HealthDiseases and Conditions

Why the legs are reduced: the causes and methods of disposal

Cramps of the legs are almost every person. Well, if it's just a single cramp. But what if you reduce your legs more often and sharp pain in the gastrocnemius wakes you up at night all the time?

First, let's define - why does it reduce legs? Seizure is a muscle spasm, a sharp contraction of muscle fibers. In a calm state, the circulatory system supplies the muscles with nutrients, glucose and oxygen. And quite with it consults. But it is worthwhile for a person to engage in active activity, as the need for an influx of these elements increases. If blood vessels can not cope with the increased inflow of blood to the muscles, then muscle tissue experiences oxygen hunger and a lack of glucose. As a result, a cramp in the legs. Let's look at the most common causes of this condition:

  • Why does he reduce his legs under heavy physical exertion from an unprepared person, from athletes after long training, during work related to long standing on his feet? Muscles consume a large amount of energy (glucose). The lack of it in the muscle tissue to continue active work provokes a cramp.
  • Why does it reduce legs during pregnancy? Here the reason is very simple. The developing fetus requires a large amount of calcium for the structure of its bone tissue, which it takes from the body of the mother. It is extremely important for a pregnant woman to monitor her diet by supplying a full-fledged set of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients to the baby, which is completely dependent on her.
  • Why does my legs fall asleep? Because of the awkward position of the legs in bed. Incorrect position of the leg compresses the blood vessels, and this is fraught with convulsive manifestations. Especially if the vessels overlap for a long time.
  • Why does my feet fall when swimming in cold water? During swimming, the human body performs double work - the physical costs of the process itself and the reflex protection from the cold (shaking). Double energy costs require an additional supply of power to the muscles. If the body can not cope - a cramp in the water. What can be very dangerous.
  • Why does it reduce the weight of people who are overweight? Extra weight in the form of extra pounds on the blood vessels of the leg muscles is not enough, which leads to swelling, but also makes them work in an "emergency" mode. As a rule, the walls of blood vessels in these people lose their elasticity and do not cope with their task. As a result - venous expansion and convulsive phenomena in the legs.
  • The phenomenon of a "leg caught" is often found in women who prefer a high heel to shoes. The unnatural strain on the muscles of the legs leads to their tension, which makes itself felt at night when the person relaxed. It is then that "residual" stresses begin to appear. The same reason for the appearance of seizures in people suffering from flat feet is an incorrect load on the gastrocnemius muscle. Wearing special shoes or orthopedic liners for them is necessary.

Perhaps the appearance of seizures at night is caused by some disease. To determine the reasons, a visit to the doctor is necessary. If the health is ok, and the basis for the cramps are only the points listed above, then everything is fixable.

Do an audit of your diet. Do you have enough calcium-rich foods in your diet: milk and dairy products, cheeses, cottage cheese, beans, spinach, red fish, etc. Does your body have the necessary microelements, vitamins and nutrients?

When there is a spasm, do not panic. Pull the big toe, then twist the muscle "point" massage with your fingers, even if it is painful to touch it. After a while, the pain will release. And with the establishment of the right way of life, these phenomena will go away. Health to you!

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