
Zaeda on the lips, causes and treatment of folk remedies

The disease is caused by bacteria streptococcus and yeast-like fungus candida. These microorganisms are classified as conditionally pathogenic flora. In the human body, they are constantly present, but are activated only under certain conditions.

Seizures on the lips, causes

  • Subcooling, cold or mechanical irritation, including a denture, chosen incorrectly. Mechanical irritation can be caused by the lack of teeth. In this case, the bite is broken, the pressure on the corners of the mouth increases.
  • In women, against a background of profuse menstruation, seizures arise. The causes lie in the sharp loss of hemoglobin. Zaeda is a sign of iron deficiency anemia.
  • The diagnosis of angulitis often accompanies beriberi. The lack of riboflavin, vitamin B2, is more common. The disease is complicated by skin peeling, the spread of the affected area on the wings of the nose, across the face. In this case, the patient loses his appetite, quickly becomes tired.
  • Seizures on the lips provoke disturbances in the work of the endocrine glands. For example, in diabetes, specialists explain the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth as a secondary infection with a fungal infection.
  • Carious tooth, inflamed gums by default are the source and storehouse of the pathogenic flora.
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system during periods of exacerbation provoke the appearance of seizures.
  • If seizures on the lips are disturbed during the course of antibiotic treatment, then it is necessary to inform the attending physician. Antibiotics can be a factor exacerbating the disease.
  • The risk group includes smokers, alcohol abusers and lovers of sweets.
  • Licking their lips, stuffing into their mouth all sorts of things, children create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic fungi and bacteria.
  • Recently, jam on the lips began to appear after using some toothpastes containing skin irritating substances.

How to get rid of jam on your lips

  1. Make lotions based on herbs. The recommended pharmacy collection consists of chamomile, sage, calendula and celandine. The easiest way to get rid of cracks in the mouth is to use green tea bags for lotions. It is convenient to keep a warm pressed sachet of green tea simply between the aching lips.
  2. Herbal tinctures. You can buy at the pharmacy, you can cook on your own, especially if seizures on the lips are systematically tortured. The bark of an oak or cones of an alder will approach.
  3. Oils. Olive oil, rosehip oil, avocado and tea tree is a remedy for seizures.
  4. Propolis. It is recommended to use alcoholic tincture of propolis. Propolis has a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. According to a separate recipe, tincture of propolis should be combined with butter in a ratio of 100 g of oil and 10 g of propolis. The mixture melts in a water bath. After that, the lotion is applied to the cracks several times a day. The more often, the better.
  5. Mash from fresh grated apple and butter. Stir the beaten apple with butter in the proportion of 1 to 1. Pour the paste evenly on the lips.
  6. Cottage cheese. For efficiency, the curd mask for cracked lips is recommended to mix with carrot juice.
  7. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice.
  8. Accurately follow the recommendations of the attending physician. Analyzes may indicate the fungal origin of zaedov or microbial. It depends on what kind of ointment the doctor signs. In difficult cases, a course of antibiotic treatment is prescribed. It is important to take the vitamin complex specified in the prescription.

To prevent the occurrence of seizures are cosmetic procedures based on honey or rose oil, flax seeds. And also in the course are any acceptable means from a series of chemist's cosmetics. The basis of treatment and prevention of seizures on the lips is proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It is important to give up alcohol and smoking.

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