Food and drink, Coffee
7 ways to use non-drunk coffee, which you did not know about
Having drunk a cup of delicious brewed coffee, many people just throw the rest of the dump. However, it can be used repeatedly, but not for making a drink, but for other purposes, which we will discuss in more detail.
1. Desserts and mushrooms
Remains of coffee grounds can be added to the dough or cake cream. Also this material is an excellent basis for growing mushrooms. Coffee grounds are no worse than ordinary soil.
2. Air freshener
Coffee perfectly fights with unpleasant odors. Its scent penetrates everywhere. It is enough to put the thick in a porous cloth and put it on a shelf in the closet. You can add a few drops of coffee in the coffee aroma oils or fruit peel.
3. Cleaning agent
In the coffee grounds, there are a lot of acids and abrasive substances, so you can even clean up old dirt with it. It is recommended to mix coffee with a small amount of soap.
4. Repeller
Aroma of coffee does not like many animals and insects. This quality can be used in everyday life. To scare off ants, moths and fleas, a clean coffee ground will do, but if you need to dare a cat, you should add a lemon or orange peel to it.
5. Hair Gloss
A coffee drink is very useful for hair, but it should not be hot. The mixture is applied to the hair immediately after washing and washed off with clean water after 20 minutes.
6. Scrub
Coffee grounds perfectly exfoliate the skin and fight against cellulite. It is recommended to add coconut or olive oil to it. The agent is rubbed into the skin, and then washed off. The effect is noticeable immediately.
7. Polishing for furniture
Wooden furniture can be rubbed with coffee grounds to give it a shine. This will help transform the outdated headset and refresh the interior. It's nice that such a polish does not require additional financial investments.
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