Self improvementPsychology

Xenophobia: what is it, its causes and treatment

Irrational inexplicable fear of representatives of one or another nationality or simply strangers sometimes turns into a constant panic, stimulated by their own state. You ask, what am I talking about? About one very bad phobia! Friends, within the framework of this article we will consider a phenomenon such as xenophobia: what is it, what are the reasons for its appearance and methods of combating it. The fact is that this is one of the most common problems in Russia today. But first things first.

Xenophobia - what is it?

The origin of this term goes back to the Greek language: "xenos" - unfamiliar, foreign - and "phobia" - fear, fear. In simple terms, xenophobia is dislike (or intolerance) towards something or someone foreign, unfamiliar, unfamiliar. People who suffer from this mental disorder perceive everything else as something incomprehensible and incomprehensible, seeing in it danger and hostility. Is it a breakdown?

Interestingly, for some time now, for most people (mostly Russians), this phobia was not a mental deviation, but a whole world view and gave rise to enmity based on the principle of religious, social and, most importantly, national division. And all this is just xenophobia!

What is racism? Nationalism? Not exactly, friends. The fact is that xenophobia is often confused with nationalism, but there is a very significant difference between the two definitions:

  • People with nationalistic views can not always feel negative about other nations, religions and whole ethnic groups;
  • Xenophobes are able to call their views "nationalistic views", in addition, xenophobia in some of its manifestations intersects with chauvinism.

Causes of xenophobia

General view

This phobia has a more confused origin than all the rest. This is a number of mechanisms and factors that can awaken the fear of strangers in an ordinary person. It is interesting that the cause of xenophobia is not in the biological (like all other phobias), but in the social component of the personality! And all the fault - modern capitalism, which obscures in the human mind the fundamental idea of the equality of all people. This is a common reason for everyone.

Special case

If we talk about an individual, the prerequisites for the origin of this mental disorder will be different for everyone. If you draw a parallel with other phobias, it is easy to guess that sometimes the cause of this disorder lies in childhood impressions that have been preserved for life and influenced the child's outlook, and this is teenage xenophobia. It is known that a baby is a "sponge" that absorbs the behavior of its parents and close people. And if, for example, the pope negatively treats foreigners, then the child, as a teenager, takes over this! Is xenophobia treated?

What is this mental disorder that can not be cured? Remember, nothing is impossible! This phobia is perfectly treated, but on condition that the patient has shown an independent desire for it. If he realized that such irrational fears very seriously poison his life, turn into constant conflicts with the surrounding people, then, on time turning to the doctor, he will get rid of them.

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