HealthAlternative Medicine

Young pine shoots: medicinal properties and contraindications

Everyone knows such a tree as a pine tree, which grows everywhere. For sure there is no person who does not like walks in pine forests. In them, even the air is as if you taste it. Even a small walk among the pines can remove all accumulated fatigue and charge a person with more energy. Having visited near these unpretentious coniferous trees, exuding a unique and specific aroma, everyone will feel himself anew born.

Pine tree - a miracle tree

But not only the magnificent rest and relaxation can give a miracle tree. In folk medicine, pine shoots have a special value. Their therapeutic properties are used to treat many diseases. And the air of the pine forest itself exerts a magnificent curative effect on man.

With the help of the needles of this tree, especially the youngest, soft, having an emerald hue, you can treat almost all the diseases that exist. Most often, needles are used to treat diseases such as:

  • Kidney disease;
  • Convulsions;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Problems of the cardiovascular system.

Young pine shoots, the medicinal properties of which were well known to our grandmothers, also help with atrophy of the optic nerve, as well as detachment of the retina. It is able to remove radionuclides from the body. During the war years, decoctions of the needles of this tree saved many lives, as they contributed to an increase in immunity, greatly undermined by hard times.

Composition of medicinal raw materials made from pine shoots

Pine branches medical properties are simply magnificent. This is facilitated by their composition. In young branches and the newly formed needles of this miracle healer are used resinous substances used in many medicinal preparations. They are also rich in ascorbic acid, because of which in antiquity it was used as an agent for treating such a terrible disease as scurvy.

Pine shoots also do not lose their healing properties on alcohol due to the fact that a large number of joints are accumulated in the needle, which are compatible with it. There are numerous micro and macro elements in young shoots. Do not forget about the produced essential oil containing terpene series compounds.

Pine shoots and folk medicine

This medicinal plant uses pine shoots. Therapeutic properties in folk medicine have been used for many centuries. Of them, prepare all kinds of decoctions and ointments needed to treat many serious diseases, and also add them to the bath.

But even in the event that a person does not get sick at all, but simply he has beriberi and chronic fatigue syndrome in spring, help will also come from preparations made from young shoots of pine.

But in folk medicine not only decoctions are used, for which pine shoots were used. Therapeutic properties of tincture on vodka eliminate the person both the causes and symptoms of beriberi. Tincture is still an excellent antiseptic, well acts as a choleretic and diuretic, promotes expectoration of sputum and treats any inflammatory pathologies formed in the upper respiratory tract.

Ten diseases that subscribe to the needles

What can completely heal this evergreen tree? Pine shoots, the healing properties that they have, relieve many diseases. Below are listed only ten, get rid of them needles can without any problems and consequences:

  1. Any diseases of colds. For this, the needles of the plant are applied. In the weakened state, it helps to get rid of the common cold, and in the form of a decoction it is used for angina and prolonged catarrhal diseases;
  2. Well infusions and decoctions of young pine shoots help with atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. Skin diseases are also treated with pine branches, and the resin present on them is used to make ointments from furunculosis, carbuncles, ulcers;
  4. With pulmonary diseases, the agent prepared from shoots helps to dilute and better separation of phlegm present in the bronchi and lungs. These drugs are also used for tuberculosis;
  5. Heals a decoction prepared from pine shoots and needles, as well as diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys;
  6. And in the case when a person is diagnosed with any disease of the digestive organs, this plant becomes an indispensable assistant;
  7. Under the power of young pine shoots and pathology of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, sciatica, joint pain;
  8. Well proven to shoots pine in the treatment of vitamin deficiency;
  9. When treating neuroses, they are used as a sedative in the form of tinctures or baths;
  10. Thanks to young pine shoots, you can get rid of migraines, headaches and noises.

Pharmacological properties of preparations prepared from pine

Not only in folk medicine, but also in domestic pharmacology, young pine shoots are used. Their healing properties have long been appreciated by traditional medicine. Of the young shoots of this plant, for the most part, water tinctures or alcohol extracts are prepared. Also, they are added to the water for bathing.

A good therapeutic effect of drugs prepared from young pine branches is achieved due to the biologically active substances contained in them, capable of exerting both anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects on the body.

Also, the products that are prepared on the basis of pine in traditional medicine are prescribed as an adjunct in the treatment of diseases associated with the formation of stones in the bile ducts or urinary organs, as well as in the kidneys.

Methods of using pine shoots

Pine twigs with young needles are usually used as follows:

  • Decoction of them is often prepared in the case when an antitumor agent is required;
  • In the form of a paste or ointment, they have found application in the treatment of skin pathologies, burns, ulcers, boils;
  • The welding of them, added to the bath, has excellent soothing properties.

Here is the simplest, but effective decoction, which gives pine shoots, their medicinal properties are used by many:

4 cups of finely chopped needles are taken, filled with cold boiled water. Two teaspoons of hydrochloric acid are added to the prepared mixture. All this should stand for three days in the dark, and after that the device is filtered. Take half the glass twice a day, adding a little honey or sugar before the reception.

Jam from pine shoots is an excellent medicine

In addition to the aforementioned application of needles, the medicinal properties of pine shoots can be used, preparing from them such delicacies as jam or honey. Recipes are simple enough and do not require special knowledge in cooking, but the benefits of using them are simply enormous. First of all, the use is recommended for those people who very often suffer from catarrhal diseases. Do not forget about their existence, and then, when there are chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

Contraindications to the use of pine shoots

Many sources describe how young pine shoots, medicinal properties and contraindications to their use are used in non-traditional medicine. Given all this information, a patient who has a history of a certain disease, there is an excellent opportunity to improve with your pine needles your health and prevent possible negative consequences.

  • Completely contraindicated use of drugs prepared from young pine shoots during pregnancy, as well as feeding the baby;
  • It should be refrained from using them for hepatitis, especially if it occurs in an acute form;
  • It is not recommended to take uncontrolled intake of this product in large quantities, since in this case pine needles can easily cause a strong inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, as well as general malaise, headache and kidney parenchyma ;
  • With great care to take some drugs made from pine needles and twigs of this tree, should hypertensive patients.

All this information makes it possible to use pine shoots, medicinal properties and contraindications for the benefit of your body. Because they can not only prolong the period of remission of certain diseases, but also achieve a complete cure.

Rules for the procurement of medicinal raw materials from needles

For many medicinal purposes pine needles are used. For a product prepared on its basis to only benefit and not cause a person to suffer from possible negative consequences, the rules of collection should be observed. The healing properties of pine shoots can manifest themselves in full force only in this case. You can harvest pine needles and twigs at any time, but the best period is the early spring, when young shoots appeared on the trees. They have the greatest healing power.

The rules for their procurement are fairly simple and consist of the following:

  • Young shoots are cut with a sharp knife;
  • For drying, put in a well-ventilated room in a row;
  • During drying, the raw material should be turned several times to prevent the formation of mold.

They can also be dried in suspended condition on stretched ropes. Keep prepared in this way, coniferous shoots should be in canvas sacks.
Have their own prepared pine shoots medicinal properties and contraindications. But the latter, for the most part, are manifested when the rules for collecting this magnificent raw material have been violated.

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