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10 Wonderful Techniques to Save Electric Power, Which Have Been Silent Previously

There are many ways to save your budget and spend less on paying for electricity. Some of the methods require investments and certain efforts - for example, the insulation of windows. Others assume restrictions and investments, for example, the purchase of energy-efficient household appliances. But the best ways are those that ensure the preservation of both energy and money. In addition, it is always worth remembering that by saving on resources, you are protecting our planet. You produce less pollution, create less acid rain, facilitate the greenhouse effect. Even if you use only the methods described in the list below, you can already notice the benefit for both the wallet and the environment. Not at all bad and absolutely free!

Washing and drying

Wash clothing in cold water. Probably, you think that the most energy the washing machine requires is to rotate the drum vigorously. In fact, about ninety percent goes to another, especially to heat water. You can save a lot if you choose modes with cool water. Warm water helps to get rid of dirt, but with a good powder, cold water will also be extremely effective. Do not use a drying machine, hang out clothes in the old manner. This works great, especially if the weather is warm. So you save on the dryer, and things smell fresh enough. For drying, you do not need electricity at all, if you hang clothes on the street! Home drying systems also work quite effectively. Also, keep an eye on the state of things. You will have to make much less effort with the iron if you take off the clothes from the dryer slightly damp. If you can not abandon the electric dryer, choose a model with a humidity sensor - then the machine will not work too long, which will also allow you to be more economical.

Turn off the computer

If you disconnect your computer and especially the monitor, when you do not use them, you save much more than if you just leave it as it is. You will use eighty percent less electricity, which for a year will allow you to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide released into the atmosphere by several hundred kilograms!

Heating and cooling of the house

If you have a thermostat, in winter you should put the temperature lower, and in the summer not include cooling too often. Turn off the heating when you are sleeping or leaving the house. All this helps greatly reduce the cost of heating. Before you throw a sweater in the summer because of the fact that your home is too cool, think about it, it's better not just to give up unnecessary conditioning. If you have a traditional fireplace, you should know that it draws heat out of the room and sends it to the chimney. Inside the room, you try to create a cozy temperature with the help of heating, but the hole leading to the street prevents you. Your money just flies in the air! Choose a fireplace with a closed system, heated by gas. He is much more efficient and economical.

Correctly use curtains, fan and air conditioning

Curtains and windows themselves are a great way to manage the temperature in the house. Many people forget about these time-proven traditional ways of creating comfort in the house. Curtains perfectly help to block the sun. At night, when the temperature drops, you can turn off the air conditioner and just open the windows. Fans can be a good alternative to air conditioning, if you arrange them correctly. If you still use the air conditioner, you should ensure its maximum efficiency. Clean or change its filter every week, if you use the device actively. Do not let it get dirty.

Less to spend on hot water

If you have a boiler, keep the water heating level at a minimum - it will still be enough hot water for most of your needs. If the boiler is warm to the touch, try wrapping it with insulating material or just a blanket. So you protect the heat of the water inside from the effects of external temperatures. To keep the water in the pipes kept warm, you can also insulate the pipe with an insulator.

Rules for using the stove

Think twice before turning on the stove. By heating food in a microwave, you spend five times less energy. In winter, the heat from the plate can be useful, but in the summer it will only create a load on your air conditioner. When cooking on the hob, use the right dishes - the frying pan should be the same size as the hob. So you use less energy. Cook for a couple, not cook, and do it under the lid - so the process will go faster. Read the instructions to the plate - there should be indicated what is its level of energy consumption. This will help you get an idea of how much energy you are spending.

Use multivark

If you are cooking in a multivariate, you are perfectly saving energy. It requires much less electricity than a conventional stove.

Keep the refrigerator clean

If you thoroughly clean the refrigerator, the engine has to work much less. So you not only save on energy, but also prolong the life of the device.

Make a good warming

A well insulated house is a more cozy house. Warming is the best way to protect yourself from bad weather. Cheap stripes of foam rubber can help you to isolate all the cracks in the windows, which will reduce all costs for heating or cooling by thirty percent. You can also purchase windows with a protective film or glue such a film yourself. All this reduces the cost of heating or cooling your home.

Go to fluorescent lights

Perhaps you have never used a compact fluorescent lamp. Worth a try! Only one lamp helps to save hundreds of rubles for the period of its service. In addition, such a light bulb can be used several times longer than an ordinary incandescent lamp. Keep the warranty card to exchange the lamp in case of breakage before time, then your investment in such coverage will be absolutely safe and really help you save a lot.

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