Spiritual developmentAstrology

Which stone suits the Lions best?

The old stones and minerals caused a feeling of sacred awe. They attracted the eye, and some - in particular, the precious, enslaved in full. It is not surprising that the stones were endowed with magical properties and that they Attributed to the ability to protect the owner, help him and heal. The stones were closely connected with astrology, and therefore people always wanted to know which stones are suitable for a sign, especially what kind of stone suits the Lions. Such close attention is due to the fact that the Lion is a royal, royal sign, a sign of rulers and kings.

So which stone is the best for Lions?

There are many stones and minerals in the world, but only a few of them are endowed with magical properties. Stones of the sign of the zodiac The lion is all minerals of gold, red and yellow tones. But there are exceptions. Some stones are ideal for the king of the zodiac.


Carnelian, or Carnelian. It is a stone of saturated red tones, in which there are no orange impurities. Carnelian was considered a love stone, which was used together with a love potion, as well as a mineral that affects the sexual sphere. Carnelian normalizes relations at home and at work, protects against
Ill-wishers, envious persons and enemies. In addition, this stone enhances intuition, brings peace and tranquility. At the same time, carneol sharpens intuition and improves oratory abilities.


Which stone suits the Lions, except for carnelian? Of course, chrysolite. This stone Sometimes called a false emerald, because in the light of candles the chrysolite acquires a greenish tinge. He, if you believe in esoteric people, can save a man from impotence, and give a woman the inviolability of a home, love and family happiness. For the Lion, chrysolite is an ideal stone, since it has a magical property to influence the surrounding, to suppress their will. That's why business people are strongly encouraged to wear jewelry with it. And despite the fact that chrysolite is a stone that promotes change, one should not be afraid of it, since it turns the changes into a real holiday for a person.


Thinking about what kind of stone suits the Lions, it is worth paying attention to such a simple but beautiful mineral as amber. It is also a stone of warm yellow tones, in which the sun is frozen. Amber helps creative people to tune in to the right wave, strengthens faith in their own strength. For Lion, amber is an excellent amulet, because it is associated with vivacity, life and physical strength. Astral slags are excreted from the body with the help of amber. Amber, the stone of the sign of the zodiac Leo, attracts admirers to its bearer, and also protects from evil spells, evil eye, slander and intrigues of envy. Men-Lions as fittings will fit pendants, cufflinks, watches inlaid with amber. Such items will help to increase the tone and flow of vitality.


Ruby - another stone of the zodiacal king. Being a stone of fire, even in poor lighting, the ruby sparkles and shimmers like coal.

It helps men overcome insecurity, rise above the situation and fully appreciate the environment. In general, ruby wear is recommended to all those who want to acquire willpower and firmness of character.

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