rolling of the sheet into the pipe has another difference from the deformation of the finished rolled product. If traditional rolling machines mainly work with thin or, at least, soft materials, the sheet-bending equipment qualitatively serves both stainless steel and galvanized products.

Expanding operation

Flaring is an operation, as a result of which the pipe edges expand. This action is required if a particular section is to be connected to a different size nozzle. The procedure is also carried out either by means of a manual twist tool or by automatic equipment. It should be noted that pipe rolling is often associated with this operation, if you want to get different parameters of the product in opposite ends. However, another nuance should be taken into account. Frequent mechanical deformations of the metal are harmful to its technical condition.

Fields of application of technology

Among the main industries can be identified utility services. Engineering systems, in the infrastructure of which pipelines are used, primarily need to refine new pipes and upgrade old ones. Technology is also used in narrower spheres, among which is the production of household and industrial equipment. If, for the mentioned refrigerator or air conditioner, the rolling of pipes allows to process copper with high accuracy, then the equipment for production spheres performs analogous operations with stainless steel and even some alloys of tool steels.


Despite the external ease and simplicity, the performance of rolling requires a lot of experience. Of course, in some cases, for example, when updating an old pipeline, high-precision deformation is unnecessary, since it will be hidden by mounting adapters. But there are other situations where even a millimeter bend is important. For example, the rolling of stainless pipes, which will later form the gasification medium, can only be carried out on professional equipment. But in this case it is necessary to select the optimal model of the roller. There are versions that work with aluminum and copper, as well as high-tech installations capable of servicing corrosion-resistant and titanium alloys in automated mode.

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