Self improvementPsychology

Yuriy Burlan, vector-system psychology. System-vector psychology, a test for determining the vector

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, whose books have become quite popular recently, is based on the concept of Z. Freud about psychosexuality. Let's consider it in more detail.

general characteristics

As one of the key conditions for correct education of children, the author of the theory calls understanding the innate properties and abilities of each child. Required knowledge in this area helps to master system-vector psychology. Vectors are types of "direction". They indicate what a person likes and gives him pleasure. Self-realization is carried out through a certain role in the society. The concept proposed by the author is applied science. It promotes the rapid development of the mechanisms of the functioning of the unconscious, its manifestations in every individual, at the level of a couple, a group, a society. As a result of the assimilation of knowledge, the thinking of the adult is transformed into an objective view of what is happening. There is acceptance and a full understanding of the behavior of others and their life priorities. Vector-system psychology allows the parent to better understand his child and educate him so that his potential was maximally realized.

The essence of the concept

What is the basis of system-vector psychology? Tolkachev (co-author of the creator of the theory) and other researchers of the problem of education develop the idea that each person is born with specific prescribed properties. They determine the life scenario of a person, his behavior and character. These properties are divided into 8 groups. In each of them, the characteristics are combined, depending on the role in the society. It, in turn, expresses the goal of mankind, consisting in survival. Each group (vector) has a connection with a specific sensitive area. It predetermines a method of obtaining or inferring a person's information about himself and the world that surrounds him. The innate characteristics of the individual do not change their nature during life. However, they can manifest themselves in various forms.

Basic Provisions

Vector-system psychology includes the concepts of the formation and subsequent implementation of the characteristics of the direction on which the carrier's behavior itself depends. A person whose properties have remained undeveloped will act according to the opposite scenario in comparison with the developed individual. In accordance with this, the scenario of life develops. A person can become a thief or judge, a genius or a schizophrenic, a rapist or a wonderful family man and so on. Properties develop until pubertal age inclusive. After that, the characteristics can either be filled / realized, or not. In the first case, vector-system psychology assumes the use of innate properties, due to which a person receives satisfaction and remains in a state of harmony. All this suggests that the key characteristics are laid from an early age and improved to full puberty. The main role in this process belongs to the parents. It is they who form the conditions of peace that surrounds the child during this period.

Familiarity with the characteristics

The identification of properties begins with a description of their expression during the period of the primitive flock. This allows us to understand the primary, the initial state, which is set from birth. So you can follow the development of mental characteristics, which took place in the course of the complication of the world over the past several thousand years.

Nuances of Understanding

The question of the competent education of children in classical psychology has provoked the emergence of many methods of development of the child. However, some of them are clearly contradictory. Their inefficiency and emerging misconceptions are due to the fact that there is no established definition of the "normality" of the child in them. There are no absolute signs that a person at an early age is considered healthy mentally, and his behavior is considered adequate, as well as vice versa. In this connection, for the past half-century, the category of acceptability includes both early sexual life and the rejection of congenital gender identity. What in this case offers Yu Burlan? System-vector psychology defines the concept of norm in a differentiated way, according to the innate characteristics of the child. This prevents the harm that parents can cause the development of their children, and also allows at an early stage to identify the most effective educational methods.


What does Yu. Burlan recommend starting from? System-vector psychology, in his opinion, is based on the following theses:

  1. A child does not inherit characteristics from parents and can have completely different properties.
  2. As the main task of adults is to provide children with safe conditions, a state of protection. Otherwise, the development slows down, distorts or stops.
  3. The methods of upbringing and training should correspond to innate characteristics.
  4. The consequences of mental trauma received before puberty can be leveled or facilitated through systemic interaction.
  5. Children act as representatives of the next generation. This means that the innate power of desire and their potential is much higher than the parent.
  6. In everyday communication, education and development of the child, the key is the systemic thinking of the older members of the family. This is especially true for the mother, since she is the main person in life before the puberty period is over.

Let us consider some groups that are distinguished by system-vector psychology. The vector definition test contains certain questions. According to the answers to them, membership in a particular type is established.


The specific role of such a child is to create and store food reserves. He has a logical type of thinking. As the innate properties of such a child, system-vector psychology determines mobility and activity. He has sensitive skin, a plastic body, which predetermines the choice of dancing and sports. Such a child is stingy enough for emotions and words. He has short, capacious phrases. It is important for parents to teach their rules and show their boundaries.

Life values

What characterizes the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan? The test shows that with the development of innate properties of the "skull" from the child, an engineer, a legislator, a successful manager grows up. He knows how to obey and obey, discipline himself and others. If a child is punished with beating, then he will have a craving for masochism. In the case of undeveloped properties, he becomes a thief, an alcoholic, girls grow up prostitutes.

The necessary conditions

Vector-system psychology formulates a number of rules for the normal development of the child-"skimmer". First of all, it should be taught to the regime and discipline. Sports will be of key importance. In the process of education, the author of the concept recommends that parents agree on incentives for the child to take certain actions. The most acceptable punishment may be a restriction in time and space.

Urethral direction

Children of this type tend to be responsible for life, strive to expand the living space. This is the description given by system-vector psychology. The test for determining the vector shows non-standard tactical thinking. Such children are clots of energy and a desire to live. They have a dominant look, they always have burning eyes. Body temperature is always increased. Such children do not recognize authorities, they are uncontrollable. Together with this, if parents choose the right approach, they will grow up a very responsible person. Such children react lightning fast both mentally and physically. They do not feel constrained, therefore they do not feel danger. This, in turn, causes high mortality due to negligence. A man of this type with developed innate abilities is capable of leading people. Quite often, such directors are grown up by directors of large enterprises. If the innate characteristics are undeveloped, the child in childhood experiences pressure or violence from adults, he runs away from home. Such children often become leaders of criminal associations. The emphasis on responsibility is the main condition for development, which implies system-vector psychology for them. Books describing the concept contain detailed comments and recommendations for the parents of such children. The authors believe that adults should not insist on obedience, it is only necessary to direct the child's actions.

Muscular direction

Physical labor is the main landmark that sets the system-vector psychology for such children. The direction test indicates two main states: rage or monotony. In the latter case, a person tends to work hard. He can perform the same work every day, every day. Such people do not have their own opinion, they will act as they were taught. The choice in life will depend on who influences the development of the child. The thinking of such children is characterized as visual and effective. They do exactly as they showed it. This property must be taken into account in the learning process. These children can not be called stupid. They have a specific way of thinking. It is thanks to him that so stable work can only be done by them. With developed innate properties, very hardworking specialists grow up from such children. They build, plow the land, work in mines. They do not have high demands, it is enough for them that they could receive, working with their hands. If the child is not accustomed to work, then from it a dangerous criminal authority can grow. He will easily fall into a criminal group, where he will show his physical strength.

Impressive children

For them, the visual vector is characteristic. In system-vector psychology, such children refer to bright extroverts. For them, a rapid change of mood is a common occurrence. Such children have a strong development of fear of death. With illiterate education, it is transformed into stable phobias. Many such children are afraid of the dark and refuse to sleep with the lights off. This is because their visual analyzer can not distinguish between the threat and ensure security. These children have a well-developed imagination. They easily come up with different stories, revive inanimate objects. As the main life task is the cognition of the world. That is why the main zone of perception is the eyes. As a rule, they are large and expressive. These children like everything beautiful, they are prone to coquetry. The most important aspect for them is the establishment of emotional ties. It can be created with inanimate objects, with people, and with animals. The immune system of such children is weak, so they are the first to catch viral diseases. With developed innate characteristics, deeply feeling, loving and sincere people grow out of them. Negative influence on them has intimidation, reading of terrible fairy tales. Fixing on such emotions, a person begins to choose horror films himself, goes to the cemetery at night, reads gloomy books and so on.

Sound direction

Children of this vector differ in abstract thinking. They get interested early enough in the meaning of life, in the existence of people, in the appointment. Subsequently, these kinds of questions can be pushed back to the unconscious level. However, they are especially acute in the pubertal period. Sound children are not sociable and thoughtful. They prefer privacy. Their faces often do not reflect any emotions, but this does not mean that they do not exist. During the first half of the day, these children are usually sluggish and somewhat inhibited. It is difficult for them to concentrate on the first lessons. In this regard, they have a risk of becoming unsuccessful in the curriculum, despite a fairly strong mind. At normal development at children good intellectual abilities are found out. They are easily given the exact sciences, languages. With developed innate characteristics of them grow geniuses. Such people become outstanding physicists, scientists, writers, philosophers. They are prevented by noise and scream. Children are very painful to them. As a result, they retreat into themselves, they move away from the world around them. Their condition becomes strained, depression appears. Perhaps infatuation with drugs, frequent are headaches. These children are at risk for autism and schizophrenia.

Oral direction

Such children are cheerful and talkative. They are always on the rise, they can enter any collective. It is important for them to find listeners. If someone interrupts them, they tend to squeeze the information in order to have time to give it all out before they are interrupted. Therefore, their speech becomes incoherent, fast. These children have increased sensitivity of the mouth, lips. They like to touch them. They can come up with a story on the go, easily deceive. All this is necessary for them to attract attention. Children with developed properties become actors, TV presenters, orators. They are good at food. In the case of undeveloped intelligence, children become clowns, who do not stop for a minute. They speak even while eating.

System-vector psychology: reviews

It should be noted that the concept has become quite widespread in Russia. Her author conducts seminars, lectures, courses. He created a large number of video lessons. Online trainings are also being conducted. Seminars and lectures are attended by ordinary people who are completely ignorant of psychology, as well as specialists, doctors, psychiatrists. Most of them have a positive opinion about the work of Yu. Burlan. Lectures help people cope with the problems that have arisen in the family, reconsider their approaches to education. Nevertheless, there is also a negative evaluation of all this activity. So, for example, Vyacheslav Yunev differs in this respect. System-vector psychology, in his opinion, is an attack on the human consciousness. The author of the concept was directed to criticism. However, some of his angry articles were refuted both by the followers of the theory, and by those who were able to solve family problems with the help of system-vector psychology.

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