HealthAlternative Medicine

Coughing in a child is treated with folk remedies.

Coughing a child is always a symptom of the onset of a disease. Of course, it's important to catch yourself and start treatment. But it is equally important to rid the child of a cough that causes him suffering. In this case, recipes of traditional medicine, which are counted in hundreds, perfectly help.

Why not traditional medicines?

The main and rather significant advantage of traditional medicine is that all recipes are easy to use. And if the child does not have allergies to one of the components, then the recovery occurs in record time. But even if there is an allergic reaction to the ingredients, you can always find an analog, because there are a lot of recipes, they are all time-tested and have proven themselves to be five with a plus. If there is a cough in a child, treatment with folk remedies is the first thing that comes to your mind, and everything you need is always at hand.

How to get rid of cough for children with bronchitis

All the necessary components for this tool are always at hand for every mother, and the recipe is known since the time of our great-grandmothers. So you can trust him for sure, and time for cooking is at a minimum. Onion broth is prepared as follows: for one liter of boiling water you need to put two large onions and a glass of sugar. Boil the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove the bulbs and drain the mixture. Give the infusion to the child three to four times a day for 100 ml. Just do not forget to warm up the mixture! She should not be cold at all.

What can a child get from a cough and an adult, if the whole family is ill

This recipe is perfect not only for children, but also for adults. All the necessary components can be purchased at any pharmacy, and the result is simply stunning. No medical syrup so coughs as lemon juice. We need honey, glycerine and lemon. From the lemon you need to squeeze the juice into a glass, in which we will prepare the syrup. There also pour two tablespoons of glycerin and fill it with honey to the top. Let the mixture infuse for about an hour and can be taken. If the cough is not strong, then it is enough to have three meals a day, and in case of severe attacks it is necessary to increase the number of receptions up to seven times.

Cough with the child. Treatment with folk remedies

From time to time cough was treated in such a simple way, which is not considered less effective from this. It is necessary to bring to a boil half a liter of milk and pour a tablespoon of pine buds there. The infusion should stand for about an hour, and you can take the medicine. You need to drink this medicine in full for the day, and then, if necessary, you can do more. But usually one day is enough to treat the most severe cough.

A bit of physical education

If a child suddenly coughs up, treatment with folk remedies involves not only syrups and infusions, but also some exercises that help get rid of the attack. For example, here's one of them - simple and not requiring any effort on your part. You just need to raise one hand as high as possible. This technique helps to stop the attack of a cough very quickly.

Well, now you see how easy it is to stop a cough in a child. Treatment with folk remedies has been checked for centuries, and therefore it is considered quite effective. But this is only a small part of the recipes, each family has its own secrets, which pass from mother to daughter.

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