Self improvement, Psychology
Daily habits can tell a lot about a person's personality
Each of us has characteristic habits, which we take for granted and in no way try to explain. No one is surprised that people sing in the shower, decorate themselves from head to toe with tattoos or adore spicy food. However, if we consider everyday behavior from the point of view of temperament or personality traits, everything immediately falls into place. For example, a healthy lifestyle and exercise are most often practiced by conscientious people with a high degree of responsibility. It is with such people that you have more chances to build harmonious long-term relationships.
It is generally believed that extroverts are generally happier than introverts. Closed people who prefer to live apart, experience more problems with mental health. People of progressive views, open to experiments, tend to have a higher level of income. Well, benevolent positive personalities have many friends. With this, it seems, everyone will agree.
Daily habits are reflected in our character
Up to this point, we have talked about character traits that affect long-term goals. It is time to touch on the topic of daily actions that we are doing on an unconscious level. The scientific publication "Personality and individual differences" published the results of a study in which psychologists managed to find out how the daily routine correlates with the basic type of personality. Scientists distinguish the so-called "big five" personal models: benevolence, consciousness, extraversion, neuroticism (the opposite of emotional stability) and openness to experience (directly related to a high level of intelligence).
The first stage of the experiment
There is no doubt that extroverts often go out into people, are the "soul of the company" and party regulars, conscious people are extremely punctual. But you would never have thought that conscientiousness prevents people from reading much, and extraversion involves loving a hot bath. Researchers Benjamin Chapman and Lewis Goldberg conducted a sociological survey among 800 adults in Oregon. The overwhelming majority of volunteers were white men who reached the age of 50. Participants were asked to give a full description of their personality, using a hundred different adjectives (for example, timid, artistic, orderly, benevolent, demanding, capricious or calm).
Second phase
After four years, scientists correlated the results of the survey with another test, during which the same participants listed the things they had done in the last year (examples of the events were presented). Thus, scientists were able to track which representatives of a personal model like to sing in the shower or are convinced book lovers.
What do the extroverts talk about?
As a result, it was revealed that extroverts adore taking a hot bath, basking in the sun, planning parties, drinking, talking on the phone while driving a car and discussing ways of earning money with other people. Also, representatives of this personal model are simply obsessed with decorating their own home.
Who avoids entertainment?
Conscientious and conscientious people, on the contrary, tend to avoid entertainment and noisy companies. And, as we already know, even the desire for reading is not inherent in them. Unfortunately, in the minds of many responsible people, the conviction was firmly established that books are a luxury or a waste of time. However, these people are practically conflict-free and are able to keep their emotions under control (for example, a conscientious person will never chew a pencil).
Who is convinced of purity?
Benevolent people, strangely enough, found an outlet in household chores. They can iron the clothes for hours, change the furniture on the mezzanine, wash and wipe the dust. Almost certainly these people will refuse to buy a mud-smelling machine, and they also perceive games with children as a nice entertainment. According to scientists, a benevolent person does his best to avoid conflicts in the family, which is why he was accustomed to please his relatives by putting household concerns on himself. Well, in order to feed their benevolent mood, these people sing in the shower, as well as at the wheel of a car (even if they are not very good at it).
Who is associated with antisocial behavior?
There is nothing surprising in that neurotics often take antidepressants. But, to all other things, these people are prone to antisocial behavior. For example, they can behave with others defiantly, publicly make fun of someone or manifest other forms of aggression. This is probably due to the fact that it is difficult for neurotics to keep their emotions in check.
Who is attached to the love of creativity and spicy food?
Progressive, highly intelligent people are open to new experiences. They love poetry, visit operas or art galleries. Surprisingly, they do not disdain smoking marijuana, can not live without spicy food for breakfast and can afford to walk around the apartment naked. But the team sports for them are of no interest.
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