
A little education program: a check is instead of money

Checks are different! Green and red ...

This is not poetry. A check is a prose of life in general. If we exclude the meaning of the word "check" as a plot of the cultivated field for growing rice, the remaining values This English word the cheque denotes, strictly speaking, paper. Only papers called checks are different.

In dictionaries, for example, Ozhegov, a check is, firstly, a security with the order of the owner of the money that is kept in the bank, issue to the bearer of the check a certain amount of the depositor. And secondly, a check is a receipt or a coupon, which contains the amount received by the seller in payment for the goods by the buyer. That is, strictly speaking, a check is a document confirming the conduct of an operation involving the circulation of funds.

About privatized privatization checks in the article of this speech will not go.

So, what is a bank check? English verb to checker in Russian translates to "graph, rasprableat." If anyone remembers, there was such a tool for the account - the abacus, which is a flattened board. This tool also gave the name to what is now called a bank check. A bank check is a payment document.

Actually about what a bank check is, we have a certain idea. At least for Hollywood movies, where brutal handsome people, smiling white-white, get an oblong book from the inner pocket of their jacket, write something on it, then they tear off a piece of paper and give it to some shop clerk. And he, gallantly smiling, presents a coquettish companion of the checker with a box with some jewelry.

In Russia, such forms of settlements between an individual and a legal entity are not common. But in many organizations there are check books for getting cash in the bank. They are stored under the key of the chief accountant and filled with one person.

And what is a cash receipt like a receipt? And why they are sometimes called Fiscal? In fact, everything is simple: you buy goods, pay money for it, and in confirmation that this product, which was before the moment of purchase by the property of the store, has now become your property, you receive a paper - a cash receipt. This paper is all covered with numbers and letters, some of which are mandatory for a cashier's check, and some are optional requisites. A fiscal check is a cash receipt with signs of a fiscal regime. The signs of a fiscal regime are the mandatory requisite of a cash voucher.

This is a fiscal word - Peter the Great introduced it to Russian inhabitants . There was with him the Institute of Fiscal, whose duties included the implementation of secret administrative, financial and judicial supervision. It's clear that Peter did not come up with a good life in this way for the treasury, but we have what we have: he did not keep track of himself, and he left us this practice. Fiscal mode in the application of CCP provides registration of fiscal data in a special device - the fiscal memory of the cash register. That is, for the correct taxation of the organization's goods selling to us, we must carefully fix the volume of its sales. It is for this purpose that the cash register is designed, on which cash receipts with fiscal data are printed.

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