
American Management Model

The existence of various management models is due to objective differences in national culture, development of the economy, politics, corporate culture of enterprises. Certain traditions and habits impose imprints on the sphere of business relations. However, there are historically established models that determine the basic decision-making strategy. Such basic models include the American model of management.

Characterization of the American management model is primarily to identify the basic prerequisites for the formation of a unique management model.

The presence of the market as the main mechanism of economic relations between its subjects forces the managers to act in conditions of high competition.

The second feature was that the formation of the management model in the US occurred on the basis of an industrial society, the driving force of which was industry. On the basis of this core business was the corporation.

In general, the American model of management is built on the foundations of the classical school.

At the present stage, the American management model is built on the belief that the success of a firm is based on the factors that lie within its boundaries. Therefore, the company becomes a closed system. This initial conviction predetermines the features of the American management model.

This approach defines goals and objectives as stable elements that persist for a long time. The basic strategy of firms consists in a continuous growth and specialization of production, therefore for the American model of management the mechanism of explicit and constant control is characteristic.

It is also characterized by a high degree of individualism. Freedom of the individual predetermines individual decision-making: the decision taken by the leader is in no way subject to discussion and is mandatory for implementation. As a consequence, it is not a collective responsibility, but an individual responsibility for the results of the work performed. Nevertheless, within the framework of one level of management, the principle of industrial democracy is being introduced; Participation of employees in decision-making, if this affects their personal interests. They are given the right to independently gather all the necessary information, choose the right method or method, in order to fulfill the main tasks and plans. Sometimes workers create working groups and other associations to solve a variety of tasks.

However, despite individualism as the main feature of the model, the attitude to the worker is differentiated: he is perceived purely as an employee, and not as an individual.

Another important characteristic is that employees do not have loyalty to their company, which contributes to a rather high turnover rate. Some of them manage to change up to ten companies during their work. Therefore, hiring is done for a relatively short time and everyone knows about it, getting a job.

The American model of management is an ideal model for careerists. It ensures the rapid development and promotion of employees within the company. At the same time, an employee can develop in a specialized way, i. Build a horizontal career. To this end, a variety of advanced training courses at universities and colleges.

Thus, the features of the historical development of the United States, the development of its economy and politics, business relationships with the help of the American model of management provided the individual career growth and development in a professional manner.

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