Spiritual development, Mystic
Why you can not take pictures of sleeping children - signs
There is such a belief, known since ancient times, which says that in no case can the sleeping state of people of any age be photographed or imprinted in any other way categorically impossible! Because of this, many masters of such art do not practice shooting of sleeping people. Why do anyone need such a memory?
The first superstitions associated with the photograph of a sleeping person
A large percentage of non-faithful personalities are trying to find the best answers to their questions. What is the reason for the superstitions about the pictures of the sleeping is unknown. Why can not we photograph sleeping people? At the beginning of the 19th century, a very popular occupation of the past generation was the imprint of the deceased person in the form of a sleeper. This perpetuation was considered fashionable and was widely used. In addition, the deceased person was not removed in the coffin as a corpse. In the photo everything had to look as if a person had fallen asleep and was sleeping sweetly. Different poses (even sitting on a chair), a beautiful dress and the necessary interior to create an atmosphere were required for this. And they were at that time almost all people who lost loved ones or relatives. Photographers among themselves called these albums "death books". It's scary and scary at least!
Features of modernity
For us today, such tricks are considered wild and to some extent cruel to the deceased. Perhaps, it is with this period and the moments associated with the custom not to capture people in a dormant state. Because immediately there is an association with death, which you do not want to call out.
Another option for why you can not take pictures of sleeping children, many people call what is possible for a posing person to bring disaster upon himself and soon, tragically and unexpectedly, die. Thus, as if a call to death from the sleeping person shown in the photo is made.
Superstitions and predictions
It is believed that a sleeping person is just a physical body, which for a while the soul has left. Previously, the state of sleep was called "small death." This meant that when photographing such a person, the soul is not able to protect it from the evil influence of otherworldly forces. And as a result, the body was exposed to the negative influence of bad energy.
Previously, in the opinion of the society of past times, children were very vulnerable to the negative influence of mystical forces. As a result, a mystical notion of why it is impossible to photograph sleeping children has appeared. Such a picture contains a lot of different information, which in the literal sense of the word can be used against a posing person.
Corruption through photography
It was believed that since the advent of the shooting magicians, sorcerers, shamans curse, spoil it with the help of photography. It was supposed that for the use of her in rituals, the images of sleeping people would be more successful for the sorcerer. Why be exposed to danger and fall under negative influence? If you believe everything that happened in the deep past, you can draw certain conclusions why it is impossible to photograph sleeping children. In modern times, almost all cities of the world still have a large number of different fortune tellers and psychics who conduct all sorts of rituals using images of people. Although, it would seem, we live in the era of the greatest scientific discoveries, with a maximum level of enlightenment in previously questions of interest to humanity and inexplicable phenomena.
Photo - a large flow of information and energy
People with superpowers (magicians, psychics, esoteric) with the help of photography can tell you in full and in detail about all past past, present and even tell the future. At least, this is the opinion of an unskeptic part of the population of our planet. And this means that whatever picture it is, it still preserves all the bioenergetics of the person who is depicted on it. Such a small piece with which you can cause irreparable harm to the person himself or his health. If you also get a picture that shows a sleeping person, then in this case his fate becomes more malleable and sensitive to an unexpected event or situation.
Answers on questions
Having received such volume of the necessary information on why it is impossible to photograph sleeping children, it is possible to come to certain conclusions. After all, children's energy, according to psychics, is much weaker than in adults. This also gives us an answer to the question of why you can not photograph sleeping people. The right in the decision is given to you, whose words and legends to believe and what to resort to.
Modern views on the superstitions associated with photography
Modern mothers - though not such superstitious personalities as a hundred years ago, but still do not allow you to take photos of your children during sleep. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to photograph sleeping children will be different from everyone to whom you ask it. After all, every person perceives and reacts to circumstances in different ways.
Sleeping babies and photographing are incompatible things
A small child during sleep is very sensitive, and the slightest rustle can disturb, frighten him or even wake him up. Babies and babies have not yet formed their bio-field and energy. If you believe the signs, it is these cards that are the most sensitive and vulnerable in unfriendly hands. A bright flash from the camera, clicks and typical sounds can terribly frighten a child during when you try to capture it in an interesting pose. From this, it becomes immediately clear why one can not photograph a sleeping child. Because of one nice frame you can clear up the consequences for more than one hour, especially if your child suddenly woke up not in the mood or worse - was scared.
Why it is impossible to photograph a sleeping child, probably everyone who has read the information and the arguments on this account, given in the article, already understood. To stick to such stereotypes or to act in your own way is your business. But it's best to be careful once, and still follow the banal clues, than regret later about the troubles arising from negligence and excessive skepticism.
Is the sleeping person photogenic?
If you really believe in the fact that a person is completely helpless during sleep, then this is a good reason why you should not take pictures of the sleeper at all. Even not every master will undertake a session with a sleeping person, except for an experiment, a joke or a collection. Based on facts and theory, we can first summarize why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people, children including:
- These photos are not always good, because people are not set up to shoot.
- The probability of getting a frame in the hands of a bad person.
- A banal, albeit superstitious way to protect yourself from evil eye and spoilage.
Take photos in huge quantities, because they are the main source of memories related to pleasant moments. But try to avoid all the same, where you or your children are sleeping. Even in every lie there is a small part of the truth. Do not play with fate. It is better to skip a beautiful shot once than to cry about an unpleasant incident.
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