Health, Alternative Medicine
Zhivitsa - what is this? Application, useful properties and reviews
In the severe climate of Siberia hundreds of years old mighty cedars with fine wood for the production of furniture and construction, very useful and tasty nuts, as well as wood tar called in the people by the gum. So, zhivitsa is a resin that is named for its useful properties due to the fact that during photosynthesis cedar produces negatively ionized oxygen.
Due to the fact that Siberians make wide use of the benefits available to them, among which also includes gum, whose medicinal properties have been known from time immemorial, they are an example for other nations if it is a strong and healthy person.
Coniferous resin became famous and widely used during the Second World War. At that time on the fronts there was a problem of disinfection of wounds received in battles. The deficit of antibiotics was compensated with success, when gum was used. Its use has contributed to disinfection, as well as rapid tightening of the wounds. In addition, this resin was a stimulant of the body, successfully supporting the forces in it.
In the Siberian settlements and at the present moment in the course of flat cakes made from sap. Their regular chewing eliminates various diseases of the oral cavity: disinfects, strengthens the gums, prevents suppuration of teeth and so on.
In those times when medicine was in its infancy and a simple Siberian peasant was not available, he actively used various folk remedies. So, from the imminent blindness, a simple man was saved by gill. Its use is better than any medication saved from eye diseases. And, even in those days, medical concepts used today, such as ulcers and cancer, were still not scientifically formed, their treatment and prophylaxis of origin was precisely the pitch of the needles.
Biochemical composition
The best confirmation that cedar gum is a substance possessing medicinal properties is considered to be that scientists and professional physicians showed interest in it. They produced its biochemical analysis and revealed in it the presence of various useful components. It is necessary to briefly mention the most important of them: neutral substances - sesquiterpenes and diterpenes, monoterpenes - this is the basis for the production of turpentine, organic acids; Painted alcohols and rubber, ethereal complex substances, fatty acids (stearic, lauric, etc.) and succinic acid.
It should be noted that the prophylactic and therapeutic properties of the gum are explained by the presence of neutral substances in it, whose share is about 20 percent.
Energy wave
In addition to the chemical composition, people attribute the cedar to more interesting medicinal qualities. There is an opinion that what the plant generously shares with people emits special energy vibrations, whose waves correspond to the energy waves of an absolutely healthy person. And that due to this phenomenon zhivitsa (reviews about it can be read in the article below), getting into the body, begins to immediately adjust its cells to a positive wave, clears from diseases and harmful substances, and accelerates regeneration.
Zhivitsa is a resin of cedar, bioenergetics of which allows it to be used as an effective pharmacological agent, as well as in cosmetology. In addition, there is an opinion that her bioenergetics gives confidence in their abilities, calms the nerves, helps make the right decisions, and evenes the mood. In other words, she is a physician both of the body and of the soul. Although these are exactly the things that are scientifically verified is difficult.
Use of resin
Gilberta is a substance that is rarely used in its pure form. In general, it is used in the manufacture of oils, balms, ointments, creams and so on. Best of all, she reveals herself in balms. They are useful and completely safe for ingestion.
Professional doctors believe that you should start taking such balms with 5 drops, gradually bringing the dose to a tablespoon. He is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. The exact dosage will be appointed by the attending physician, who will be guided by the disease, as well as its stage.
When using oil based on cedar resin, you can strengthen the body, and also get relaxation during the massage (general or curative).
People who have been through treatment with this remedy say that she helped get rid of all kinds of dermatological problems. For example, after using ointments with resin, cuts and wounds are almost immediately delayed, including those that were highly festered before using the ointment, in addition, psoriasis almost completely disappeared.
Zhivitsa is also used in women. Girls, with their constant craving for beauty, using a cream with resin, will get a perfectly moisturized skin that can acquire a second youth, get rid of cracking and dryness, as well as wrinkles.
To get rid of sinusitis, persistent cold or colds, and also to strengthen immunity, drops that contain gum, whose medicinal properties will allow to disinfect and cleanse the nasopharynx in the most effective way, will help.
Stenocardiac arrhythmias
Has found zhivitsa application and in the treatment of these diseases. At the very beginning of the attack, you need to rub 10 drops of 5% solution into the thorax (between the middle line and the left nipple). In this case, for the prevention of such conditions, it is possible to combine external daily rubbing within a month with internal use (5 drops once a day).
Pathology of pressure
With hypertension or hypotension the following folk remedies will help. Treatment begins with the administration of 1 drop of 10% solution once a day, the reception is gradually brought up to 3-fold. The course of treatment is 1 month.
With endarteritis of blood vessels and neurocirculatory dystonia
In this case, take 5 drops of medicine three times a day, while in the evening they also lubricate the affected limbs. Treatment should be carried out within three months. You can also make coniferous baths to enhance the effect.
Enterocolitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis
Zhivitsa, the price of which is quite affordable (about 360 rubles per 100 ml bottle), is also used to treat these diseases. Take a 15% solution. You need to use inside the first week of treatment in the morning for five drops before eating, then (if the reception does not appear unpleasant sensations) increases the dose to ten drops (taken at 8, 12 and 18 hours), while the duration of treatment is one month. From such treatment, the intestinal microflora is also restored.
A 25 percent solution is used. You need to rub your legs, chest area, back, and nose. It is necessary to do this 4 times a day for prophylaxis in the period of epidemics, and also bury 3 drops of a 5% solution in the nose twice a day.
Wash the tampon with the same solution, then insert it into the anal opening. If there are external nodes, they must be massaged with a gum. In addition, positively affect and enemas with it.
The same solution to drip on the tonsils or lubricate them. This should be repeated every 6 hours, and if the first signs of this pathology occur, the drug should be rubbed outside the tonsils, and a compress should be applied for 20 minutes.
External application
100% solution is used in case of inflammation of the mammary gland. In this case, the remedy is rubbed directly into the center of the disease, in addition, compresses with a 5% solution are applied, and together with it, this solution is taken orally three times a day for 5 drops. This treatment lasts two months.
The following baths help with prostatitis: a tablespoon of 50% solution per glass of water, it should be taken for 15 minutes every day, treatment course - 12 baths. In addition, it is necessary to rub this remedy into the perineum for three months. In addition, enemas with a 5% solution will help.
With neuritis, it is necessary to rub a 25-percent solution four times a day along the nerve. If it is located deep in the tissues, you need to do a twenty minute compress. The course of such treatment can be from a week to 3 months.
Also, 25% solution is used for inflammation of the joints. It is rubbed three times a day into the joint area, the duration of treatment depends on the patient's condition.
With osteochondrosis, massage with a solution is done. The general course is 10-15 sessions, in addition, it is very useful for myositis and plexitis.
Skin pathology
It should be noted that with streptodermia and eczema dry, a special ointment is prepared. Gavitza and medical saltol are its main constituents. Twice daily, the affected areas are lubricated, while the gum is taken internally 5 drops three times a day. The general therapeutic course is 20 days.
Affected areas are lubricated when the eczema is wetting twice a day with a 15% solution. If the effect is absent, you can add intake twice a day for five drops.
When trophic ulcers on the lesions are applied, cotton wool, previously impregnated with a solution of gum.
For herpes, with the first symptoms, cotton wool, moistened with 50% solution, is applied for half an hour. Repeat a few hours - up to 5 times a day.
In case of burns and frostbite, a 5% dressing moistened with a 5% solution is applied.
Gum properties help a person cure various diseases. But she also has contraindications. One of them is an individual intolerance. Cedarum must be stored in a dark and cool place, the period of application is one year.
This remedy should only be used as an adjunct to a doctor's prescribed treatment.
Gilad: reviews
Reading reviews of people who used drugs with cedar resin, we can conclude that many help with various skin diseases, pressure pathologies and neuritis. Reading displeased reviews, you can find out that it is not so easy to buy. In addition, there are people with individual intolerance means.
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