Self improvementMotivation

13 scientifically proven signs that you are smarter than others

How can you know if a person is intelligent? Most people will respond that one of the IQ tests should be used. However, such studies are often criticized today. Therefore, scientists propose to focus on fairly obvious, but very important signs, to find out whether a particular person is smarter than most people or not.

You took music lessons

Studies have shown that music helps to develop the child's mind in several ways. So, such exercises can improve verbal intelligence. In addition, the IQ of a child taking music lessons will in most cases be higher than those of his peers who are engaged in something else or who do not attend any additional classes at all. In addition, according to the results of a study conducted in 2013, it turned out that many gifted children in various fields also engaged in music.

You are the elder brother and sisters

In this case, almost certainly, you are smarter than your brothers and sisters. However, as the scientists say, it's not about genetics. So, the Norwegian doctors conducted a large study, analyzing the health and level of IQ of 250 thousand young men. As a result, it turned out that the first-borns had an average of IQ 103. This indicator for children born second was 100, and for those who were born third, 99. According to the researchers, the reason for this is the psychology of interaction between children and parents. First-borns are often given more attention, which increases their chances of becoming smarter and more successful.

You are in good physical shape

According to the results of studies conducted in 2006, based on 2,200 tests, scientists concluded that the more a person's waist, the lower his cognitive ability.

In the same year, another study was conducted. His findings indicate that 11-year-olds who scored the least number of balls on verbal and non-verbal tests are likely to suffer from obesity at the age of forty. According to scientists, smart children are better able to use the opportunities to get a good education, and then get a good job, which in the end will allow them to take better care of their health, rather than their less intellectual peers.

Do you have a cat

As a result of a study conducted in 2014, in which 600 students took part, it was found that people who consider themselves to be dogs are more sociable and friendly. However, those who prefer cats, as shown by the tests, have higher cognitive abilities.

In infancy, you were breast-feeding

The results of studies conducted in 2007 indicate that, probably, those children who were breastfed will grow more intelligent than their peers who were deprived of their mother's milk. Scientists have analyzed the history of more than three thousand babies from the UK and New Zealand. And it turned out that the children who were breastfed recruited almost seven points more in the IQ test than their peers.

You are left-handed

Researchers often associate left-handedness with crime. After all, according to statistics, the percentage of left-handers in the criminal world is slightly higher than in the rest of the population. Later, scientists associated left-handedness with such a notion as divergent thinking. By this term is meant the kind of creativity that allows very quickly to generate new ideas. The most relevant is for men.

You have a high growth

In 2008, the University of Princeton conducted a study in which thousands of people took part. As a result, it was found that those with growth above the average, in childhood, show the best results of tests to determine the level of intelligence, and as adults earn more money.

You regularly drink alcohol

Evolution psychologist Satoshi Kanadzawa, along with his colleagues, found out that among residents of the United States and Great Britain, the percentage of those who, as a child, showed excellent results of the IQ test, and in adulthood, consumes alcohol.

Do you hold liberal views?

According to the researchers, children who demonstrate high results of tests to determine the level of intelligence, growing up, very often demonstrate liberal views.

You learned to read early

In 2012, scientists conducted a study in the UK, in which almost two thousand pairs of identical twins took part. As a result, it turned out that those brothers or sisters who learned to read earlier, in most cases, showed better results in tests for cognitive abilities.

You worry a lot

More and more studies show that individuals prone to anxiety and meditation may be smarter than others. As a result of one of the tests, it turned out that people who constantly worry about something show higher results when it comes to verbal intelligence.

You have a great sense of humor

In one study, 400 students were asked to come up with signatures for several cartoons, which were later reviewed by independent experts. As expected, the creations of more intelligent students were more fun than the rest.

You used light drugs

Just like in the case of alcohol, some people who show excellent IQ test scores in childhood have at least tried light drugs during adulthood.

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