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Alzheimer's disease. Its prevention.

Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the nervous system that does not respond to treatment and is characterized by a gradual loss of intellectual abilities (speech, memory, logical thinking). Especially favorable age for the development of this terrible disease after 65 years. The main cause of dementia in the elderly can be considered the development of this disease. This state of health is a severe and unexpected blow to the family of such a patient.

Alzheimer's disease causes, which is still almost unknown even to qualified specialists, develops unexpectedly for the surrounding patient. Usually this disease is associated with the destruction of a huge number of nerve cells, the lack of necessary substances for the transmission of nerve impulses, poisoning, head trauma, hypothyroidism, a brain tumor and heredity.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease:

Early stage:

- inability to recognize familiar objects;

- forgetfulness, inability to remember events that occurred recently (it progresses over time);

- Depression, emotional disorders, anxiety;

Indifference to others;

- Disorientation.

Late stage:

- inability to recognize close relatives;

- Delusional thoughts and ideas, hallucinations;

- Problems with coordination of movements (walking gradually goes from normal to "shuffling");

- cramps (but not at all);

- loss of ability to independent thought processes and independent movements.

It also happens that Alzheimer's disease causes complications throughout the body. This and a variety of injuries, this and malnutrition, and the emergence of concomitant infections, for example, pneumonia.

Although this Alzheimer's disease is incurable, there is still a possibility to suspend it a little. It is very important when the diagnosis is made at an early stage. Therefore, make sure that the elderly people undergo a full medical examination in a timely manner. If you suddenly have suspicions that someone from your family is sick with this disease, then immediately consult a doctor. And already the doctor will tell you in an individual order how to take care of such patients correctly. Also, the doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment or refer it to other specialists for a more detailed examination.

If your elderly relatives live next to you, it will be appropriate to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease:

- Try to exclude the ingress of aluminum into the body (although now it is present in almost all food products). Such an action will protect the brain from complete or partial destruction, especially if your family had cases of Alzheimer's disease.

- Do not take drugs that are sold without a prescription, which includes aluminum. This includes drugs that neutralize the effect of acids on the body: aspirin, agents for the treatment of pasta and diarrhea.

- Do not use aluminum foil to store food. It is better to use plastic or glass containers for food storage.

- Do not eat foods that are packed in aluminum foil: yoghurt, candy, cereal, processed cheese, dried fruit.

- Do not buy drinks in aluminum cans: beer or carbonated drinks. Also it is not recommended to buy juices in bags that are covered from inside with aluminum foil. It is better to buy juices in plastic or glass containers.

- Do not prepare food in aluminum containers because aluminum slices get into food and increase the amount of aluminum produced daily by 9 - 17%. It is best to use dishes made of stainless steel, iron, baked clay or glass. If you do not eat at home, then remember that cooks in cafes and restaurants almost always use aluminum utensils.

- It is necessary to strengthen your immune system.

- Do gymnastics in the morning. Because playing sports helps to remove heavy metals from your body.

- Use foods that promote the release of metals from the body. These are products such as onions, red peppers, garlic, chives, asparagus, English hazelnut, legumes and seeds (pumpkin, sunflower and sesame).

- Eat foods rich in choline (an amino acid that helps to preserve memory). Remarkable sources of choline - egg yolks, brains, sprouted wheat, liver, yeast, granulated lecithin.

This is a general prophylaxis for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, so do not delay the visit to the doctor, he will in any case be able to help you.

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