Homeliness, Gardening
Aconite: landing and care in the open field, photo
Wolverine root, black potion, wolfcatcher, skullcap, buttercup blue, shoe, wrestler - all these are the names of aconite. It can be safely called the traditional flower of the Russian garden, because it adorned the flower beds of the estates, and some of its species were cultivated in the 16th century. Years later, flowers of an original form and bright color were undeservedly forgotten. Now in the gardens aconite (planting and care, photo, varieties later in the article) can be met infrequently. Meanwhile, he is very decorative and unpretentious.
origin of name
The name of the plant comes from the Greek word "rock, rock" and the derivative of it - "arrows". It is known since ancient times. The origin of the poisonous flower is associated with the hero from the myths of Ancient Greece - Hercules. Committing his twelfth feat, he captivated and led from the underworld the dead three-headed Cerberus. Once on the surface, under the influence of sunlight, the creature began to rage and break out, poisonous saliva flowed from its mouths. Wherever it spilled, slender and tall blue flowers grew. Far from romance, the legend, however, gave rise to a beautiful plant.
Botanical description
Aconite, landing and care in the open ground behind which elementary simple, distributed throughout Europe, North America, Asia. It grows in moist places on soils rich in humus, mountain meadows. According to the systematics, the plants are close to the genus Obscuration (Shpornik). It is a perennial herbaceous plant, poisonous. The root system of representatives of the genus can be of two types: conical tuberous root or twisted rod. The leaves are rounded, of the next arrangement, relatively deeply-palchato-separated. Inflorescence - a large brush, irregular flowers (similar to beans), fruit - a multi-seed leaflet. Aconite (planting and care in the open ground hereinafter) was widely used in floriculture, garden forms and varieties were derived.
Aconite poisoning
All parts of the plant contain alkaloids, the most dangerous is aconitin. It is characterized by a very high degree of virulence, is a neurotoxin. Aconitin has a convulsively-paralytic effect on the body. Very quickly absorbed by the intestines, penetrates through the mucous membranes and skin. Eventually causes heart failure and respiratory paralysis. Antidote at the moment not found.
Use in the garden
A very common in the Middle Ages garden plant was just aconite. Planting and care in the open ground (photo) behind it is extremely simple. However, many will probably have a question about whether it is worth growing such a poisonous plant on your site. Its high decorative properties are beyond doubt. Peduncles tall and spectacular with large flowers of rich hue. The flowering period is long - from the middle of summer to October. He represents the danger in the event that he gets into food. For example, it will be in one plate with salad leaves. There have been occasions when people have confused his tuber with celery or horseradish, since it has a characteristic odor. Caution will not be superfluous in the case of the cultivation of aconite, but it is impossible to say unequivocally about its unfitness in flowerbeds.
Aconite: landing and care in the open ground
Whatever sort or kind you choose, keep in mind that the aconite is a plant that is unpretentious and frost-hardy, and therefore hibernates without shelter. It is not demanding of lighting and will grow equally well both in the sun and in the shade. Hot spots can not stand only curly species, they prefer partial shade.
To the soil, the aconite is also not particularly demanding and will develop well in any cultivated soil. The exception, perhaps, is only sand and gravel, as well as wetlands and wetlands. To a drought the plant is stable, only two species are most sensitive to the level of moisture - aconite Lamarca and northern aconite. Planting and caring (photo plants are available in the article) will not take much time. The main stages are the timely watering, weeding, loosening and fertilizing. On organic and mineral preparations the plant is very responsive and reacts with good growth and lush flowering. The soil around the bush is recommended to mulch with peat 2-3 times per season. To prolong the flowering period, the faded inflorescence is best cut off. Aconite shrubs grow rapidly, so every 4-5 years it is necessary to divide them with the purpose of renewal.
Reproduction of aconite
There are two ways of reproduction: vegetative and seed. In the first case, you can get varietal and unusual aconite. Planting and nursing in the spring are not recommended, it is best to do it in the fall. Seeds are sown in moistened soil, and the next year after the descent of the sprouts appear. If you do this in the spring, the seedlings will blossom only after a year. At the same time the germination of seeds is significantly reduced. You can use the seedling method. Before planting, stratification is recommended in two stages: at 20-25 ° C for a month, and then for up to 3 months in the cold (2-4 ° C). After such a procedure, the shoots are friendly and strong. When the 2-3 seedlings appear in the seedlings, it is necessary to dive them into separate pots, and in autumn drop them into the open ground at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Flowering does not occur immediately, but after 2-3 years. Bear in mind that in the case of seed multiplication, varietal characteristics of hybrids are not preserved.
In the spring, the plant can be multiplied by dividing the rhizome, thus obtaining a large aconite. Planting and care in the open ground, as well as for an adult specimen. Korneklubnevye flowers propagate in autumn.
Use in decorating the garden
Aconites are decorative throughout the vegetative period due to beautiful carved leaves, but they are given a special bloom by a special charm and charm. The plant looks equally well in group and single plantings, in flowerbeds and mixborders, curly species are used for vertical gardening. To the neighbors, the aconite is not exacting. It is best complemented by peonies, rudbeckies, irises, aquilegia, daylilies and astilbe. When decorating a flower garden, you can bet on the color contrast and plant species that differ in color. Particularly beautiful are the aconites of a saturated blue color surrounded by white or pink flowers.
If you love the unusual and bright, non-standard and rare, then choose aconite. Planting and care in the open, photos, reviews - all this information is of interest to gardeners. It should be noted that many reviews are positive. The plant belongs to the category, which after planting can safely be forgotten, carrying out only watering and weeding as necessary. The most important thing is not to forget the precautionary measures when growing this flower.
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