
A remedy for vomiting should be in every home

Almost every person in the world, at least once in his life, suffered such unpleasant health disorders as nausea, diarrhea or vomiting. Well, if in the home medicine cabinet there is a cure for vomiting and diarrhea, and in families with children such a means is simply necessary.

In our time, there are many drugs to eliminate these phenomena. Because the causes of vomiting are very diverse, the drugs for vomiting are also different. This condition is very often caused by phenomena not related to eating. They can cause: otalgia (ear pain), injuries, helminths, respiratory diseases. In infants, they often occur during teething.

Nausea, followed by vomiting, is a complex reflex reaction, in the occurrence of which such organs are involved: the vomiting center (in the brain), the vestibular apparatus, the reflexogenic vomiting zones (in the digestive tract), the trigger zone (special launching), which is located Next to the vomiting center. This ailment is a physiological protective mechanism of the body, whose actions are aimed at removing from it irritant or foreign substances. Until now, all the mechanisms that launch it have not been fully understood, so doctors do not consider emetic pangs as a symptom of a particular disease.

Physicians share three main types of vomiting: nervous (central); Appearing after poisoning something; Reflex. The first occurs with lesions and brain diseases, although it is often a conditioned reflex to the use of some food product. When a toxin enters the body, a second kind of vomiting occurs. It is an attempt of the body to get rid of toxins. This kind of vomiting is often observed with food and alcohol poisoning, drug overdose. Reflex vomiting is most likely associated with the pathology of the digestive system. It is often observed with a stomach ulcer, gastritis, gallbladder inflammation, stones in it. In most cases, it is associated with eating.

If the patient does not understand the cause of the occurrence of nausea and vomiting, he should immediately consult with the doctor in charge. Only by putting an accurate diagnosis, a specialist can prescribe the right medicine for vomiting.

When vomiting caused by irritation of the stomach, you should take astringent and enveloping agents, painkillers of local action (anesthetics).

The best remedy for vomiting with its nervous form is antipsychotics (haloperidol, chlorpromazine), which greatly reduces the excitability of the center of vomiting and the start zone.

To prevent activation of receptors by irritating factors, such a drug for vomiting as metoclopramide, domperidone, thiethylperazine is used. An excellent result is given by preparations of troposetron, granisetron, ondansetron. They block sensitive receptors well.

Common antiemetics that give good results: vero-ondansetron, kinetrel, zofran, latran, metoclopramide, motilac, tropindol, raglan, cerucal, ceruglan, emetron.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can buy a wide variety of medicines, including homeopathic medicines. Excellent helps granulated caramel Avia-Sea. Among other drugs, you can identify such tools as:

- Aetuza: with milk intolerance.

- Antimonium crooked: take with loss of appetite, after overeating, after a fatty meal, with irritability, coated with white tongue.

- Ipecacuan: if constant nausea and vomiting, pink tongue, colic, condition worsens after eating

- Pulsatilla: if bitterness in the mouth, there is no thirst, vomiting after milk, abundant and fatty food.

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